BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Watching the premiere of "How I Met Your Father". Looks like this show's theme song is a cover of the theme song of the original "How I Met Your Mother" show.

    Wow! According to Wikipedia, the 2 creators/showrunners of the OG HIMYM show are only EPs on this show.


    I never posted the trailer in this thread. So here it is:

    Last edited: Jan 21, 2022
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  2. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I don't really watch this show(Batwoman) since the first season so I was unaware of the IR they have (or had) on this show with Rachel Skarsten(Alice) & Nathan Owens(Ocean).

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  3. Jeffrey Tripp

    Jeffrey Tripp Well-Known Member

    Yup the CW did it again.
  4. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Ehhhh... I have no interest in getting into The CW's "Batwoman", so this IR is a skip for me.

    Are these characters part of the regular cast or are recurring characters?
  5. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Any of y'all watching the ongoing season 2 of HBO's "Euphoria"? LOL. Is that worth are time getting into? Is brotha from season 1 in the current 2nd season?
  6. Jeffrey Tripp

    Jeffrey Tripp Well-Known Member

    I'm not really into after how they wrote Mckay last season. But I do know that
    Cassie is screwing sociopath Nate
    So no it's not worth the time In my opinion.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2022
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  7. Wallace West

    Wallace West Member

    About Batwoman:
    Ocean is sadly fucking dead, as almost always happens with straight IR involving a black man, so Alice is single. Luke Fox is a regular character, his ex girlfriend is Stephanie Brown, but sadly she just showed up once, so we´ll see what happens... some day. Still pretty funny how Stephanie is so different from her comic version but looks like Barbara Gordon. (sexy nerd redhead)
  8. Skaddix

    Skaddix Well-Known Member

    I would spoiler tag this but ugh I dont care. McKay got written out. Wasted character, I am use to Black Dudes getting shit treatment but McKay's treatment stands out as especially shit. Doubly so given this is modern times not the early 00s or 90s lol
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  9. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Another situation? I don't recall too many times in when the audience preferred the black male love interest if the leading lady also had a white male suitor who got at least equal screen time. There have maybe been a few other times. The writing is typically better for the white guy which just further pushed the audience to his side (even if they were already on his side).

    Also in the case of Emily In Paris wasn't her white suitor introduced first in the initial season and the black guy came along a year later? In 95% of the cases on these TV shows the first love interest is gonna win out.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2022
  10. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    There is a pretty good article about this situation that I came across.

    I was surprised how this writer touched upon the very idea of the show's absence of a black male presence as a result of the character not being around much for season two. By surprise I mean that typically in the media when a black guy is not part of a show the media and social media don't make a big deal out of it so long as there is at least black female representation. If black ladies are on a show or in a movie it doesn't matter if a black guy is around or not to some folks. For example in the HBO remake of the Gossip Girl there are THREE major black female characters who are part of that teen scene and not one major or minor black male teen reportedly. Yet the controversy that black people and later the media gravitated towards was not the lack of black males but rather that all the black female teens were light skin. That was the outrage. Actually when I come across Euphoria tweets it too is often about how the show needs more black characters, in particular black females. Having Zendaya and Storm Reid in the cast isn't good enough because they are light of skin. I just love Black Twitter.

    Anyway I never watched an entire (or even half of) episode of Euphoria. But the complaints and disappointments some of you are expressing is surprising in that you seem to be equally disappointed and surprised. And this goes with a lot of the shows in which you think the black male love interest is getting a bad deal. Look if this is the norm why would any of us be caught off guard at this point? Why get your hopes up too high in the first place? Black male characters will keep getting shitted on because no one passionately defends them or fights for them in fandom. The only people who were diehard supporters of "Black" Iris West on Flash were black female fans. Even though they were a small minority they made themselves heard by being very loud and very persistent about supporting the Barry-Iris storyline and romance. Even though it was in the cards for Barry to be with Iris in the end because that is how it was in the comic books (with the "White" Iris), the showrunners could have still thrown in a lot more romantic curves for Barry but they did not (I don't watch this show either but I have learned of this information second hand). TPTB stayed committed to Barry-Iris without many bumps in the road. Meanwhile on one had the back of "Black" Jimmy Olsen when he and Kara were on the verge of becoming a romantic item. And we know how that turned out.
  11. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I don't know because I really don't pay much attention to the show.
  12. Jeffrey Tripp

