He can't get it refilled for a bit...maybe a week or so. He's trying every day. No matter what the situation with that news report I mentioned, it's going to be tough because of the demand. btw- this past week someone I know and was given hydroxychloroquine and antibiotics, not tested for covid 19.
The problem is the entire world, not just the U.S., is desperately looking at existing drugs that can be used to treat COVID-19. You need these clinical trials to see if they'll work. Here are few media clips from within the last week disscussing the topic:
About time. These people are so stupid it boggles the mind. Even animals know what to eat and what to leave alone. It's a curse to be locked onto the same planet as these fucking morons. China and Vietnam finally ban wildlife trade due to coronavirus https://nypost.com/2020/03/28/china-and-vietnam-finally-ban-wildlife-trade-due-to-coronavirus/
*sigh* Been fighting the ruthless trade for 8 years now..these fuckwits will never stop. They just DGAF. #quarantineforwhat? Will they ever learn? Chinese markets are still selling bats and slaughtering rabbits on blood-soaked floors as Beijing celebrates 'victory' over the coronavirus https://mol.im/a/8163761 the markets have gone back to operating in exactly the same way as they did before coronavirus' despite the outbreaks links to bats
Be careful. Some drugs affect your immunity. Moderation is key. Gotta have my immune system hitting like 18 year old Mike Tyson. No games played here at all. Corona step up to get that beat down like Hulk vs Thanos. In fact, I'm feeling more energetic without the coffee. I haven't even sipped whisky in months. 3 ways coffee wreaks havoc on your immune system https://www.thehealthsite.com/diseases-conditions/how-coffee-affects-your-immunity-d915-327080/
That's not how it works. Once your blood pressure becomes high you have a window of opportunity to correct it by diet and exercise. Once your body depends on meds to correct your blood pressure that window of opportunity is gone. Then you actually need the meds to keep your blood pressure down. That is an addiction. The correct logic is for a doctor to advise you about diet and exercise and monitor your progress, unless your blood pressure is so high that exercise can kill you or maybe your pressure is so high that you really don't have time to correct it naturally. Only then does meds make sense.
A PSA. I knew I should have saved it, because I knew FB would soon remove her post and shocking video (which I had planned to share here.) It showed cell footage of a face-mask "factory" -- but it's hardly a factory, it's dingy sewing rooms in either India or Bangladesh where the male sewers are not wearing any gloves or masks, are in shorts and flip-flops, the masks are falling on the dirt ground from their sewing tables, touching filthy grimey floors, barefooted young boys were gathering them up with dirty hands, mask material cloth was being cut up on the dirty FLOORS with scissors by squatting workers, EVERY aspect was unsanitary, it was absolutely disgusting. So people, when you buy any masks, make sure you thoroughly spray disinfect them before you even put them anywhere on your face!
Florida Megachurch Packed with Worshipers During Coronavirus Pandemic CORONAVIRUS Pastor Shuns Social Distancing https://www.tmz.com/2020/03/29/chru...-MBLmli_GWS4C5WAYxUDqpJSx-ok6yVo8ndaPrSsl0Eu0 "The only time the church will close is when the Rapture is taking place.”
2 dead, 45 people infected after choir holds practice amid coronavirus pandemic https://www.crimeonline.com/2020/03...3Yo-zb6S8OHBtc_nFkdrjsf1umMrR7jbWHVk9CSucb4vk
Good news here. The coronavirus mutates more slowly than the flu — which means a vaccine will likely be effective long-term https://www.businessinsider.com/new-coronavirus-mutates-slowly-vaccine-could-be-long-lasting-2020-3
The U.S. Just Signed A $450 Million Coronavirus Vaccine Contract With Johnson & Johnson Thomas Brewster Forbes Staff '...The deal was signed with the Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) on March 27, 2020. It followed another order, made as part of the same contract with Janssen, for $150 million on March 20, 2020, for a “new antiviral” for COVID-19...' More.. https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2020/03/30/the-us-just-signed-a-450-million-coronavirus-vaccine-contract-with-johnson--johnson/?utm_campaign=forbes&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_term=Valerie/#2a5c84c62946
People are stupid. I’m mad there’s groups of dumbasses really having “Corona” Parties this past weekend. Why... just why?
I'm sorry brother. I truly feel bad for people like you just trying to live and make a living. They got the shit in boot camp now. Boot is disgusting, I got 3 colds in 8 weeks. I was shocked how may idiots showed up sick. My fever was so bad I didn't even buy my pictures. I was in the bed for 3 days straight recovering. One of the guys in charge gave me his copy of the division picture. At least I didn't look like shit in that one. My last week there I started getting pink eye symptoms but my body fought it off quickly. Navy Recruit Tests Positive for Coronavirus at Illinois Boot Camp, Training of New Sailors Continues https://news.usni.org/2020/03/29/na...dXMrAKQUJZAtTeCmi65hGRj9P2G3GMtl8jJhgBUC-hDoc
The "ground-zero" New Rochelle Lawyer who was in a coma, intubated, has recovered and went home yesterday.
They are currently testing chloroquine and hydrochloroquine, another malaria drug. I don’t know about plaquenil. Switzerland isn’t going the chloroquine road though but the Kaletra road for complicated cases. That’s an HIV drug to suppress the virus. There isn’t enough of it (and it’s REALLY expensive) so in preparation they have been asking HIV positive people to kindly switch to a different antiviral drug for the time of the pandemic and hand over Kaletra to the authorities. They aren’t forced to however. If plaquenil is the only thing that helps your son he should really be able to still get it no matter what!
2/45 is a high mortality rate! Probably a lot of older people in the choir. Are choir practices still allowed over there?