White women give better Oral Love?

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by Obsidian71, Oct 11, 2007.

  1. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    There is some funny s*%t in here. As for myself...I have had only one good BJ. (And it wasn't because she swallowed...although that does make it 10 times better.) It was from a WW, and the reason I say it was the only good one is because she was the only woman willing to open her mouth wide enough to get more than just the head in her mouth.
    I hope its not too graphic for the ladies.
    Like one of the earlier threads about getting an escalade in a tiny garage. Well me getting a decent BJ from a black or white woman is going to be like watching a camel walk through the eye of a needle. Ain't gonna happen!
  2. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    I tell you - I learn sooooooo much on these boards! :lol:
  3. dudaroosky

    dudaroosky New Member


    it all depends on the individual woman and race has nothing to do with it. I've had BW whose head game was out of this world and I've had WW whose head game was garbage, and vice versa.
  4. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    That's the gospel. Another well-versed brutha helps to dismantle this myth.

    HOWEVER, this doesn't mean our research should stop. You never know what trend will develop. I think the ww on this board need to defend theirselves, please prove to us we're wrong! I'm a willing subject. Where'es the ww on here with pride in their head-game? Where's the true Head-Doctors on here?:twisted:
  5. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Well, I certainly wouldn't call myself an expert, but...I would say that willingness plays some role. From my point of view, there's nothing worse than a dude who obviously doesn't want to be there...he has to be into it, or i'm not...
    I would imagine it works both ways?!?!
  6. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    Very valid point. Enthusiasm and pride in what you're doing will be evident. You gotta make love to the d**k, talk to it, baby it. Let it know you care and you can't live w/out it. :twisted:
  7. JasieS

    JasieS New Member

    Right here, I've got pride in my head game. (maybe too much) My husband goes crazy when I'm down there and I LOVE IT! :p :smt016

    Most definitely. I pretend the dick is my best friend, love it like nothing else. It's like a giant diamond, worship it. Then pretend it's a popsicle and go nuts with it. You do have to enjoy it and be excited to give a good one, at least I do. I swear every time I put my lips next to it and start talking, it just rises and rises cuz it's happy to see me!!! :p Perfecting a BJ is hard and it also depends on the penis too. You would think a small one would be ideal to give the perfect BJ but sometimes it's not. Don't get me wrong, I haven't given like 5 billion of them, but enough to know. :D
  8. tdyson42

    tdyson42 Member

    I doubt this has much to do with race. Definately depends on the girl. I like doing it, but I know some girls who won't even do it. Or they will do it reluctantly. I find it very stimulating. I love just going down on my guy spontaniously. Even if it doesn't lead to sex. I just like how the penis responds to touch. It just comes alive in your hands.
  9. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    :shock: Aaaaawwwww damn......I need a cigarette now. :oops:
    Do you have a sister?
  10. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    Gottdamn, I just had to read that again. This is the prototype woman. :!:
  11. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    {clearing throat}Uh, I am single. Just thought I'd let you know.
  12. tdyson42

    tdyson42 Member

    (i'm blushing) :)
  13. sunra666

    sunra666 New Member

    Agree with heartsforspades...It's an individual thing....some women are in to it and others aren't--regardless of race
  14. seviya

    seviya New Member

    Agreed too. Just as some guys aren't into it (see the thread Black men don't go down?).

    But I'll tell you this. I think that if you are really really gaga head-over-heels attracted to someone, you're going to want to do it - and do it well (I keep hearing that song "doin it n doin it n doin it well" lol). I know plenty of girls who wouldn't go down on certain boyfriends for whatever reason, but the second they found their Adonis they were all over that like sugar on a lollypop. If you're really into someone, it's kind of like all inhibitions are gone and you just want to explore explore explore where all this passion can take you.

    Also, as you age your sexuality expands and you tend to have less problems with sex. Mental problems, I mean. You know more about yourself, what you like doing, and you also have enough experience and fewer hangups so that things that grossed you out when you were younger don't anymore. Hope that makes sense.

