Random Conversation 2.0

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bookworm616, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. Madeleine

    Madeleine Well-Known Member

    Tattoos are completely unnecessary imo.
  2. Othello1967

    Othello1967 Active Member

    I don`t see the point of tattoos. It makes me wonder what type of woman she is especially if she has numerous tattoos. Having said that, I think it`s a generational thing and, maybe, a class thing.
  3. K

    K Well-Known Member

    I don't do tats. I don't have any issue if a man has them (or not). I can appreciate good artwork.
  4. Madeleine

    Madeleine Well-Known Member

    Are you planning to get one? „Survived 2020“ or something?
  5. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Agreed, and increasingly a mental illness thing IMO
  6. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    I just might lol
  7. Madeleine

    Madeleine Well-Known Member

    Have it translated into Chinese or Arabic so it looks more impressive.
  8. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Hey man! How have you been? I hope all is well!
  9. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    Hey, good to see you checking in.
  10. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    I don’t like them on women. I think a lot of us middle aged, suburban brothas’ feel the same way. I wouldn’t get one either.

    I have a friend who has a bunch of them. She’s a BBW and very pretty. But, the guys she meets don’t want to be serious with her. I believe a large part of that is all of her tats. Most serious minded black guys in our age group are turned off by that.

    Example, she has a nice sized picture of her grandkids’ faces on her back. It’s nice artwork. Very well done. But, imagine hitting it from behind and you’re looking at toddlers looking back at you. It would be a turn off for me and I’m assuming other black men my age would feel the same.

    But, she’s super sweet, smart, has her own shit, grown kids, pretty and loyal. For guys who like big women, she’s a catch. But, all them damn tatts ...
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2021
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  11. K

    K Well-Known Member

    oh yuck yah i wouldn't be wanting to see a guys child's face during those moments!!!
  12. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    LMAO @ "toddlers looking back at you" bwahahahaha...funniest imagery yet.

    Hahahaha you and Samson have me cracking up with the idea of family imagery tats lol. And no, I don't like the idea of peoples faces. Lol
  13. Madeleine

    Madeleine Well-Known Member

    Eewww! Have you ever told her that? I believe in telling my friends the truth (in a nice way). I’m really not into tattoos. If a man had a small inoffensive tattoo I wouldn’t rule him out based on that but like I said it’s completely unnecessary.
  14. LexiR

    LexiR Active Member

    I have a small, cute sunshine in a spot hidden from plain site. It was in my rebellious stage in college. The name of the tattoo parlor was Dragon something. lol. The friend I went with ended up getting lots of them over the years since. I think it’s tasteful but I don’t love it.
  15. LexiR

    LexiR Active Member

    Sunshine is one of several nicknames my dad gave me.
  16. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I like them, but there is such a thing as “too many”. I personally have none, but always wanted one, preferably a Jedi Knight symbol.
  17. Madeleine

    Madeleine Well-Known Member

    Go for it!
    I’d try a traditional Henna tattoo when I get the chance.
  18. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    No, it’s mostly wishful thinking at my age. I made it this far without one, so why start now?
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2021
  19. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Cause you're old & don't give a fuck anymore.....Oh... wait...or is that just me........:p
  20. Madeleine

    Madeleine Well-Known Member

    Not giving a fuck is very freeing though. I enjoy not giving as much of a fuck about many things as when I was younger.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2021

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