Random Political comments...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Bliss, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    They're going to lose that precious employment dependent insurance anyway because without a job you don't have it. Far be it that people stop being so incredibly short sighted.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Say what? We have third largest amount of cases
  3. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    The reason Americans CAN not work for Private industry is because your Democrats forced the stoppage of it. Your liberal media in cahoots with the Dems helped facilitate the crash, not a virus that has barely killed people.
    Science is numbers, therefore no way in hell can the numbers justify bringing our country to it's knees financially.
    This is YOUR socialism - what's going on in the supermarkets, with toilet paper and food, people terrified - is the fallout effect of the lifestyle you push. IIt's ugly, it stagnates humanity, it will never work in this country. As you see, it will be the death of this country if we have to live like this on a permanent basis.

    Let's clear one thing up, because I keep hearing the hoax you Democrats perpetuate that the Wuhan Virus "was called a hoax" .

    The President never said that, he called it "the Democrats new hoax, (after the failed impeachment hoax) because trending that day by liberal Twitter was #Trumpvirus. Twits, Democrats and alphabetical news outlets were calling it the Trump Virus and that my friend, is your Democrat hoax.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This country is going through a much needed reckoning. It is so sad it happen like this but you can't have unfettered capitalism running the show and not end in catastrophe. Now people will see the bootstrap myth was pure bs. Shaming people into believing any assistance to citizens is evil and sparks laziness while those with the most get handout after handout in the form of taxpayer dollars and no one ever says how are we gonna pay for that. We can't have healthcare or debt forgiveness because there's no way to pay for it but rich people lose a little of their wealth and suddenly 1.5 trillion dollars being pumped into the market doesn't even require a debate. We have trillions for baseless wasteful wars but Americans want affordable housing stop whining and work three jobs. Well that's all done now. Can't work even one crappy job if they no longer exist.
  6. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Lol..right up my alley..( l have a meme for every mood :D )

  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Are you allergic to the truth? Your party said this was no more dangerous than the flu.
    How did democrats stop anything? Independent business suspended/stopped services when it was clear this was more serious than the damn flu. And your party controls executive powers democrats don't have the power to create a crash. They can not stop all economic movement because they refused to acknowledge what was clear to the rest of the world.
    Well keep telling yourself whatever story you want. Hope dear leader saves you
  8. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

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  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Please don't make up things that he said, that he didn't.

    He never said he had a Kenyan birth certificate of Obama's in his possession.

    So either you're lying, or show where he said that, because that's a pretty significant lie.
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You know damn well this is not more dangerous than the flu. More people are dying from the regular flu than from this.
    128 children have died from the flu so far this year. Where was your Democrat "everyone is going to die" screeching to
    save them?

    Shutting an entire country, if not the whole world down, is the most ridiculous over reaction I've ever experienced in my life and it's deliberately being fueled by your media and your politicians...
    Your party's hysteria has backed the president into a wall to shutter everything after the economy was already in a free fall.

    Look at all the States that have created a shelter-in-place ....they are all Democrat States, run by Governors trying to outdo each other for the spotlight. There is no reason TDK, for us to be in a "Shelter
    in place" in Pennsylvania - we have had two deaths in Philadelphia and yet everything has shut down - we're not allowed to go outside unless it's to buy food or for pills and gas. The disaterous economical residual on my city is immeasurable.
  11. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You absolutely cannot equate your desire for unfettered socialism, to a temporary response to a crisis.

    Socialism is a Government sanctioned, dictated way of life. You must live where they tell you, you are not allowed to own a for-profit business, the government controls everything.
    I hate the fact that our government has to give us a stimulus check, I absolutely hate it. Under socialism, understand the free-market jobs aren't there, the jobs are in fact there under capitalism.
    I just want to work and I want my money to be mine.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2020
  12. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Again. The ability to spin and control the narrative whilst using the necessary talking-points to "own the libs". Nothing more.

    It's not about making any type of progress that will serve the American people as a whole.

    I mean who really needs facts anymore when you can simply filibuster?

  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Again you're being dishonest Italy shut down long before we started taking any measures. They have people dying in the hundreds DAILY. That's where it can go if measures aren't taken quick enough. This isn't some kind of Democrat assault this is global. Spain and Canada are in on it too to mess with us? Talk about being wilfully obtuse. And if the economy was already in free fall who was that on?
  14. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I'm not talking about Italy and they only shut down on March 9th a week before us. I'm talking about South Korea and other countries in Asia, India, Russia, countries in Africa, Germany, France (until today) .. there's lots of countries that have not shut their economies down.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dear Lord Bliss what's their rate of infection?
  16. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    Values? Most politicians don't share my values and I don't look for them to. They can be straight, gay, trans or anything in between as long as they can win and push our country in a more liberal direction. As far as what I won't vote for, as I already stated, drug addiction is my stoping point.

    And, I base my position on historical facts. Cheating on one's spouse has nothing to do with that person's ability to do great things for our society. Republicans know that and vote accordingly. Unless, it's a Democrat running. Then they do the hypocrisy dance and claim values. I see you're a good dancer

    Of course, if I'm wrong, please prove it with historical facts and context. Because, if you can't, then you are, in reality, acting on feelings. Which is fine. But, you should really be honest with yourself and embrace it. ...lol
  17. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    The Dems never called COVID-19 a hoax. So if Trump is accusing the Dems of something they never said, who's the one who believes the coronavirus.

    Damn you will twist yourself into any pretzel knot to defend this lunatic.
  18. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    This is your 'expert' who decided alone that Biden was trying to pinch that little girl's nipple. Not even Breitbart is on that train.
    Your certainty is right up there with Pizzagate.

    And are MSNBC and CNN defending Gillum?? Didn't think so. NewsOne isn't msm.

    Weinstein's victims never spoke out publicly until recently, so I don't know how Dems were supposed to know he was a rapist.
    Bill Cosby donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to progressive and Dem causes also. Are they too responsible for his actions??

    As for Epstein, that was one of Trump's boys.
    It doesn't matter who else was associated with Epstein because Trump is now the POTUS.
    You kill me with if someone else did some fucked up shit like Trump, then Trump is cleared of any guilt.lol

    I've changed my mind. On second thought hope Republicans go after Biden's 'creep' factor.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  19. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    The motherfucker was literally in a room with meth, oxycontin and other drugs. I have determined that you are full of shit.

    I will not be engaging you anymore on this subject. On to "ignore" you go. Take care.
  20. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    What you running from? You challenged me. Now, because you can't support your argument, you hitting ignore? ...lol

    BTW, I stated, multiple times, that the drug use should disqualify him. But, I guess you ignored that, too.

    It's cool. I'll leave you alone.

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