If we dont protect our allies what do you think will happen to us? Attacks. Do you think peace is maintained because other countries are nice??
Our allies!! Oh that's funny. What you fail to realize is that it's not our job to protect other countries. The government wastes our money giving it to them, like the missle thing in Eastern Europe. How the hell is putting missles in Europe protecting America? Oh, I forgot. The evil Iranians might attack the free world. The missles should be in our country, protecting our airspace. Please tell me if Iran, Iraq, Vietnam, or any other country we have fought or had words with (in Iran's case) has ever attacked US soil. I think you'll find that they have not. It's been our government who initiated force. Secondly, there's no country that needs American protection. Europe has 450 million people. Surely they can take care of themselves. Japan is an advanced country. Surely it can take care of itself If the US persued non-intervention, the world would not be any more dangerous than it is now. It might even be safer. No one would dare attack us because they would have no reason to. We could have trade and commerce with everyone and be secure in the knowledge that all the problems in the world are not our concern. Those countries can sort there problems out It was a nice try to paint me as some left-wing radical with your comment about oil, but I shot you down there
gee I dont remember calling you left wing at all. Russia is nothing more than bully and when they can they will try to impose their will. They killed a reporter in england the bottom line is they are a evil empire. We need our allies and our allies need us. I am not going to convince you and you are not going to convince me. I could give more details but I have to get to class.
I don't care about Russia. Regardless of what type of government they have (pretty much a statist, unfree country), they have done nothing to the US. Yes, I'm familiar with the Litvenenko case. But that's something that the UK government should deal with, not the US. It's as simple as that. We will have to agree to disagree
Where do you get your information, FIX, I mean FOX NEWS? Georgia was egged on by the US to attack Russia, oooo that's what's missing from the radar screen on the mass media. You think one of McCain's advisors being there to broker a deal with Georgia was just happenstance?? http://news.sbs.com.au/dateline/abkhazia__crisis_in_the_caucuses__558021 Watch and LEARN....
Its not scary because Congress isn't backing another war anytime soon. Plus there is no manpower for a third war. If they actually tried to get into the white house and then talk about another war and a possible draft. They would be dragged out the white house.