Once u go black u never go back

Discussion in 'Stereotypes and Myths' started by IndoGal, Feb 16, 2007.

  1. 2legit

    2legit Active Member

    Aren't you stereotyping ? When others stereotype you because of your skin color you are mad but it's ok for you to say shit about the adherents of Islam...GREAT :lol: BTW what about black American Muslims ? Do they also not have self control as you stated or do you believe they are different folk ???

    I wish you said this crap infront of AA Muslims so they whop you ass :lol:
  2. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    This is the point I was also making. We shouldnt stereotype people either because of colour Or religion. I have nothing but vrespect for my black boyfriend and that includes his religion. so many white racists try to discourage WW from dating blacks and also muslims. Im happy.
  3. 2legit

    2legit Active Member

    Being happy is good for you sarah. Do you know numerous studies have supported the belief that people with an upbeat and positive perspective tend to be healthier and enjoy longer lives than those who are generally gloomy and cynical about the future. This is how jayklen keeps upbeat when I am having a bad day I try to think about the good things that happened to me the day before i.e the pretty girl who smiled and said THANK YOU while I was holding the door for her and pretty soon I myself start feel good and my gloominess goes away.... That is a trick :lol:

    I want share this with you it's informative.....

  4. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Some stay with Black men but some don't. It depends on how deep the love for the brothers.
  5. DI

    DI New Member

    thats sounds sooo good to me!))) but can u explain why? i just wonder...
  6. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Jay,mainstream Muslims don't give a rats behind to African-American Muslims. When those planes went into the WTC their white boy cards were destroyed. They stood by when African-American muslims go to jail and persecuted and didn't even associate with Elijah Muhammad's son when he broke away with Farrakhan. Plus not a peep from them about Malcolm X. I don't give much sympathy to the Muslims.
  7. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    Soulthinker, why are u so against muslims?
    I have a preference for dating bm and if he is a muslim, so be it.
    Tolerance! !
    Any girls got comments on this?
  8. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    I wouldn't be interested in dating a muslim man
  9. designer

    designer New Member

    Is this due to recent events like 9/11 or does it have more to do with the “male is always first” type culture?

    I'm just asking because after 9/11 and Darfur my outlook on things changed.
    I don't think for the better either...
  10. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    It probably stems from a comparative religion class I took in college many years ago, and my limited experiences with Muslim men. When I was in college one of my roommates dated quite a few and I didn't care for how they were about things.

    I think over the years I've become less tolerant maybe too. At one point in life I wouldn't have been concerned much with beliefs and religion and I was more intrigued by differences. I think when I was younger, I didn't realize how much one's beliefs, religion, culture, etc really impacted how they thought and everything they may do.

    Many of the cultural differences wouldn't work for my life.

    I realize I'm being extremely general here. And much depends upon where someone was raised and how they were raised, etc. But I just don't see it for myself.
  11. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    To be honest, I would have problems dating a Muslim too, for many reasons

    1. Religion in it self, isn't really important to me, but traditions are. I'd like to share my traditions (like Easter and Christmas) with my partner, and want those events to be as important to him as they are for me.( Hence I'd also have trouble dating a Buddhist.)

    2. What little I've read of the Koran (I've only read parts that concerns women's issues), really don't appeal to me. Actually all of it it more or less freaks me out... No matter how liberal a Muslim BF would be, I'd still have problems with him being a follower of a religion that reflects (IMO) such low regard for women.

