LOL I should plea the 5th! The funny thing is one time when I did and was audited, they had to end up paying me! Have you ever had sex with someone you didn't like?
LOL. I'd never have that kind of luck. Of course I'm too chicken to try cheating on them anyway. No. Have you ever broken a bone?
No.... I'm a law enforcement officer and I've looked down the barrel of a gun and about as near death experience as any man that is a public servant could face...
I don't put myself in those positions anymore especially in today's Arena and lack of respect for law enforcement officials that actually do their job the right way.
I hear you, it’s not an envious role to be in and just like over here the good cops don’t get paid enough to do their job. They don’t do their job here, but just like over there, there’s both good and useless cops.
You're throwing off the thread, dude. Refer to the first post in the thread for the rules of the game and follow them, please & thank you. LMAO...evidently so. Now, let's get the game back on track: Yes. Have you ever had plastic surgery?