becoming more common?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by tdyson42, Nov 18, 2007.

  1. tdyson42

    tdyson42 Member

    Has anyone else noticed that in the past few years, our kind of relationship has become more common? Perhaps it just catches my eye, but I think there really has been an increase. Not just in the media, but in society as well. I see black man/white woman couple fairly regularly out in public these days. I have been dating blacks exclusively for a while now and when I am out with a date, it almost never turns heads like it used to. I think as the taboo fades into the past, more and more people are opening up to the idea and going with the attraction. And that is a good thing, IMHO.
  2. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Welcome aboard hearts...I see your a newbie like me.

    To answer your depends on where you live. I live in Florida now and IR relationships are everywhere here, although some place here in Florida are more "tolerant" than others.

    However, I rarely some them when I lived in the Carolinas.
  3. tdyson42

    tdyson42 Member

    It is funny though. I tend to notice when I see an IR couple. And while I see plenty of ww/bm couples (here in michigan). I see very few white men/black women couples. Every once in a great while, but not often. Oh well, to each their own I guess.
  4. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Yeah, the WM/BW couple is a rare species. But then, the WM I know are not built to "handle" sistas. They would eat them alive.
  5. mike38

    mike38 New Member

    IRs are on the rise in NC, I think they are in SC, but I consider it being one of the most racist states. Slowly but surely, they are getting more common, it's nowhere near as popular as when I lived in Germany, being raised in a military setting and saw a lot of interracial dating and marriages, and this was in the mid 80s.
  6. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  7. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    No they are not a rare species..

    It's just that BW and WM tend to hook-up

    At work

    and on Campus

    Just because you don't see them out together doesn't mean they ain't fuckin..

    As a matter of fact

    WM and BW do more fucking(without relationships) than BM/WW

    A BM has to wine and dine a WW to get in them pannies...that's not the case for WM..He can get a blow-job in his office or his dorm room..and not have to spend a dime..

    You'd be surprised how much DOW LOW fuckin is going on between the two..
  8. tdyson42

    tdyson42 Member

    I think this would have happened along time ago (in greater numbers than it did) but for the barriers created by racial predjustice and economic differences. Women don't tend to "date down" below their income level much in general. But now that the historic gap in income and wealth between blacks and whites is finally closing, combined with the fact that there is less racist resistance to face, I think a suprising number of white women may open up to the idea.

    Most friends of mine, if asked in confidence, will admit a strong attraction toward black men, but only a few persue it. I've convinced several of my girlfriends to try it, and they are now as gung ho as me.

    I think, in another decade or so, things will have changed alot. It will likely be considered the social norm for most white women to prefer black men, And since there are more WW than BM in the U.S., you all may find us all lining up for you! :)
  9. sarah23

    sarah23 Well-Known Member

    I think its already becoming the social norm amongst young ww to date bm. Its even becoming more and more common for ww to start dating and also having a sexual relations with bm rather than wm. Its also an expression of openess and tolerance which we wish to show today.
  10. BronzeSaint

    BronzeSaint New Member

    Welcome to the website, hearts.

    I was watching a TV program this morning called "Tyra"....a show hosted by model Tyra Banks.

    She had an interesting show today. She had women of different ethnicities (Caucasian, African-American, Latina and Asian) parading around in front of men from the same ethnic groups and asked the men different questions (who would be the most exciting in bed, who would you take home to mom, who is your fantasy girl, who would you marry, etc, etc., all of them were young, average age was maybe 20 or 21).

    Most of the men had a lot to say about white women, Latinas and Asian women. But, on the show, there was not a lot of talk (from the men) about African-American women (in terms of fantasies or very strong physical attraction or marriage).

    There was one horrible moment in which four women from each ethnic group were seated on stage. Tyra asked the eight men to pick their fantasy woman. Several of them went to the Asian woman, several went to the white woman, and a couple of them went to the Latina lady. None of the men went to the black woman.

    Tyra then asked "who would you take home to mom:" Fortunately, one of the black men went to the black woman. But, he was the only one of the eight men that selected her.

    Thus, with the exception of one African-American man that expressed an attraction to black women, everyone else (another African-American man, two Asian men, two white men and two Hispanic men) selected some other ethnicity.

    But, just to show you how true your statement may be, Tyra changed things up and had the women in the audience choose the men they found most attractive or who they have fantasies about.

    Right after Tyra asked her question, a white woman quickly stood up and pointed to the two black men onstage. Another white woman said that she was attracted to one of the black men as well. She was quickly followed by an Asian woman that said the same thing.

    So, what you are seeing in Michigan may be indicative of what is going on across the country: There seems to be two worlds going on in America at the same time: A very strong attraction between black men and white women and a much milder attraction between white men and black women.

    About 70 percent of all interracial marriages in America (between blacks and whites) are black husband/white wife.

    and it's not just this country: In Britain, about half of all married black men may be married to white women.

    So, what you are seeing may be reality.

