Random Political comments...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Bliss, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    There are just so many questions I have and things I don't understand. I guess I will enumerate them. LOL.

    1. If China was the epicenter, then why do they "allegedly" only have like 3300 deaths?
    2. If Italy had such a huge outbreak and they were leaving old people to die because they couldn't afford to give them ventilators, why do they only have 26,000 deaths?
    3. If the US has the world's best healthcare system, then why are our deaths so high, especially when we had ample warning this was going to spread here?
    4. Why did my governor say on one hand - what we're doing is working, and on the other hand extend our lockdown another 30 days AND add restrictions (we must wear masks in public places if social distancing can't be done starting May 1st). That is a huge contradiction.
    5. Why are so many people not questioning ANYTHING about this lockdown? They're just bending over and allowing the government to give them the shaft again and again.
    6. And if they're continuing the lockdown, what are they really not telling us about COVID-19? Is it the plague? Is it more serious than they're letting on? Or are they hoping by screwing up the economy in an election year Trump won't get re-elected?
    7. There needs to be some serious recalibration of our death counts and they need to federally regulate it so we can get an accurate picture of how many deaths we can attribute to COVID-19.
    8. Why are so few people using their critical thinking skills in all of this??

    That being said, my company relies heavily on the oil and gas industry and we're now facing drastically lower bookings (future sales), so they've stopped our 401K match through the end of the fiscal year (which ends Feb 2021), they've eliminated our merit increases for this fiscal year, they've eliminated all overtime (that part doesn't affect me), and they've forced everyone to take a 10% wage reduction (no end in sight for that). They did say if things turnaround, they'll bring all of this stuff back, but until then...I just bought a house. This is fun times.
  2. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    They won't admit on some level they still believe COVID19 is a hoax. That's why they're trying to prove the nearly 60,000 deaths in 8 weeks is insignificant, the World Health Organization is incompetent and big government in a crisis is bad.

    If OUR government can't protect and serve its citizens during a pandemic, what the hell is it good for??? Our taxes are supposed to be buying us something.

    Forget the fact that our POTUS suggested injecting disinfectants might help cure the coronavirus. Trump has been informed about the threat of COVID19 in his presidential daily briefings since January, those intelligence briefings he doesn't read because he doesn't trust the CIA.smh

    Until someone they know personally dies from COVID19, it will never be real to them.
  3. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Um, China is a communist country. They are LYING about their death totals. The actual number of Chinese deaths is probably closer to 200,000-500,000, if not higher.

    CLOVID19 is highly contagious, more so than the flu,which is why the lockdown is happening all across the globe and not just in the USA.
    It's not a plot to make Trump look bad. He does that all on his own.

    America doesn't NOT have the world's best healthcare system. We have the most expensive one, but worse outcomes than many of our allies.

    The death rate from COVID19 is probably an under count, but so is the number of people who have contracted the virus. That means the actual percentage death rate is in all likelihood much lower.

    Until we have some type of vaccine, people are going to have to adjust their lifestyles in the interim.
  4. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Agreed at the bolded.

    Hopefully people will vote but not holding my breath. People identify with misery, so the fuckery will likely continue.

    Someone that can hold the office and not do dumb shit like fire the pandemic team is all that ask for.

    After this bullshit you think people would give the "messiah" mentality a rest and just be happy with a president that has common sense, but no........there will be dead enders holding on to that shit too. People will never be satisfied unless they are fucking up something.

    Trying to force a part that isn't fitting is something you learn not to do by the 3rd grade.
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    See that's your problem, you think people who are questioning the government, are calling covid deaths a hoax. And that's not true. It's the insane overreaction to inflated statistics that we are questioning.

    If we go by the order that shutting down States is "to save people's lives" and dying from covid-19, you should be happy to learn that (during the exact same time period from last year), MIRACULOUSLY,
    hardly no one has died from heart disease, asthma, COPD, obesity, cancers, strokes, septic shock, etc..
    It's a MIRACLE!

  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Even then it will be know it all doctors who with 10 plus years of experience don't know as much as their incompetent google searching
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Because all medical effort is focused on the covid response to slow and stop the spread unlike the ailments you listed this is highly contagious I can't catch heart disease from another person anything non covid related isn't as focused on so unfortunately those type of deaths are on the back burner. They won't be any less dead and also talk to someone in emergency services they focus on Covid above all else so their line of questioning will reflect that
    I'm in NY I've had two family members in the hospital since this started. This is not an understatement or exaggeration it is an utter mad house in the hospital. My dad has stroke related illnesses and had to go to the hospital. With in 5 minutes of getting the call they got him and took him to the hospital I probably called within in 2 minutes after my mom called me. I spent 2 hours on the phone with them trying to find a patient they had brought in within minutes of me calling them.
    So maybe when the curve is flattened we'll have a better picture but I have in laws and family members on the front line fighting this thing the numbers are not over inflated in the slightest. I'm with boba if anything understated
  8. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    But that's New York, TDK. Your Governor has a lot of explaining to do. Nowhere else in the country is this happening, so why are we on lockdown?

    Curious: When your father was admitted with his stroke-related illnesses, is there any question in your mind that if (God forbid) he had passed on, his death would not have been marked as Covid-related?

