I guess The Issac Hayes Estate & all of the various musical artist that have sent Trump cease & desist letters are suffering from this bullshit MAGA invented "Trump Derangement Syndrome"......
Yeah Normie Americans were probably Real Confused about that...terminal case of being too online, And Trump got easily baited by Kamala talking about his crowd sizes.
Just go vote if you haven't done so already by way of early voting. If Trump makes it back into the White House it will be the same way he did when he ran against Clinton : Red State Electorial College fuckery. Conservative/MAGA policies aren't popular despite what various media outlets will try to say. If they were then Conservatives wouldn't be trying to make voting harder for certain demographics of the populace or gerrymander voting districts to stack votes in their favor to win offices.
The late Quincy Jones about Donald Trump : “I used to hang out with him. He’s a crazy motherf***er. Limited mentally – a megalomaniac, narcissistic. I can’t stand him.” “A symphony conductor knows more about how to lead than most businesspeople – more than Trump does. He doesn’t know s***. Someone who knows about real leadership wouldn’t have as many people against him as he does. He’s a f***ing idiot.