Ladies, East African or West African?

Discussion in 'The International Perspective' started by XXX, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. XXX

    XXX New Member

    I've noticed something about a lot of IR relationships between WW and BM.

    Although I often see a lot of West African brothers (those who are of West African descent AND those who are from Western Africa), I have almost NEVER seen an East African (e.g. Somalian/Ethiopian/Ugandan) with a WW. Come to think of it, I can't ever remember a single instance of this occuring.

    Why is this?

    I know East Africans tend to come from somewhat more stricter cultures (in terms of dating) than West Africans - but if you consider ONLY Africa (and don't include those of West African descent who are living in America, for example)... then I don't think that holds true.

    For example, I know quite a few Nigerian dudes who are/were from fairly strict upbringings, but who never found it difficult to get with a WW. And I'm certainly not going to believe that ALL Eastern African men are culturally strict. So what gives for this discrepancy?

    WW, do you find East African men attractive?

    See I and a friend were discussing this. And while he sided on the cultural (he's Nigerian btw), I thought it was more to do with the physical. I think generally WA men are more robust and powerfully built than EA... and it kind of gives off that "strong", "masculine" feel that the ladies go crazy for. Or maybe I've been drinking a little too much and the WA blood in me is telling me to stop. You be the one to judge.

    But I'd really like to know everyone's thoughts on this, as it's been something I've been quite curious about for a while now.
  2. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

    An interesting thread, and one I like.

    Firstly, it's difficult even to generalise that broadly (ie,West, East- and what about Central/Southern- my love is from Botswana).

    I think you understand that though.

    In Australia, I see it go every which way. I have never noticed there is less/more from either side particularly, though countries, yes.

    My ex was born in Senegal. He had that long, lean but muscled and tall languid that can typify their men. The extremely powerful looking doesn't appeal to be, and I think Senegal is somewhat of an exception in the region in that respect.

    I addressed physique because you mentioned it, but I don't like detailing that, because that's not really that important to me. And I don't want to talk about people too muh that way. My ex, sadly it didn't work out because funnily enough his family became very high pressure for us to get hitched. He had been married before and it didn't work out, they did not have children and this was an embarressment to the family.

    He is from an extremely famous drumming family, their name is known around the world and they had come to accept with him pretty much based in Australia (but always a nomad) he would produce with a white woman- they just wanted him to hurry up and do it. I wasn't ready, and I see why now, because I have since met my really great love.

    His family tried very hard to get him to accept their glamourous lifestyle, but he could never shake his rasta roots (and I'm glad), so their was so much tension around it all.

    I would say I did not meet alot of men with white women in his circle, but this is partly because I think they were so much on show and it was important to them to marry a good woman from their first culture. Even me, I can understand this sentiment but you have to follow your heart.
    Ok.. back on topic. We are still friends and he gets along great with my man, which some might find wierd I guess.

    I have never noticed it at all, and I don't think you can assume women will prefer a different type.

    Plently of Kenyans here love white woman, but sadly lots of the time with these things, it's alot of screwin (from both sides that is), but not much lovin.

    I have had Sierra Leone, Liberian men try and tell me they are American. Ha, ha, so they go for white women too it seems (well I'm slavic/mediterreanean white anyway). They shy away when I ask them in French why they are ashamed of their culture, and then where exactly in the country they are from, ahahahahahah.

    I know a Ugandan/white girl couple as well.
  3. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    Interesting topic...
    I could actually write a lot about this,but I don't want to seem racist. So here's an extremely self-censored reply:

    Physically I generally do find men from west/central/southern Africa more attractive than men from East-Africa, and that is because of the build. However that's not really very important to me, and is not the reason why I don't think I would get involved with a man from East-Africa.

    I actually do know several women who have been involved with men from East-Africa (Somalia to be precise). But sadly it hardly ever seem to go too well in the long run. The cultural gap just seems to be way too big.

    I am in a relationship with a man from Cameroon, and I know women who are involved with men from Nigeria, Botswana, Senegal and Gambia, and we all seem to have a much easier time.
  4. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    My guess is that the effects of colonialism on the culture of West Africans was stronger than it was on East Africans. Even though there is typically quite a bit of distance (culturally) between the average Nigerian born man and the average WW....the difference is much less than it would be for an Ethiopian, Eritrean, Sudanese etc. man and a WW.

    Or it could be that East Africans have a more "pro-black" sentiment...I don't think they are racist but I do believe that East Africans are less interested in "assimilating' into Euro-culture...and perhaps they do a better job of maintaining their culture in new lands relative to West Africans.

    Of course it could be that West African men are seen (by WW) the way that blond haired, Scandinavian women are seen by other types of men...the greatest of contrasts.
  5. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    I think you are probably right there...Also with regards to Somalians, they tend to be mostly muslims, adding another dimension to the cultural gap.Their command of English usually isnt as good as their West African counterparts.Also, neglecting Somalians(a lot of asylum seekers), In the UK, East Africans Just dont have the numbers of west Africans. I think generally in Europe, West Africans far outnumber East Africans, and so statistically East african/ white unions are less likely.I'm not sure about the USA, but I guess, the situation wouldnt be too different.
  6. INJERA70

    INJERA70 New Member

    I gotta agree with you on this Ethiopians pride and joy that they have never been colonized. The Italians tried but we know how that ended.:smt071:smt086
  7. PearlGirl

    PearlGirl New Member

    This is an interesting topic. I've dated men from both regions and for me it has always been more about language than anything else. I am French Canadian and my preference is definitely for someone who speaks French, so I've met more men from West Africa that fit the profile. I've dated men from Senegal, Cameroon and Guinea-Bissau. I've also dated men from DRC, Burundi and Uganda (didn't speak French, of course.) When I meet someone new, I really try to approach them as individuals and get to know them for who they are, instead of assuming they will be a certain way because of where they're from.

