Random Political comments...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Bliss, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  2. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

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  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yeah but the guys on his team don't go around brutalizing innocent people. Soooooo......
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Of course you and your rabid dog cheerleaders gleefully condone the brutal shooting of two innocent cops.
    BTW, do tell about the guys on the shooter's team.. do they go around brutalizing innocent people, or nah?
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Ummm nice try but your post was about why people love sports players like LeBron and not tbe cops. It's because from day to day the policing system as a whole brutalized the public as a whole. So even if you personally have a heart of gold the people wearing your uniform the people you hang with needlessly abuse people like me.
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Statistics prove you to be a liar and show you again wallowing in false victimhood. You've never been abused by a cop a day in your life. In all your encounters being in their presence, not once.

    I've had worse treatment by cops than you, but l refuse to disparage a whole profession and those who risk their life everyday to protect us from thugs like the shooter who shot the innocent cops.

    Millions of cop encounters occur a year. 99% of the time, the cops are either aiding/helping civilians and/or the encounters run without incidents.

    The post was not about sports stars, it was about Communist China-loving Lebron who continues to erroneously insert his uninformed mouth as "a spokesperson".

    These 2 cops were innocently sitting there, doing their job, and were hunted down by a low-life piece of shit and shot in their faces at point blank range. And you cheered about it. That could have been your brother.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You are lying stop lying I never once cheered on a thing.
    And don't comment on whether or not I've ever been abused you haven't lived a single second of my life. And lastly whether I've experienced something doesn't mean its not true. I've never been sexually assaulted does that mean it's never happened? So all those people reporting police brutality are all liars? All those black people and poc locked up from trumped up drug charges are all lying too? Why are you even on here its clear you don't like black people especially black men
  9. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Where's the outrage for Breonna Taylor's killers? She was just as innocent.
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    LOL, more-like why are you here, you clearly don't like white people, especially white women. Heck, you just married a black woman. So sit down.

    You've never been abused by cops because trust and believe if you had been, you'd have shouted it from the rooftops on this site, ad nauseam. As much as YOU love to claim being a victim in most all your 70, 000 posts, you can quit with the wool pull now.

    No one said police brutalizing civilians doesn't occur, so you bringing that up is a pure deflection of the fact that the shot-in-the-face-but-still-tried-to-save-her-partner-first-despite-her-own-injuries, police officer is a hero, not James.
  11. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Everyone thinks our democracy will be forever because that's all we know. Heck, I did too.
    However democracies turn into dictatorships/autocracies all over the world. Just follow modern Eastern European history. Ra's post will go over most Trumptard's heads because they believe he is divine, but for the sane rest of us, we see how close we are to a modern fascist state.
    Trump has fried all the circuit breakers in our federal government with a complicit Senate, filled all our government agencies with demolition men who don't believe in the mission of the federal government and he's radicalizing his core group of followers who believe he walks on water.

    Now there's an ICE whistleblower who claims there were MASS hysterectomies performed at ICE detentions facilities.

    I'm really worried this shit is going to get way worse before it gets better and IMO so many Americans aren't paying attention.
  12. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    What you're doing is dangerous.
    A pro athlete taking a stand against police brutality and the countless murder of unarmed Black men and women has nothing at all to do with two police offers shot in the line of duty.

    You really believe people should keep their mouth's shut about social and racial injustice and only care about the lives of law enforcement officers??'

    Most thinking people can do both without demonizing one side against the other.
    Also, that photo of Lebron James is from 2014. That meme you posted was made by someone who hates that Lebron James won't shut up and play basketball.
  13. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    It's not that people aren't paying attention but more of a combination of ignorance & entitlement. Everyone has more or less bought into the lie of AmeriKKKa to the point they turn a blind eye to all the obvious flaws & issues we have with this country until they become an issue for them whether directly or indirectly. The people who are indirectly affected by any of the flaws/issues of the country are more likely to want to preserve the illusion of what this country is suppose to be about while people who are directly affected will be the ones for good or ill trying to push it towards the ideal that it claims to be.
  14. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    There are no statistics on police brutality. The only 'stat' there ever is happens when someone is lucky enough to record it
    Here's a stat, I bet you EVERY Black member of this board has had at least one member of their family catch shit from a cop for no particular reason.

