What's going on with you?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by suprchic73, Jul 28, 2008.

  1. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    So, I thought it might be cool to have a thread where we could just talk about what's going on in eachother's lives? I think this was mentioned (in passing) in some other thread. But, since we're always throwing around our opinions about stuff, this might be a nice change of pace. You can talk about the deep stuff, or just the regular every day crap that we all deal with. Maybe this could be one of those "on-going" threads, just like the Pics thread used to be. We'll see though.....

    ....who's first? :wink:
  2. socalgirl

    socalgirl New Member

    I'll go...

    I just put my kids on a plane with their dad on Friday. They're gone for two weeks and I already miss them BAD. :(
  3. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    awww, poor socalgirly. But look on the bright side: you've got two weeks to walk around in your underwear!

    Me? It's always SSDD with me! Procrastinating with homework, begging more hours at work, being broke, and living on ramen and taters. *L*

    3 exciting things:

    1) My most benevolent mother bought me a new cellphone so I could switch to Cricket, so now I have unlimited minutes! Downside: no one calls me anymore cause they don't realize I have a new number :(

    2) The quarterly concert is coming up at school and I'm thinking of doing a Joni Mitchell cover, and a Sarah Maclachlan cover...and/or an original, if I can find a guitar to borrow in time to practice.

    3) In less than a month I get to see the only "rock" band I still bother keeping tabs on. NINE INCH NAILS OMFG!!!!! Quite exciting. Even more awesome? The concert is on my wedding anniversary, so I get to celebrate being divorced in style.
  4. Moskvichka

    Moskvichka New Member

    I've been cooking more and more lately. I'm making (sometimes not very successfully) all these Polish dishes: zrazy, pyzy, kopytki, golabki, etc, and getting really into it! My little brother is the biggest fan of my cooking. It's great that any recipe you want is online.
  5. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    superdoll.....good change of pace....some need it.....cudos to you! as for socalgal...sometimes its good to poke your head up out the water and get a breath of fresh air....just think you will have all the more energy to do things with them when they return.... :D

    my life......lol....all in all i am healthy and that is what is the most important. I just moved to Los Angeles in January from Phoeniz so i am still getting to know the area....

    i have discovered a new monster drink-the purple one...and come to the conclusion it tastes like ass!..... :butthead:

    i also figured out that my crazy talkin parrot loves house parties....

    besides that.....same old crap.....i have been craving a donut lately...i might go tomorrow mornin and get me a darn good one....with a nice cup of coffee....

    simple things make me happy.......
  6. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    socal....your kids will be back soon! just like disposable said, now you can walk around in your undies....or better yet, totally naked!! lol, :eek: pamper yourself, girl!

    disposable, nobody ever calls me either....so don't feel bad! and yay for rock concerts...woot!! :lol:

    i don't have much news....but i did get pulled over for the very first time last night, with my husband and my brother in the car - they were excited to be with me, b/c they are always teasing me about what a "perfect" driver i am, lol. but, i ended up getting a freakin' $94 non-moving violation citation for "unsafe equipment", b/c one of my freakin headlights is out. it's been out since like march - i hit a deer, and at the time, had no money, me and my husband had no jobs, and insurance wouldn't cover it. LAME!!! and what makes it even more annoying, is the cop that pulled me over, wasn't even a city or state cop....he was a cop with the local community college. EVEN LAMER!! guess he was "in training" and had to meet his quota. oh well....life goes on, haha!
  7. suprchic73

    suprchic73 New Member

    i love simplicity! i am such a simple person - it rocks my world, lol! :p

    and about the donut - krispy kreme all the way, baby!! see, on the 8th day, God created krispy kreme....every donut to follow is just a poor, man-made imitation, lol!

    :lol: :lol:
  8. life5577

    life5577 New Member

    lol those dang po-pos.........always gotta get someone....that really wants me to go get donuts.........lol
  9. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    I'm quite sad for 2 reasons.

    1)I still live with my family.Mom,3 younger siblings. My mom took the 2 lil ones aged 8 and 10 on holidays while my 18 years old sister and I are staying home.Friday night my sister wanted to throw a party and invited 4 people,one of them her boyfriend.
    The guy totally flipped out over something not even worth raising your voice because that dude is just agressive by nature.
    So to avoid any further stress my sister locked herself in her room and since she was crying,I decided to come in and calm her down.
    But then her boyfriend got even more aggressive due to her locking herself in there and he kicked in the door-and not only that.He also kicked against her bed.So both are destroyed now.They broke up but like every time he flips out she will probably also take him back.