    Jeffrey Tripp Well-Known Member

    Oh it's happened before. For example on Wynonna Earp I always thought more people wanted her with her with Dolls.
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  13. Jeffrey Tripp

    Jeffrey Tripp Well-Known Member

    As far as I'm concerned they did Algee Smith a favor. The thought of those writers writing for a strait Black male character scares the daylights out of me. No wonder Astro who was originally supposed to portray Mckay left the show, he already saw the writing on the wall.
  14. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    A good portion of the entertainment industry is anti-black (straight)male. There are not too many people in the entertainment industry that care to put many black male characters on a show or as the lead. There are audiences that do as we have seen with other IR involving black men or the rare shows led by black men. They downplay that crowd because it would mean they would have to do something they don't want to do. Even when we do get black male showrunners or executives on shows that care about the black male characters they make it about someone else. Like we seen with Luke Cage where Cheo Hodari Coker talked about making the show "a love letter to black women". But as we have seen before and as I have said before there are parts of the industry that care about the black male character and the IR.

    It would be nice to see more shows centered around black men Snowpiercer, Lupin, Love Life, Woke. It's one of the only ways that we will see more character depth with the black men.

    As for Euphoria and this article. A lot of the fans don't even like Mckay and think he is "bad" for Cassie so this has to be a small group of people. That last scene he was in is indictive of how the showrunner Levinson views the black male characters. Cassie and Mckay should of been something better but they're pushing for her basically being a slut who is with the sociopathic Nate character and Mckay is conflicted about being with her so... lol. But with Sydney Sweeney becoming the second biggest star next to Zendaya and now knowing the showrunners obviously don't care about black male characters due to the absence I don't see them going with her and Mckay.

    If I was Algee Smith I would leave this show behind and it sounds like in this article he is frustrated with Sam Levinson.
  15. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Speaking of Hulu's "Woke", looks like they fired the black Showrunner earlier this month for not being woke enough:

    Also...Rose McIver, who plays the main love interest on Hulu's "Woke, is now the lead character on the CBS sitcom "Ghosts" & it just got renewed today for a 2nd season. So it's looking like season 2 of Hulu's "Woke" won't be worth watching either.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2022
  16. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    I was not on Twitter back then but based on message boards and YouTube stuff, I would say that while Dolls was liked, the white guy still got more love. But he still may have come i second place to folk's #1 wish of having Wynonna end up gay. Dolls came up as choice #3. But it wasn't as if I was privy to all of the fans' opinions so I may be wrong. However in my initial post I never claimed there weren't any examples of audiences favoring the black guy; just that such a scenario was the rarity.
  17. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    The fact that the character started off with a white girlfriend may have been an issue in itself for the showrunner of "Woke". In the black community and among the non-black journalists who will write/blog about a "black" show, the only way a black male character will not be crucified for having a non-black mate is if he is gay.

