Upcoming IR slate

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by JamalSpunky, May 11, 2019.

  1. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

  2. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Me neither. But when I first saw it I seen it on Entertainment Tonight that pretty much ignored him and salivated all over George Clooney. lol.
  3. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

    In a big surprise, Life in a Year will stream on Amazon Prime Video this week, beginning November 27th.

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  4. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    Hoping for some good IR love scenes here!! Cara has a PHENOMENAL physique as displayed in Amazon's *Carnival Row"
  5. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

  6. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

  7. Skaddix

    Skaddix Well-Known Member


    Really Kevin Hart is it a comedy lol
  8. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    They were for the most part then broke up in Borderlands 2 in their fight against Hyperion. So we're not clear what part of the story they will sart with in the movie version. The plot has yet to be revealed. But either way they were a couple.
  9. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    This should piss more of us off. Hollywood would racebend a white female character in a heartbeat to cast a black actress as the love interest of a white male character (for diversity's sake....whatever), but the same industry will RUN AWAY from actually following through with an IR that's canon from an established intellectual property if that combo happens to be a black male character and a white female character. That is what is at stake here and that is what this casting is all about IMO. It is 2021 and this remains a problem.

    Also the laziness of casting that midget clown Hart in the part of a this alpha soldier type tells you exactly what Hollywood thinks of black men and/or the box they want to keep us in. Make us the funny, small dude who doesn't get to be a real badass or be real desirable to female viewers. Guys like Trevante Rhodes have careers that remained stalled because of opportunities like this wasted on Hart.
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  10. Skaddix

    Skaddix Well-Known Member

    Indeed though this seems Borderlands in Name Only and Hollywood loves turning good Video Game Material into bad action comedies. So its hard to get too pissed about this cause well its par for course in terms of Hollywood Video Game Adaptations. Which means I wasn't really expecting this movie not be shit.
  11. Target 02

    Target 02 Active Member

    Seems like they're using Hart more for selling tickets than fitting the proper description of the character from another medium. Not a new choice to do, but still would be good to see a brotha get with Cate.
  12. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    So the go -to black male for box office is a midget? No thanks. Hollywood would never lack white male choices to such an extent they would have to resort to a little dude to represent white masculinity in such a story. Look at Wolverine in the comic books. Very short, hairy, knew ugly. But when it came to making a movie version of the character Hollywood cast a guy who could have been a Chippendale dancer. Hollywood almost always try to idealize white men when given a chance. They tend to do the opposite when it comes to black males.
  13. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I hope so too. The director (which is Eli Roth of all people. lol.) did imply that it will be a different role for Kevin Hart


    Still miscast and with Eli Roth as the director of an ACTION movie doesn't make sense, but we will see. I'm not going to judged early I have learned my lesson on that TOO many times. lol.

    But as far as them being a couple goes it depends on which part of the story that they are doing with Borderlands. But even still we could get a lack of a romantic relationship between them because these two are fairly new to bm/ww IR onscreen romances. For all we know Cate can BE an Ali Larter type, Kevin could be one of those now rare black actors afraid of what the "sistas might think" or even the director who is not known for romances at all could want to dial it back a lot.

    It's not looking promising right now but I will reserve my judgement when we see at least the stills or trailer.
  14. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Red, White and Water (2021)

    A US soldier suffers a traumatic brain injury while fighting in Afghanistan and struggles to adjust to life back home.

    Jennifer Lawrence & Brian Tyree Henry on set
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    This movie has been apparently "secretive" by hollywood terms, but Jennifer has nutty fans that has been known fo find shit out anyway. lol.
  15. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

  16. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

  17. Target 02

    Target 02 Active Member

    Gotta be more comedy, no? Pitt and Jolie can do anything which is why that one worked.

    Glover and this girl are pretty much mostly comedy.
  18. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Well the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith had comedy in it. I would label it a comedy action film. So it would be smart of them to keep it of that nature especially with the role choices they made.
  19. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    If the slightly off-center tones of Atlanta and Fleabag are any indications they could be going in a quirky/violent comedy direction, like The Boys, or Fargo.
  20. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    That could possibly be what they mean by "new take". They might be steering it a bit more in the direction of the style of current Comedy Action shows.

    We know once Hollywood finds a trend they get in on it. They're already talking about Bridgerton copies being in the works.

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