The Best IR movie and TV episode of All Time

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Soulthinker, Feb 29, 2008.

  1. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    maybe it was misrepresenting the league a bit..

    but the NFL has had it's share of roid issues, gang-banging players (pac-man jones, anyone?), drug-addicts (michael irvin snorting coke rings a bell)

    the list goes on and on..

    playmakers was just trying to make some money, on the darker side of the league..

    the darker side that some people didn't want exposed, for obvious reasons..

    if those people had their way, news reports on such aforementioned issues, would cease to exist as well
  2. nooboy

    nooboy Member

  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    now would that be some phony kiss, or is she actually slurping on my man's chest?


    you're saving all of us a lot of time, by digging up these scenes...

    some of them I remember, but a lot of them are new to me. Never knew this much IR was going down in hollywood.
  4. nooboy

    nooboy Member

  5. nooboy

    nooboy Member

  6. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Playmakers was one of my fave shows on ESPN. One of the reasons why the NFL got into a tizzy was one of the football players on that team was gay. I wished it went to Showtime or HBO. Oh yes has anyone seen that football series back in the day called First and Ten? In the final season of that show OJ Simpson was doing IR.
  7. nooboy

    nooboy Member

  8. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    I used to have that movie on tap..

    only reason i bought it, was because Liv was on the cover with Ice Cube...

    figured some IR would be goin' down.
  9. nooboy

    nooboy Member

  10. RedFox

    RedFox New Member

    ok I was cool with these clips and everything but come one..dont make this into a porn channel now..
  11. nooboy

    nooboy Member

    Sorry :( Truth is, i really had no other clips to post at the moment.

    Anyway, did the last set of clips really offend everybody here??
  12. nooboy

    nooboy Member

  13. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    fox is under 18 ya'll...

    have some decency

  14. nooboy

    nooboy Member

  15. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    With IR scenes that posted on this thread I wished someone who is livin large to make a film that does not care what Hollywood thinks and having a actress of a Julia Stiles cavalier would make a great film.
  16. DarkSyde24

    DarkSyde24 Member

    If that was the case, then nearly all these clips are too adult for his virgin eyes anyway. Sorry youngin' but this topic (screw it, this whole site) is Rated R. As an alternative, might I suggest site. Degrassi usually has at least one interracial couple at any given time. :wink:
  17. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    as long as penetration ain't shown, it's rated R right


    just make sure momma ain't lookin at ur computer screen while you surf this site..

    don't want to flip a sistah out
  18. nooboy

    nooboy Member

  19. nooboy

    nooboy Member

  20. hellspawn72

    hellspawn72 Member

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