    Myself, when I dated WM, I would enjoy giving head at first, but only to kind of show off I guess. Honestly looking back at it, head (and sex) with a WM was never a shared experience, it felt like me doing stuff to him or him doing stuff to me. It never felt like something to be enjoyed together. And bc of that, after giving head I would never swallow or anything, and always felt a bit greasy and used bc it was all so one-sided (even the WM who have given me head all seemed to be there just for the duration, "if you wouldn't mind hurrying up please this is kind of boring" sort of thing, and how am I supposed to get excited about giving him head in return??). Not to say all WM are like that, but that was my experience (and I've dated some nice WMs, it's just this I-must-win sort of vibe that they project, I don't know.)

    But dammmmnnnn with black men that thing is like my best friend, I don't care when where how or why, heartsofspades has the right of it, oh let me quote lil kim "anywhere anyhow down for anything" BM just turn me on so much more - all my inhibitions are GONE. Head (and of course sex) with BM just make me so happy - it's like, FINALLY, we're together, we're on the same page!! For the longest time (hell I'm almost 30 so practically 15 years!!) I had thought something was seriously wrong with me . . . But no, I just needed me a black man (And to all you who hate the generalizations, I just needed to be with the black men I've been with, how's that.)

    Who knew!!! :D So to sum up, I think that if someone has trouble giving head or doing a non-physically-painful sex act, they need to maybe look at their relationship. If you're not feeling it, it may be a sign. That's my lunchtime contribution, anyway.
  15. kirsty

    kirsty New Member

    I agree. I think the relationship aspect is very important. Before I wasn’t all that excited about giving a BJ because in most cases it was like he was saying, “Do me and I’ll do you” or it felt as if he was only going down on me to moisten my pussy so that we could get on to sex. So I just couldn’t get into it. But now, my bf truly wants to please me and it is such a different experience. So I never have a problem going down on him. We have plenty of occasions when only one of us will go down on the other at a given time.
  16. Selecta

    Selecta New Member

    I find it fascinating that when most white women and black men hook up inhibition is thrown out the door :lol:
  17. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    I think it should be said freaky women give better oral, cause black girls can put it on ya!, but I will say (one of th reasons why I love these kind of whitegirls) whitegirls that prefer black men only are bonified head doctors.
    it's like a fudgsicle to them I swear, just straight freaks for real, Yo intrigue if ya need a fix pittsburgh more so on the northside where Im from got em :)
    Damn Im glad I met them :D :D

    I knew one whitegirl that went in rhythm like she would jerk with one and just went with short ticklish-like slurps it will go like slurp..slurp..slurp..slurp
    and just all of sudden she will speed up and go bobblehead like
    slurp, slurp,slurp.slurp,slurp,slurp then go back to her rhythm pace but take the popsicle approach and go like slurp&swallow, slurp&swallow, slurp&swallow and make an "mmm" sound while it was still in her mouth, then she'll take it out as she breathe a little maybe lick it some as she continue to jerk it but still kept the rhytm with her hand and go at again but switch up the order.
  18. sarahgirl

    sarahgirl New Member

    I have a good technique for giving oral if anyone wants to know. Anyways it works like a charm and drives them nuts.
  19. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    Feel Free. I know a lot of them so I might of probably heard of it or tried.
  20. sarahgirl

    sarahgirl New Member

    Well most of this is pretty well known I would guess, but I'll start from the beginning.

    First you wanna get his entire penis wet with your mouth, then you wanna use your hand at the base of his dick and kinda twist up and down, do this simultaneously while you have your mouth on his dick but twisting your head in the opposite direction. Does that make sense?

    Do all this while swirling your tounge and feeling his balls, this way there is so much going on, he doesn't know what to do.

    I also moan or hum while I'm doing this, it drives them crazy, keep your mouth on his dick when he cums and then swallow.

    LOL did I teach you anything new?

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