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Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Ra, Dec 12, 2010.

  1. Skaddix

    Skaddix Well-Known Member

    I would say its not well rounded if all the Black Characters are Bad. What does Black Bullies who are Jocks have to do with anything? Actually now that I think about isn't one of the Bullies White and Asian as well so a real Rainbow Coalition of Bullies lol.

    Granted Luthor doesn't really seem to be a Bad Guy Per Se so its not an issue cause of that.

    I would say all those shows are diverse so the question is more where do you think the line to WOKE is. The line is subjective based on what I can tell how much someone likes a show.
  2. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    Hannibal Tabu and Quinn McGowan's Project: Wildfire From Second Sight

    The series follows the adventures of Will Watson the 3rd, a college sophomore who volunteered for a medical experiment to help pay for his tuition and books. The other test subjects died, and Watson emerged nearly invulnerable, able to fly and shoot bursts of concussive superheated plasma from his hands and sense the presence of victims of the Wildfire Contagion, which turns everyday people into gigantic kaiju, often threatening the city and its citizens.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
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  3. Skaddix

    Skaddix Well-Known Member

    Well I agree with that list.
  4. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

    The new teaser for the Disney + original series, The Falcon & The Winter Solider

  5. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Bruh, how you feel about DC Comics retconning Static Shock this week to have a new WOKE origin story?:

  6. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I'm beginning to think they are doing this on purpose to send this into overdrive until people on all sides get sick of seeing social/racial justice. Call me a conspiracy theorist but I mean the pandering is already clear.

    Static Shock's origin story is one of the best origin stories from DC. There is no need to add anything big or WOKE to it.
  7. thwurefet5

    thwurefet5 New Member

    I may be in the minority. I don’t much care for Static’s new origin. I think it’s a bit hackneyed, has less emotion than the original, and could cause continuity issues. But, I also see what they’re going for in trying to build resonance towards a younger audience.

    “Geeky, lower middle-class Black teen gets bullied by ‘gangsta’ White boy to the point where he attends a gang war and strongly considers attempted murder” most likely wouldn’t fly today unless it was done by one of the indie publishers like Black Mask or Aftershock.

    That’d be a PR disaster for DC trying to market to a young, black audience today. Milestone was able to pull that off mostly because they were basically unknown and because it fit in the 90s dark, gritty aesthetic. For the record, of the several Static origins I think the cartoon adaptation was the best one. Dwayne McDuffie had a hand in that one.

    Ultimately, I just want a great Static story that does him justice. We now know who the new creative team is (crossing my fingers because I’ve never heard of any of them lol), but I’m waiting to see who the editors are on this cause they’re the ones who fucked Static up for the last 10+ years.

    Lastly, I find the “anti-woke” crowd frustrating on this. The original Static comic series was pretty woke for the time (it’d be just left of center now) and the cartoon ,which is pretty much the reason Static became super popular, was hella woke. So why get “upset” now?
  8. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Bunch of old farts still trying to hang on to their nostalgic youth & "upset" that everything is no longer catering primarily to them. In other words : Real AmeriKKKans.
  9. thwurefet5

    thwurefet5 New Member

    Sounds related to the “storm the Capitol” reasoning lol
  10. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Same shit just different packaging.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    They are going to ruin it just like they do everything with a black male lead. Unless a black dude like Coogler heads the project its going to be a bunch of praise black queens while secretly wanting to be one (which is the only way he'll get a romantic scene because everyone is uncomfortable with black men being heterosexual for some reason)
    Or pull a black lightning where he relinquishes all control and story lines to obscure black female characters while everyone is confused with who the actual lead is.
    I've gotten to the point I do not trust any American based media company to do a good job portraying black men. They simply don't have the capacity to center our characters and make a good story.
    Even Black Panther which I loved made sure to center the women as heroes too. You didn't see this in Iron Man Thor or Captain America. Even in Captain Marvel and Wonder Woman there wasn't a single powerful male. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  12. Skaddix

    Skaddix Well-Known Member

    I mean I actually don't know if JJ and Coates will do so bad cause I read the spoilers for Zack Snyder's Justice League II and that is some of the worst shit I ever read so if that is the bar JJ and Coates might clear it. On the flip side you can go if they are willing to do that degrading shit to a White Supes....imagine what they will do to a Black One.

    TRIGGER WARNING if u are a Superman fan and have heart or stress issues, I suggest taking a drink first.

    Superman dies. Superman comes back evil under Darksied kills the Justice League while Flash barely escapes to warn Batman in the past. Flash tells Bruce to save Lois....Batman does in the past but fucks Lois Lane. Supes comes back Lois turns him back so Lois and Bats breakup so Lois gets back with Supes. But Lois is pregnant so no knows who the kid belongs to Lois pretends its Supes but its actually Bats. They have big final fight Bat dies and Lois finally tells Supes it Bats but he already knew SO SUPER CUCK OR SUPER SIMP. They raise the kid, flash forward to future kid becomes the new Batman after being raised by Lois and Supes but also Lois and Supes dont have any other kid to add insult to injury. I read a lot of BATGOD shit but boy that takes the cake.

    But yeah even for Black Panther...too much screen time for side characters and they nerfed T'Challas intellect to make SHuri smarter not a fan of that. SHould have just made Shuri a magic user in my book.

