For people who aren't familiar with NYC, there are some parts of that city, most notoriously Bensonhurst and Howard Beach, which are basically sundown towns. There was several high-profile incidents in the 80s were Black people were attacked for being in these neighborhoods. Turns out that one of people who was charged with murdering Yusef Hawkings (and eventually convicted on lesser charges) has been working at Hot97 as a producer for a long time. This shows how ridiculous culture vulturism has gotten in hip hop. I'm sure that everybody already knows what's up, but this is fucked up enough for even the people who are in denial about this kind of stuff to have to concede it. I've been saying for years that Hot97 and the rest of the gatekeepers for mainstream hip hop are suspect. Anyway, here's the trailer for the HBO documentary that outed this rodent Paddy Duke.