    I know a few Eastern African men - from Somalia, Uganda and Rwanda - who are with WW.

    I admit to having a preference for African men over Carribean men though... but again, it depends on the person!
  8. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    French is the first language in DRC (congo). whachu talking bout??..

    As for the thread. Complete bullshit as always.

    Theres no preference, that i know of, when it comes to sexual relations between black men and white women..Its been my experience that white women (or white people in general) cant distinguish one black person from another, let alone, one african black person from another. So to say they prefer a guy from nigeria over a guy from congo, or tanzania is so stupid i cant even comment on such thought processing.

    Bottom line:::::WE ARE ALL BLACK TO THEM......

    But on a relationship stand point, the main reason relationships between west africans and white women last longer than do those between east africans and white women is due to cultural differences, as someone pointed out earlier. I can honestly admit that nigeria is more "westernized" than congo, which is more westernized than burindi (you get my drift). And since relationships in which both parties share similar interests (relations) last longer, its no surprise that white women from north america will last longer with nigerians than they would with congolese (lol).....

    But like i said. Based on looks alone, i dont think white women have a preference, as they obviously think we all look alike.

  9. Leksola

    Leksola New Member

  10. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    I think you might be right about this :smt045

    Just quoted parts of your thread, cause all you wrote were basically summed up in this BS...

    I can't say how much I disagree with you.

    Most white people can easily see the difference between an East- African and a West-African.

    However, most white people have very little knowledge of Africa and African geography, and hence they are not able to label which Africans who are East-Africans. So they'll play it safe by calling all Africans.

    To give you an example of how poor the geography knowledge is, here's
    a conversation I actually had with my uncle this weekend:
    My aunt (asking me): Where exactly is Cameroon?
    My Uncle: I know, it's near Kenya
    Me: Not exactly... It's next to Nigeria (My uncle has a high position in the oil business, so I assumed he knew where Nigeria is)
    My Uncle: Yes, but Nigeria is right east of Kenya...

    OK, my uncle obviously likes to be right, and he hates to admit when he doesn't know something... But given geography knowledge like this, how can anyone expect him to tell an East-African from a West-African? That doesn't mean the two faces will look alike to him though.
  11. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

  12. raocha

    raocha Active Member

    Looks like Captain Bloviation has struck once again.
  13. PearlGirl

    PearlGirl New Member

  14. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    I dont think its correct to say that WW are never to be seen with East Africans, but given the history of colonialism, there are a lot more west Africans in Europe.West Africans also have the advantage of language ie English or French. And I agree that countries like Nigeria are more westernised.
    But more and more Somalians are going abroad due to the turmoil in their country.
    Someone mentioned that East africans are sometimes Muslim eg somalia and Sudan, but there are also a lot of muslims in Nigeria and other countries of West africa.
    I think its just a question of numbers and I wouldnt say WW have anything against being with East Africans.
  15. Madiba

    Madiba New Member

    I am aware West Africa has a significant muslim population.I was specifically talking about Somalia, which is majority muslim... and as they make up a significant proportion of the East african population in Europe, I thought this would have an affect on the number of East African/white relationships.
  16. CuriousDiana

    CuriousDiana New Member


    Honestly... Usually, we tend to find mulatto and light skin/ coffee colored black men more attractive, like Shamar Moore, Boris Kodjoe, Rick Fox. Some women date dark men, but they like lighter ones more because theres an equal balance, they're not too dark, yet they still have those luscious full lips, dark brown eyes, and masculine facial features that dark black men have :smt055

    But I'd date Tyson Beckford any day! ;)
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2008
  17. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    WE don't tend to do anything. All women do not share your taste in men!

    Also: if someone is dating a very dark man, why do you assume they like the lighter ones more? :shock: That's ridiculous.

    In the future: Speak for yourself only please!!!

    And by the way: the topic was east-African vs west-African. Those guys you mentioned are neither. Nor do they look like they could be.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2008
  18. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    IMO the Somalians don't really seem too interested in white women. They usually stick to their own. Where I am (norway) they're not just a significant proportion of the East-African population. They make a significant proportion of the overall African population (40%). Yet, they don't at all make 40% of the mixed couples I know. (Actually they make none, since it never lasts...)
  19. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    I had the impression that Somalians were into european women (muslim women dont date outside their own but muslim men do so frequently).
    Unfortunately ww are still reluctant to date muslim men, even in what are considered liberal countries.
  20. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    In my experience, it is usually much more to do with cultural compatability than anything else. Physical appearance is not a very good indicator of anything other than lust, IMO.

    And, also, it's what is available. In Australia, where i am from, we have relatively very few West Africans, as they do mostly go to Europe I suppose. I'm not saying that we have none, just probably not in the proporions of other places.

    In my observation, the vast majority of Africans in my area are from The Sudan. Given that the majority of these refugees due to their Christianity, their culture is more similar to ours than Islamic culture. I have never heard of an African Muslim man and a Aus WW relationship working out. It's not a cultural gap, it's a cultural chasim.

    I think that generally, it would be equal. and is dependant on so many things that it's not really possible to draw conclusions. Appearance, language, culture, education.

    I would guess that anywhere that was a British colony is going to get along better with Aus than a non-British colony just because of a similar background. But, really, to's all about education and westernisation. Physical appearance is only so important.

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