  11. jellybird

    jellybird New Member

    Slow down, hearts! While the gap might be closing in earnings, it's still miles apart when comparing blacks and whites without a degree. Now the gap is alot closer (but still pretty wide) when comparing those with college degrees, but less than a third of the population has a degree.
    And as far as the racial resistance, its still pretty bad. It just depends on who you ask and how hard you look for it.

    And hetro, trust me when I say, the number of BW dating/hooking up with WM isn't even close to the number of BM/WW relationships.
  12. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Chicago is a tough city as far as segregated neighbourhoods, I am still shocked at it at times. Having said that I feel see more IR couples now then I have ever before! Big YAYYYYY to that!!! Lot's of BM/WW and AW/WM couples/
    The kicker is this church my friend invited me to go to, granted their misson is to be cross cultural but amongst the couples there I must say 80% are in some sort of IR relationship. It's really awesome.
  13. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    That's really interesting.

    Also, if they'd done the same with men (had four from different groups, and women of differnt groups), the result might very well be oposite. The asian man would be sitting alone.

    For some reason asian-american men and african-american women have a hard time finding a partner. And they don't find eachother, cause they're simply not atracted to eachother.

    I actually read a really interesting article about this once. It tries to explain why this is a trend in all inter-racial societies, using biology/physiology rather than the conventional "because ww are always on TV" (without becommin racist). I think the authour actually has a god point. For instance I don't find asian men atractive at all, for the reasons he mentiones.

    Back to topic:
    No- I've felt a lot of stuff, but guilt isn't one of them :)
  14. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    I hope so! I think the majority of ww will continue to prefer wm, but it is all about opportunity and the opportunity for bm to date ww has improved dramatically over the years. I'm just glad to be a bm in today's society where were it is getting easier to hook up with ww. I think it is only going to get better for the young black boys who will end up wanting to be with ww. Racism will always be here, but it didn't stop bm/ww from hooking up many years ago so it can't stop it now.
  15. BronzeSaint

    BronzeSaint New Member


    While I disagree on almost everything Steve Sailer puts forth, he's somewhat onto something here.

    In reality, there is no such thing as race. But, here's where I think Steve is right: Suppose there were two German men...and one was 5'6, awkward and skinny and the other was 6 feet tall, incredibly athletic and muscular.

    The second man is going to attract more women than the first. And, a feminine woman is going to attract more men than, say, a Soviet Olympian from years ago injecting herself with testosterone.

    Men love women that make them feel manly. Women love men that make them feel very protected.

    It's not about race (there is only one). It's about whether there is a great physical connection between a man and a woman. And, often times, the perfect physical match is that of a black man and a white woman.

    He can do more for her (in this area) than most men can. She will react in ways that will make him feel very appreciated.

  16. tdyson42

    tdyson42 Member

    Wow, that was very interesting reading. I think he may be on to something there. In any case, I think we got the best end of the deal!

    Could it be evolutionary differences that account for all this? I mean in prehistoric Europe, women had to chose the man that could best provide them food and shelter in the harsh winter. Sexual attraction was secondary. But at the same time in Africa, it didn't get cold, so women didn't need a man for basic survival and were freer to pick the most physically attractive mate. Add a few thousand years of natural selection and here we are.
  17. Ronja

    Ronja New Member

    To me it seems like tha Asian women got the best end of the deal, cause they can actually choose from all groups :D

    I also really think the autor is on to something. There has been at least one thread here, where the question is "is black men more masculine that white men?" and you'll have 30 women all yelling "yes" ...

    Well it's surely evolution that's the cause of us all looking slightly different. Why exactly Africans ended up looking more "masculine", and Asians more "feminine", I don't really understand though. And of course that's not a "problem" until you live in a society that actually allows people to mix. Then you'll get what is happening in US and UK: a bunch of single asian men, and a bunch single black women- who are not attracted to eachother at all...
  18. Patterson

    Patterson New Member

    I disagree with the bolded part, I think white women have the best end of the deal by far. Think about it, white women are still regarded as the standard of beauty around the world, which is fortunate for WW but unfortunate for non-white women especially for darker skinned women. White women are seen as trophys, if someone conducted a poll of which race of women is the most beauftiful, I gurantee that WW would come out on top, second place in the poll would be a toss up between asian, brazilain and latina women.

    The media is especially obessed with blondes ala Paris Hilton, famous for no apparent reason, other than being blonde, rich and sexy. What other race would the media build up to this extent and have the public eat it up? You guessed it, none. Asian & Latina women have an appeal to a significant amount of white men, but white men still overwhelmingly prefer white women. Asian women don't have that same appeal to men of other races(BM, LM, etc) that white women do. When you see atheletes or entertainers with their trophy wives, its usually a blue eyed blond WW for the most part.
  19. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Seriously, any of you who are reading Steve Sailer's "work" and taking it seriously should be shot. The guy is a fraud.
  20. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    No shit

    That guy is nazi scum

    No wonder she thinks Africans are dumb

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