    3. The majority of the biggest racists I've ever met, are Muslims. Sorry, I've probably just had bad luck, but that's how it is.
    For instance I've go a GF who's a Turkish Kurd (she's awesome). Some years ago, my workplace got a new co-worker, who's also a Turk. I started what I thought of as a normal friendly, conversation, saying "Oh, you're from Turkey, I've got a GF from Turkey, maybe you know her? Her name is ****" And the women just looks at me like I'm an idiot, and says "That's not a Turkish name. She's not a Turk. She's a Kurd. Kurd's aren't Turks. They're a completely different race. Actually they can hardly even be considered humans." :shock: (Of course I know about the Kurdish-Turkish conflict, but still...) And when I later told her that her comment was probably the most racist thing I've ever heard (come on, claiming that Kurds aren't humans!) she just said "No, I'm not a racist. How can I be? I'm not white!" :shock:
    Sorry, but I'm just human. Anyone with a few encounters of that sort will naturally become a sceptic. I could mention several other examples as well. Most of them not quite as bad, but some are pretty close...
  12. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    I wouldn't consider dating a muslim. I've seen to many examples of relationship between muslim and non-muslim which didn't work out. Even if it starts of as being no problem, it has always become one once the couple had a child. I simply think the gap of believes and values/ morals which determine all of our actions is simply to large, even when the couple may be made of non believers of their respective faith (in my opinion).
  13. tdyson42

    tdyson42 Member

    Some might say that is prejudice, but I think not. Religion is not like race or gender, which you are born with. It is a choice. True most people choose the religion of their parents, but it is still a choice, and one that tells a lot about the person making it.

    Religion is very fundemental to how we view the world and what we believe about what makes a good person and how to interact with other people. I am not religious myself as as such, I see a lot in both Christianity and Islam (mostly Islam) that I don't agree with, so I am not going to set myself up for failure by getting involved with someone I know from the outset is going to be incompatible with me on some very basic, non-negotable points.
  14. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    of course everybody is entitled to their opinions. But we should be tolerant of others and what they do (and im not suggesting that ppl here are tolerant). What annoys me are ppl -WM as a rule- who look down on you because you are dating 1) a BM and 2) a Muslim. We should be free to date Muslim men if we wish. But just like everyone else, there are muslims who are open and tolerant and others who are not. At least my man accepts e as i am.and I him
  15. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    Correction ..... Im not suggesting that people here are intolerant.
  16. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Hi Sarah, I agree nobody should look down on a WW or any woman for dating a Christian, Muslim, Mormon or any faith. It's a personal decision and no outsider has the right to judge someone elses relationship choices.
  17. KnCA

    KnCA New Member

    I would agree. Obviously, people are free to date who they wish. It's not anyone else's business.

    I would say however, that in my experience, there can be a huge difference between how muslim men behave prior to marriage (and children) and afterwards.
  18. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Some Muslim men are tolerant but,most are not. Even if you shown them parts of the Koran where women have a right to do some things they will never adhere to it. Their traditions and the parts of the Koran where they have control over a female is paramount.
  19. BoredMale

    BoredMale New Member

    Maybe a little late for answering, since it was one and a half year ago you wrote this, but I really feel that I need to answer to this:

    As far as I know, White males didn't coin that term. Although White males did coin the confronting term: "Once you go Black, we don't want you back."

    Insecure, it depends on what you mean. If a White woman had dated a Black man because she loved him because of his personality and not just because of his skin color, then I don't think any White man would have a problem with dating her. Although if she happens to be an "ex-black c*** lover", than the White males would react a little different and being "insecure", I guess. And I don't even think many White men would have cared about that, even if they do exist. I have a White friend that is not racist, he was on a night club and got in to a fight with a couple of immigrants because he "happened to look at someones girlfriend" (yes, many immigrants, especially muslims [it was muslims] where I live are ass*****, that's not our fault). The girl got mad at her boyfriend and started to make out with my friend, and he just smiled and said thanks. When he told his friends about it, some of them got "ew, being in the same mouth as a muslim", but that proves that not all White males are "insecure".

    Although when I was in school, there was a girl that "never ever would date a Swedish guy" and pretty much every immigrant on the school had f***ed her. She later on was beaten by her boyfriend, and if she ever wanted to "go back" (I don't know what happened to her, because she moved) she wouldn't have it easy. Even though she was a "major league hottie", I don't think even the "worst" wigger of Swedish ancestry would even grab her with a forceps after having that attitude. I guess she must have "gone back", since she moved, lol.

    So, what I'm saying is, it's a little difference on interracial dating and Interracial dating. Some people who do it are just regular people, and some who do it are "ass****s" in peoples eyes.
  20. WW ONLY

    WW ONLY Restricted

    Last edited: Apr 1, 2009

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