    2My boyfriend got his birthday today and I cannot celebrate it with him due to him still being in Iraq.
    I know it's only about 1 1/2 months til he comes back but this special day I notice even more how much I miss him.
    He also sent me pictures and I noticed he must lost about 20 lbs.

    But I try not to think of all that too much :)
  10. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Trying to escape the heat....supposed to be 105 degrees today (about 41 C). Which means it'll really be about 108 to 110 F. You haven't lived until you try and go out and jog at 9 am in the morning and it's already 90 degrees with both humidity and scorching heat. Bad combination....and not a drop of rain....or clouds for that matter...in the sky.

    Life is going to be boring for another month.

    Mind changes each day....sometimes I want a relationship...other times I enjoy being single.

    Need to shave....not too bad because my dark brown skin makes it appear that I don't need to shave

    Surprised by my lack of armpit hair relative to my (somewhat) hairy legs

    Need to clip my toenails while they are still manageable

    I want to get back down to 140-150 lbs (like high school) because I could run all day with unmatched stamina....but it's harder to fill out a shirt at that weight....I'm thinking 165-175 lbs is better....currently at 187....look ok...but it's hard to run with the extra size....
  11. Blacktiger2005

    Blacktiger2005 Well-Known Member

    A Birthday Surprise

    I'm frantically trying to come up with something unique for my lady's birthday. I did thought of an outfit for her since she loves clothes. She has so many clothes and shoes that I'm stumped. I love her when she wears black and white which makes her so stunning with her long jet black hair. But finding the right outfit that she would like is the key.
  12. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    I am in a serious state of confusion.

    I am moving in two weeks. I have starting packing etc.

    Today I was offered another job. My dream job. The job I have been working my whole life for.
    I don't know what to do. I have signed a contract but more importantly I have given my word.
    I am currently drinking wine hoping to come to an answer.

    ARGH! :cry:
  13. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    You could atleast provide specifics as to what kinda job offer got you drinking wine over.....

  14. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    correct me if im wrong my young friend

    But is it just me, or are you morbidly concerned with shaving your legs, pedicures and your body weight??..

    If i wasnt so high right now, id call you thechosenwoman


    But seriously, a weight of 140 something is ANOREXIC. Im only 195 and i feel uncomfortably skinny
  15. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    Policy advisor at the United Nations. I would be based in NYC but a lot of travel as my area requires field work and assessment.

    Still drinking
  16. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Talking about drinking,,,,do you swallow?? ;)

    and congrats on the UN gig.......My uncle works as a diplomat for the US. GREAT benefit package, his kids went to private school and college free of charge. So i envy you

  17. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member


    Charming as usual. Where do you live in Toronto? It sounds like you have a lot of negative things to say about TO so I wonder what area you live in? I loved it when I lived there. I was also there this weekend and I had a great time.
  18. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    It's not bad because I'm really short ('5-7").

    I like my hairy legs....used to use the deodorant that's chalky and clumps up in your armpits....ended up pulling a lot of that crap out of my pits but the hair left with it

    I've gotta clip them..cause those babies can get caught in my socks...not comfortable 8)
  19. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    Work is really busy, I'm very tired, just broke up with the guy I've been with for about 6 months, and having my first holiday in eight months from this Saturday.
  20. Persephone

    Persephone New Member

    140 is only anorexic if it's too small for your body type. I'm only 5'8, but if I weighed 140 I'd be dead. My bones are too dense, and probably weigh more than that by themselves. Healthy weight isn't determined without factoring in height -and- bone density. A 5'8 woman with thinner bones than me would have a smaller target weight than me, easy. I'm certainly not anorexic by a long shot, but I weigh more than people can tell, cause they don't realize I'm so solidly built. Heh. I give a new meaning to "thick"!

    Now then. What's going on? I'm sick. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( I feel so horrible. I missed work monday, left class early yesterday, thinking about leaving class early today cause by the time I get through work I'm gonna feel so bad.

    :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

    I've had a headache since Friday, too.


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