You won't find a lot of people on here agreeing with you, but you speak truth. The ones that don't agree are just refusing to see how far downhill this country has fallen in a short amount of time.
A legitimate question since poster lives in the U.K. That should make him an expert on politics there.
Everything this man just said was a lie, and yet so many Americans believe it on HIS word without any proof "People are saying..."lol
Agreed! He's the same hate-filled, self-serving, self-absorbed, racist, and generally horrible person he's always been. Just older. They (his supporters) can say what they want. As an individual, I can confidently say that he's the absolute last thing that me and mine need.
It was said that the election and reelection of Obama energized certain types of people. Trump fed into that. Personally, I don`t think most of the Republicans believe him but out of fear of becoming a minority they see him and his acolytes as the Great White Hope. It`s all based on fear.