    And why the fuck is Lebron James supposed to speak out against Communist China when Walmart and our POTUS don't??
    Yeah Trump loves to rant about bad business deals with China, but he's NEVER spoken against the oppressive political systems in China or Russia.

    But Lebron James is the problem??lol You really had to go back to 2014 to smear the man??

    And no one forces you to be a cop. Yes the job is stressful, but you CHOSE to do it. That doesn't give you the right to abuse that authority whenever you feel like it.
    Good cops deserve praise. Bad cops deserve prison.
    That's what this summer's protests were all about but apparently you weren't paying attention.
  15. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

  16. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    It's interesting how the #AllLivesMatter and #BlueLivesMatter crowds are one in the same. I'm not sure whether it's a deep seeded insecurity or blatant hypocrisy.
  17. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    This meme is almost 100% patently false, because I know it's directed at Republicans, but it's almost entirely 100% true when speaking of liberals. Let's go through this, shall we?
    1. Nepotism & Cronyism - both parties do it. In fact, living in IL, one could say the democrats run rampant with nepotism and cronyism. It's not exclusive to one party.
    2. Widespread Corruption - again, both parties are massively corrupt.
    3. Identifying "enemies" as a unifying cause - liberals have been really good at doing that, especially recently. You're either with us, or you're an enemy. You can't say anything bad about any liberal, you're AUTOMATICALLY a Trump supporter, whether you are or not.
    4. Nationalism, often with simple slogans - there's nothing wrong with wanting what's best for the country you call home.
    5. Disdain for human rights - everyone has the same rights in this country.
    6. Identifying some humans as lower status - is this 1820 or 2020? I've seen none of that. Everyone has the same rights in this country.
    7. Religion and government intertwined - not true.
    8. Corporate power protected - yep, Republicans do this and this keeps jobs in this country.
    9. Labor power suppressed - this is hilarious. The unions have WAY too much power.
    10. Disdain for intellectualism & the arts - if I remember correctly, it's the Dems who go after the arts every time they need to cut spending. Clinton cut the NEA so much, museums that were free in the 90s had to start charging to make up for the budget shortfall.
    11. Increasing police & military power - ummm....every president increases the military's budget. There isn't any increased presence anywhere.
    12. Punishing of personal enemies - yes, Obama did that when he weaponized the IRS to go after conservative groups, and you know, Hillary likes to kill her enemies, LOL (relax it's a joke).
    13. Squelching of opposing viewpoints - I've seen this exclusively from the Left. If you don't agree with Liberals, they cancel you.
    14. Opposing freedom of the press - if only the press were mostly unbiased, but alas, that hasn't been the case for years and they're only getting worse.
    15. Controlling narrative through media ties - who owns at least 90% of the media? The Left or the Right?? This is patently false.
    16. Isolating followers from outside information - Facebook has been running rampant with its "independent" fact checkers. Again, this is a distinctly Left thing.
    17. Sexism - gender roles more rigid - these are two completely different things and shouldn't be lumped together.
    18. Obsession with national "security" - how awful to want to protect the country you live in.
    19. Fraudulent elections - this is a laugh out loud one. 2016 Bernie Sanders would like the floor on this one. LOL.
  18. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Agreed! We know the All Lives Matter BS is nothing more than a lame attempt to silence us/quash our issues, but then that same person later says... Blue Lives Matter. So, if my life is supposedly included in this All Lives Matter (wishful thinking)... Why is it necessary to have a Blue Lives Matter? Are these lives somehow worth more and/or more important? Perhaps, they can explain it to us.
  19. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Don't hold your breath waiting for an explanation on this topic. Unless you're up for a filibustering without even getting a legitimate answer. To these people a "blue life" has much more value and worth than a black life ever will in America.
  20. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member


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