
Discussion in 'Welcome Center and Announcements' started by AdrianneN, Jun 29, 2022.

  1. AdrianneN

    AdrianneN New Member

    Hello I am Adrianne and been interested in dating black men.My first time and have help including advice already.My friend Rachel is married to a black man and she has been a great help.Talked her about it last week,she has given me great advice.Recently divorced and rebuilding my life.Luckily no issues with my family on this,talked to them on it too.My family is cool about it,they have no problem with it at all
  2. CAkicker

    CAkicker Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the site
  3. AdrianneN

    AdrianneN New Member

    My friend Rachel,said it was worth it for her and is glad I am going to do it.I like trying new things that are good
  4. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    What was worth it for her?
  5. AdrianneN

    AdrianneN New Member

    She never liked white guys since I have known her.It always has been black guys
  6. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    ohhhh got ya!!! Haha smart woman, the saying is true best believe haha
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  7. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the site, AdrianneN.
  8. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    Welcome @AdrianneN. Black men aren't all that different from white men, honestly. We just look much, much better when our skin tones are up against each other lol!
  9. beccaomecca

    beccaomecca Well-Known Member

    @AdrianneN you’ll never hear from @Since1980 I’ve locked him up in the basement for throwing such blasphemy out there, he knows full well not to compare the black man to the white man because there IS NO comparison lmao.
  10. vanille

    vanille Active Member

    Some points seems to be ok, some are totally biased and some are complete bullshit
  11. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    For example?
  12. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Welcome to the site.

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