    And if it was, you would have to accept their word and you would not be able to see him, nor be able to have a physical funeral, you would have been completely deprived of what you should have been entitled to do.

    Please know that before covid ever existed, 1 in 3 death certificates were marked incorrectly. Can you imagine now?
    So don't think for a minute that hospitals are not doing this.
    There is an additional 20% payout for any covid-19 related charges and that's in the CARES act.

    So the more the numbers stay inflated because of reimbursements, the more you are going to stay in lockdown. it's a vicious circle that won't end until people start speaking out about the truth of the numbers.
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    We were told to stay home for two weeks to flatten the cure, so hospitals can get ready for an influx. Hospitals and now more than ready.

    Now it's turned into six weeks and "we don't know when we're going to re-open, we want to see if there are two weeks without any cases".

    That's never going to happen during flu season.
  11. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    If you Google any of the past flu seasons, many people died as we know... And we were told to do the same things basically; wash your hands, if you're sick stay home, don't cough on people, cough in to your elbow...
    If you knew someone was sick, the first thing you did was say,s "argh, away from me".. And life went on. We didn't shut down the largest economy in the world as a result.

    We didn't shut down every economy in the world.

    And yes.. people were hospitalized, and yes, very sadly some died.

    2018 :The flu season is still a bad one and it’s broken a few recent records, federal health officials said Friday.

    It’s not time to panic about a new pandemic — it is simply a relatively severe flu season, one that’s hitting the whole country at once instead of in waves, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says.

    Every year, influenza kills between 12,000 and 49,000 people and can send more than 700,000 people to the hospital, the CDC says. It affects so many people that adult cases and deaths can only be estimated.
    “This season, we are on track to break some recent records.”

  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It's to make sure there aren't even more people infected people to further overwhelm the healthcare system. I thought that would be clear
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It wouldn't have because be tested negative for Covid. Like I said before it is highly highly contagious with no treatment at least the flu has treatment with Covid we're basically relying on the luck of the draw
  14. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Stupid argument.

    I can easily beat the flu because all you have to do is sleep and get plenty of fluids if you have a decent immune system. With Covid the lung infection makes it hard to breathe and therefore, how are you going to sleep?

    Let these batshit theorist go on out there. I support them 100% as long as they stay away from me.

    Get your dumbasses out there. I will send thoughts and prayers.
  15. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

  16. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  17. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Ok, so you missed or ignored what l said..
    I said if your father died from his actual condition they could still mark it as a covid-19.

    For example..
    Her Papa didn't die of covid.


    Here is another...


    Another... CA Governor Newsome publicly announced his death as covid-19, before even an autopsy was done...


    See this young lady here? (if I knew how to post videos I would do it so I took some screenshots).

    She went into the hospital because she was having an issue with smelling and taste. No fever.
    She was very upset because the doc said to her,

    "We are just
    going to say you have it (Covid)"

    and she asked why?? He said,

    "Because that's a symptom, so we're just going to mark you down as covid-19, go home and quarantine for 2 weeks"


    Her oxygen levels were 100% and her temperature was a perfect 98.1, but he still said to her you have it, no test.


    All I'm saying is, yes people are dying from it, but in the numbers that they're reporting, you might want to have a bit of healthy skepticism and question why is there a reduction in all other deaths?
  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    To your #7..
    ..Even PA's coroner's office is questioning the numbers saying they don't match up with their autopsies and what the State health Department is using as their numbers...

    Pa. removes more than 200 deaths from official coronavirus count as questions mount about reporting process, data accuracy
    by Sara Simon, Updated: April 23, 2020

    HARRISBURG — Twice in the last week, Pennsylvania’s official COVID-19 death count spiked.

    Then, on Thursday, the number plummeted.

    Officials from the state Department of Health provided several justifications for the fluctuations, citing technical issues, lengthy investigations, and the addition of “probable” deaths — those considered to be caused by the coronavirus but without confirmation from a test....


    “There’s a discrepancy in the numbers,” Charles E. Kiessling Jr., president of the Pennsylvania Coroners Association and coroner in Lycoming County, said Thursday.

    “I’m not saying there’s something going on.... I’m not a conspiracy theory guy. But accuracy is important.”

    It’s a matter of public safety, Kiessling said.
  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Google, huh.

    If you only knew that most of this information is coming from doctors and nurses themselves.

    There is a code of ethics where they can't speak out publicly but they sure as hell are speaking out privately on social media. You would be the stunned at the litany of information that they're sharing -- these are direct nurses and doctors treating covid and non-covid... It's killing them the things they're seeing being done to patients and as importantly, not done.

    Example, they're going straight to intubation as a second step, and then neglecting those intubated. And they're prematurely intubating anyone needing anything over 6L of oxygen, bypassing non-rebreather masks, BIPAP, etc. The reason given is those procedures allow the virus to possibly spread, whereas a closed intubation prevents that.
    And this is coming from frontline nurses. The intubations are killing people.

    I'm convinced enough that if I ever got it, l'd refuse intubation and rather take my chances dying at home.
  20. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Please tell me what other illness is marked by a loss in the ability to smell or taste??? Any reasonable physician is going to believe that's COVID19.

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