BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. Skaddix

    Skaddix Well-Known Member

    Those categories aren't mutually exclusive. He looks like a light skin black dude to me.
  2. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    In this week's episode of "1883" . . . it seems to me that when realism is forsaken so racism doesn't get portrayed then the true authenticity of the work suffers somewhat. In this series we have witnessed more and more white women engaging in interracial sex than I had ever thought plausible . . . and the most unbelievable aspect is how the white men acquiesce to the interracial socializing . One cowboy summarized his plight as thus "Welp . . . looks like muh gurl just rode off with an Injun . . . guess this isn't my day (*shrugs*). The protagonist of the series ~ Isabel: [​IMG]

    has now just had multiple interracial sex scenes with a Comanche warrior who she agreed to belong to but her father didn't seem to mind nearly as much as a white cowboy in 1883 likely would because he had to be pressured by his wife to shoot the guy to save their daughter from being corrupted . . . but he didn't have much opposition to the union.

    The Black cowboy Thomas ~ [​IMG]


    has been making progress with his white pioneer paramour in the European immigrant Noemi but it would resonate more with me if there were more racial opposition in the way the show portrays how they are perceived by the white folks at the time . . . lol like he has never had any racial epithets hurled at him when riding into town to trade or anything so it is like a a Western Fantasy show at this point with surprise shots of pretty white breasts and buttocks every now and then being caressed by men of color . . . and the white lynch mob of the late 19th century is no where to be found lol :)
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2022
  3. Skaddix

    Skaddix Well-Known Member

    I think its less bad in the sense that Noemi is a Gypsy or Romani (they are not popular in Europe) Widow and Thomas is basically one of the guys running the show. So there really no one to care about that or get mad at him.

    I agree on Isabel and Comanche Warrior though that doesn't compute. @Young Herschel
  4. ryanpaulstewart

    ryanpaulstewart Well-Known Member

    I haven’t seen this show but I’ve been studying the expansion of segregation into the western territories and the most interesting takeaway from that study is that racism, post-civil war in the west, is surprisingly uneven. Many of these territories were focused on survival and viability - legitimacy. Once that was achieved around the turn of the century, Southern-style racism inspired the virulent racism of white supremacy.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2022
  5. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    You should read this book by Martha Hodes

    I haven't seen this series but it sounds like by your description they are getting some of their material from this book.
  6. Jeffrey Tripp

    Jeffrey Tripp Well-Known Member

    Black men and White women were risking life and limb to get together.
  7. Wallace West

    Wallace West Member

    He´s gonna lose, she´s not straight. Not sexy thing, definitely not really romantic thing, so hard pass. It´s like that thing with Jenna Ortega.
  8. Summerred

    Summerred Well-Known Member

    I didn't know about 1883, seems interesting, i like some old west story specially when there is some diversity in the cast even if they are just doing the bare minimun, but i agree that it's hard to buy that two WW having relationship with BM and a native american would be ignored as not a big deal and nobody would look twice in 1883.
    I bet this TV show is produced and writed by white people and it's a Paramount production. I just don't see Paramount touching a subject as racism that some people in Hollywood still act like it's too controversial to speak with the same bold approuch that HBO did with Watchmen. I remember people complaining in social media about Watchmen showing the story about what happened in Tulsa. HBO knew what was coming when they did it and since they are a more high profile brand than Paramount, they knew their brand would be fine after all, they got Emmy awards and the TV show was cancelled after season 1 but i think this was the plan, just one season was enough. Paramount probably want 1883 to be the next Yellowstone, so they can keep making seasons as much as is possible. I think Yellowstone is getting season 5 now.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2022
  9. Wallace West

    Wallace West Member

    So this was on TV back on 2016, latinamerican TV, "Victoria, La Esclava Blanca", love story on slavery time. Victoria and Miguel. [​IMG]
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 19, 2022
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  10. Skaddix

    Skaddix Well-Known Member

    I think it s or was on Netflix.
  11. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member


  12. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Finished "The Women in the House..." last night. After watching the finale, I now sorta understand why some website labeled the show as part comedy. That finale was just so stupid & ridiculous.
  13. Summerred

    Summerred Well-Known Member

    Still need check this tv show and i'm sure they are making some old love triangle shit, but this two look good together. Apparently their ship is called Griffsley. The ship's name is always so weird but the couple is beautiful.
    Screenshot_20220222-150423.png Screenshot_20220222-150447.png Screenshot_20220222-151554.png Screenshot_20220222-151706.png
  14. LucasBanner

    LucasBanner Member

    My thoughts on their relationship, as someone who has seen all the episodes
    I don't think it's looking good for him, last few episodes he has been in has only been as her man, and he's been on screen for like a minute or two. He has no role on the show other than being with her, whereas her ex-bf the white guy is a doctor that works with her and he is on the show alot.
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  15. Summerred

    Summerred Well-Known Member

    I should not be surprise, it's like they aren't even trying to do a decent love triangle when one guy have much more storyline and screen time than the other, isn't even a fair competition. I feel bad for Edwin because his role should have his own story, more than be just be a lovely distraction while she isn't ready to pick the white guy and put him aside. A least give him another option, some cute girl who is really free and can be a real partner. I heard that the audience from this show isn't doing so great but it still is soon to say if they won't get a season 2.
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2022
  16. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    When you say you seen all the episodes... You mean the 5 episodes that have aired so far, right?
  17. Jeffrey Tripp

    Jeffrey Tripp Well-Known Member

  18. Jeffrey Tripp

    Jeffrey Tripp Well-Known Member

    I've seen the episodes and so far
    Edwin's character seems to be firmly in place as her love interest as she has made it very clear she has no feelings for her ex. Plus Edwin will get more to do when they bring his mother on.
  19. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Thumbs up to them looking good together except that ship name. lol. Griffsley? Oh no.
  20. Summerred

    Summerred Well-Known Member

    This is looking more exciting for him now, a least he will have more story beyond this relationship. She can say that her ex isn't a thing anymore but with this TV shows i don't know if i can trust. They always find some away to bring the ex-boyfriend back in the picture only to make more drama.

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