    As for McIver and "Ghosts", it pains me that this mainstream CBS series paired her with an Indian male. I am envious. Its the type of sitcom I would have loved a black guy getting a crack at. But black actors don't get anything that good, especially not on network TV, and they certainly don't get paired with white women like that, in particular with no competing white love interest for her affections. Maybe a couple of years back I wrote that as Hollywood casts black actresses more and more as love interests with white actors, it would sort of balance itself out by casting Asian and Hispanic men as love interest of white actresses. And I'm seeing that more and more. If an Asian or Latino actor starts blowing up he gets opportunities as an actual romantic lead alongside a major or upcoming white actress WITHOUT ANY PUSHBACK from his community. Meanwhile the careers of many young black male actors are stalling in this current day because their opportunities are much more limited if all they are allowed to woo on screen (the big screen in particular) are black women. But meanwhile on the other side the careers of young black actresses like Zendaya or Zoe Kravitz are skyrocketing because they are getting great exposure in extremely high profile projects as the love interest and/or female leads of white male lead characters. But black dudes on social media are just as likely as black women to give thumbs down and call black male characters "corny" for hooking up with white women onscreen, all the while salivating at the prospects of seeing race-bended MJs, Selina Kyles and Ariels (Little Mermaid) hooking up with white guys in the movies. I just don't understand.
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  18. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    You have a point. Rege-Jean Page is the best example. He became an international sensation thanks to the opportunity he was given on Bridgerton. That pairing was far more successful than any IR pairing in history in which the romance is front-and-center of all storylines. So many people fell in love with Simon and Daphne's romance that it drowned out any negativity coming from racists or black women. This was an exception but it demonstrated that a black male lead could garner such a reaction and that his show could be that successful. Kudos to Shonda and the showrunners for allowing an attractive black actor to be sexual and the lone object of desire of a beautiful white woman. Unfortunately not enough opportunities like that are afforded to black actors. LOL. Once more I am talking about a show that I have never, never watched.

    Another good point. Last few years as black actresses have been given unprecedented opportunities as leads in high profile shows (often with no lead black male characters around), black actors haven't been given jackshit. Again I don't know why this goes unnoticed or why black men in the media or in Hollywood don't call it out more. It is as if they are satisfied if the black representation is filled exclusively by black women. I like to joke how HBO/HBO Max is finally giving us a show with a heavy male black presence in the upcoming Lakers TV show but its subject matter didn't give them a choice. They had to have black guys for that show.

    Yeah, one thing that threw me off about the article is that its writer did not seem to point the finer at audiences who dogged the character. However while I am not curious to watch the show I am curious enough to check out Twitter from time to time about it. There has been a noticeable uptick in Algee Smith's popularity to some extent. It kinda started with Judas and the Black Messiah. Most of all there is this small backlash against the lack of black male characters and black characters overall on the show. Because of this McKay is getting some more support.

    As for Cassie I can barely go to some of my favorite spots on reddit without dudes uploading her latest new nude scenes from the show. Without having much context in regards to the storylines of this character, it would seem that Cassie's sole purpose is to get naked and arouse the male viewership. And you can't have a sexual character like that be the exclusive squeeze of a black guy. Just the opposite. One must have this white lady throw herself at every other white guy to make up for the fact that she had been sullied by a black man.

    Algee Smith comes across as very diplomatic or very naive so far as Levinson is concerned. Then again maybe he is being coy and doesn't want to give away secrets. Gonna be interesting to see what is in store for that Levinson show starring The Weeknd.
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  19. Skaddix

    Skaddix Well-Known Member

    I am not surprised, I am more impressed they did such a shit job.
    The funniest part of fandom is fans defending characters like McKay getting written out by saying the character was if these characters write themselves. Always so fast to blame the actor for this happening again and again where a Black Dude leaves or is forced out do not being popular with no acknowledgement that they got shit story-lines.

    I mean its certainly been a good time to be a light skin Black Girl looking for work lol. Black Males and other Black Females not having such a grand time unless they make the series themselves. I did notice Gossip Girl having no Black Male rep lol
  20. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Speaking of which, a pro-black YouTuber I'm subscribed to did 2-3 whole videos last month about how big name actresses won't have a BM love interest until they hit a certain age when they're considered "washed" or no longer a "sex symbol". I think we've actually had this conversation in the IR movie thread a few year ago. @JamalSpunky Do you agree with this theory?

    What spurred dude to do those videos is because of that Melissa Joan Hart Lifetime Christmas film that aired last month. He really feels some type of way that she didn't have a BM love interest back in the 90's-2000's during the prime of her career. LOL.

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