    As for WW, sure Trevor wasn't super power but I think he did a great job of making himself useful despite that in the first movie.
  13. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

  14. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Lucky for me I don't read new comics
  15. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Shit wasn't "woke" it was diverse, there is a difference. Black superheroics in the tradition of Panther, Black Lightning, Luke Cage. Static's origin basically like Peter Parker, nerd gets powers. They did not race-bend old characters, they made new ones. They did not piggyback femme, gay & trans onto Blackness like they do today. The creatives were mostly all black. It filled a hole in the 90s market. It was not "woke."
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2021
  16. Skaddix

    Skaddix Well-Known Member

    Again that is the issue there is no standard its GO WOKE, GO BROKE if I don't like it and DIVERSITY DONE RIGHT if I do.

    I have to agree that Static's old comic origin wouldn't fly today. And the same anti SJWs would also bitch and moan about that one. The easiest option would probably be to just use the Cartoon Origin. Granted I am tired of Origins so get past it and get on the the comic stuff.
  17. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] You can tell TDK been watching a lot of Netflix.
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It's sad that it's so identifiable
  19. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Not much to pander to us(black men) about. That's why I always go by my rules when I ever see a hetero black male character. 1. Character depth 2. Substantial Screen time 3. Allowed to be strong.
  20. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Spoiler Warning : Skip this article if you are one of the various individuals over the last 9 weeks who didn't watch WandaVision......

    ‘WandaVision’ Failed to Deliver Things That Were Never Promised to Me
    by Matt Goldberg @


    Who wants to watch a show about grief when I’m supposed to be getting sold on future Marvel things?

    For two months now, I’ve gone on Twitter after episodes of WandaVision, and everyone has been speculating about what’s to come. The astrophysicist that Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris) mentioned? That has to be Reed Richards because a new Fantastic Four movie is in the works. Sure, they haven’t even finished a script and director Jon Watts is still working on Spider-Man: No Way Home and a major piece of casting like that almost always leaks out in some form, but I was promised by the Internet that John Krasinski would play Reed Richards, which of course means that his real-world wife Emily Blunt was also being cast as Sue Storm aka The Invisible Woman. The Internet said so, and because Monica said the word “astrophysicist” that means Fantastic Four. Twitter told me so.

    Also, because Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) is dealing with magic, that also means Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) has to show up. We know that Olsen is part of the cast of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, and so Doctor Strange had to appear in WandaVision. That’s not even a question; the only question is when Cumberbatch was making his cameo appearance so that we could get ready for the next Marvel movie. Even though it’s not next and doesn’t even come out until 2022, we need some kind of teaser. If you don’t tease the next Marvel thing, then what are we even doing here?

    So imagine my utter rage and disappointment when WandaVision turned out to be a grief drama. UGH. FEELINGS. If I wanted to watch Elizabeth Olsen in a TV series about grief, I would watch Sorry for Your Loss, which I haven’t, but I’m just saying it’s an option. But my superhero shows are supposed to be about giving me more superheroes. It’s supposed to be a teaser machine where instead of enjoying the current narrative, I need to be sold on the next narrative. What does Wanda’s emotional state possibly tell me about whether or not Mephisto is going to come along later?

    By treating Wanda’s story as one about grief, loss, and healing, Marvel denied me the chance to connect my comic book knowledge to the movies. Do you think we read comic books for fun? NO. We read them so we can amass a bunch of knowledge about storylines and then feel secure that we’re ahead of the curve when the movies come along to repeat those storylines. I haven’t been burned this badly by Marvel since The Mandarin turned out to be just an actor in Iron Man 3. Why would you play with my expectations, Marvel? To surprise me? To bring me joy? The only joy I feel is when my fan theories are proved correct so that people know I’m smart.

    I don’t watch Marvel stuff to feel feelings or to think about my emotions or consider my place in the world or my relationships with others. I watch them for two reasons: 1) To acknowledge comic books (the more obscure the better, so as to reward my efforts), and 2) to tease future Marvel projects at the expense of the one I’m currently watching. We all know that the best part of Avengers: Age of Ultron is when Thor (Chris Hemsworth) goes on his vision quest because that clued us into the Infinity Stones even though stones had already been mentioned the previous year in Guardians of the Galaxy. I also think we can all agree that Iron Man 2 is the best Marvel movie because it does so much heavy lifting in setting up future Marvel movies. And in my opinion, there has not been a better Marvel scene than the one in Thor where Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) is in a bucket to introduce us to Hawkeye.

    WandaVision denied us all of these great kinds of moments that were not promised by the show in any way, but they were promised to us by the fandom, which is obviously more important than the thing they’re supposedly a fan of. If you’re not listening to the fans, then what are you even doing? Crafting a story with a strong character arc to explore a universal emotion that resonates deeply with the viewer? Who wants that?! Looking back at WandaVision, all I see are a bunch of missed opportunities. Instead of using the series to introduce the X-Men, they just turned it into a gag about a guy named Ralph Bohner, which, while objectively hilarious, did not support my fan theory, so the show failed. WandaVision made me look foolish, and all entertainment must support my ego.

    I really hope that Marvel learns from the errors they made with WandaVision. We can’t allow studios to enable creators to entrust their audience with emotions and thematic resonance. The whole point of an interconnected superhero universe is to abandon the main plotline as soon as it gets to selling us on the next thing in the interconnected superhero universe. Rather than selling us on Fantastic Four or Doctor Strange 2 or the arrival of mutants—things that we have already been sold on and will watch no matter what—WandaVision was about feelings and characters and that’s just unacceptable. I do not watch superhero movies and shows to think and feel. I watch them so that my fandom is affirmed, and being a fan means always looking ahead to the next thing rather than spending time in the present. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to start theorizing about when we can expect Chris Evans to make a cameo in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier.
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