So has anyone else been following this trial this month? I'm here for your predictions on the potential verdict and likely community response. I'm thinking that the defendant gets acquitted on all charges but the Reckless Homicide of Joseph Rosenbaum who was the idiot ex-con that got shot first.
He'll get off. There's been video evidence of the whole incident since day 1 released by the New York Times & multiple right-wing reporters who covered the Kenosha riots, so the whole trial feels like political theater + the FBI secretly had a clear HD copy of the entire incident this whole time & didn't release it until the trial started.
Tell you what, if I'm at a rally or protest march and I see some kid walking around with an AR15, I'm not going to stand there and try to figure out what he's going to do next. I going to try to lay his ass out. For some of you to think that gives him the right to murder someone pretending he felt his life was threatened when he provoked the entire situation is ridiculous. There are some spaces where a civilian CHILD should not bring a loaded rifle, like a march full of unarmed civilians. Even the police are instructed NOT to use deadly force when dealing with protesters. I live in Virginia and if this same kid walked down my street with an AR15, he'd have several adults try to bring him down, or shoot him. Yall are nuts defending this kid. That said, if he doesn't get off, he probably gets a very light sentence. If he wasn't White, he would have been shot dead on the scene.
. . . by the Kenosha County Police who would effortlessly affirm unanimously that he was an armed, obviously dangerous ADULT at the time they instantaneouly opened fire upon him.
Looks like it's getting ugly: EDIT: Just announced there won't be a verdict tonight.
The reasonable person standard leaves this entire situation open to abuse. A majority white jury of "peers" is bound to think that extreme force is perfectly reasonable in the presence of black protesters and their white allies, even if their lives aren't threatened, and this judge doesn't appear to be particularly aggressive with regard to jury instructions.
IKR! It's so his world, and yet another example of the priviledge. Loads of people who consider him a patriot and hero which are the same crowd who feels Chauvin was somehow not guilty of his charges, blaming Aubery instead of the good 'ol boys who pursued and murdered him and so on are more than ready to see Rittenhouse walk. This country is great for some reasons, but it's so flawed in that it's refusal to admit it's current bullshit and ugly history.
Yup! It's HIS word. Then, of course we have the man who rape 4 teen girl and rec'd zero jail time. Apparently, the judge "prayed on it" as he was struggling. Gotta love this "justice" system.
I hope that judge at least got a bribe from the family of that Good White Boy and his Rich Parents. Its disgusting either way but at least there is personal gain in being paid under the table. We should now focus on the Arbery case where I think even are more conservative and right wing types here can see that one as a cut and dry lyching....
If you think Kyle & his family is rich, you definitely haven't been paying attention. His family is poor-working class. His lawyer fees, security, & etc. are being paid through donations and upcoming defamation lawsuits against the various media outlets, politicians, & other public figure/entities that smeared him. As for the Ahmed Arbery case, IMO the reason that case is getting so little attention compared to the Rittenhouse case is because it's kind of the hard for the media to gin up outrage & controversy over the Arbery case when EVERYONE already assumes the defendants are guilty & will get the book thrown at them.
No I am talking about the Rape case that DudeNY12 is referencing. I know Rittenhouse Family aint rich. True but god Arbery case feels like a plotline ripped from the past. All you need his him whistling to a White Woman.
For real, nobody can be surprised this kid got off with NO charges. Welcome to AmeriKKKa. If I'm White and you walk up on me and you look scary, I'm capping your ass 'cause I KNOW I'll get off. This kid didn't get ONE DAY IN JAIL. SMFH.
Really? There are no white people in jail for murder? GTFOOH. Did you even read anything about this trial? I didn't pay any attention to this kid until I read some articles during the trial. It seems like a clear-cut case of self-defense to me.
All anyone had to do was watch the video. Should never have gone to trial. They were trying to kill that boy. Have y'all seen the crazy shit they've been saying on MSNBC since the verdict dropped?
That kid crossed state lines and came to a protest with an AR-15 to antagonize. Self defense my ass. If he was Black the cops would have shot his ass and if he was Black and lucky enough to make to trial he damn sure wouldn't have got off.