Bernie Sanders Hospitalized For Heart Procedure

Discussion in 'Politics' started by RicardoCooper, Oct 2, 2019.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    One more thing, white supremacists by default, initially will flock to a white man, period, but he's hated very much by them because his daughter, grandchildren and son-in-law are Jewish, he supports Israel, Netanyahu said he's done more for Israel than any other leader, a neighborhood in Israel is named after Trump, he has a 90% approval rating over there.

    Trump does not like white supremists, before he became president, he hobnobbed, played and worked with black CEOs and entertainers. Black people who work for him love him, they said when he would come to the workplace, he would greet them, acknowledge them, speak with them.

    When Jennifer Hudson's family was murdered, he put her up in his hotel to allow her to grieve and keep her away from all the press for as long as she needed. Donald Trump doesn't hate black people, he loves them, he wants to see black people succeed because a prosperous America is good for everybody.
  2. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    WTF are you talking about???

    Trump has an avowed White supremacist working in the WH and is one of his top aides. Stephen Miller.

    He had another White nationalist in Steve Bannon who was one of his top advisors during the presidential campaign.

    Trump loves Black people like pet owners love their dogs. Fun to play with, but certainly not peers or equals.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So well said
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    No, wtf are you talking about?

    Miller is a Jew. Excuse him for not wanting to see what has happened in Europe happen here. French and German Jews have been murdered, assaulted and run out of their homes and countries. Miller is against illegal immigration. I know to you that's "white supremacy," even though the fact is, the U.S is only 5% of the world's population, but take in 20% of the world's immigration.
    I don't like Miller because he looks creepy but he's not a white supremist. Neither is Bannon.
    You can love your own, while not wanting to destroy other races. A WS does that.
    Everything and everybody is not a"racist' just because they don't agree with you. :rolleyes:

    Trump does business with Black businessmen, so what are you on about??
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Racists hire black athletes to make them billions what's your point?
    Steve Bannon isn't a white supremacist?
    Dude again stop lying or at the very least stop trying to gaslight us.
    Wait do you think white supremacists exist or are they all misunderstood?
  6. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Of course White Supremists exists, c'mon now.. but Bannon has not tried to thwart Black people, has he? A WS would.

    "Racists hire black athletes to make millions"?
    Like who? Name them all then. And since you're so in the know about "these racists who hired black athletes" how come these black athletes don't know about these racists that hire them? Because I would think that any self-respecting black athlete would not work for a racist, right?
  7. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    When I call Trump a bully I'm actually referring to the way he treats his fellow Republicans. Mitt Romney, John McCain, and any Republican that disagrees with him become an enemy of the state, for which the punishment is a twitter storm of childish insults, followed by being exiled by Republicans who are scared that Trump will turn on them next.
  8. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    They are afraid of him when they had the power to remove him? As long as I live I'll never understand a coward. How did their genes even make it this far?
  9. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member


    Racism is misunderstood love.
  10. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    Every Republican knows Trump is very popular among right-wing voters, they also know that publicly turning on Trump is political harakiri. Trump may be closer to an Orangutang than the rest of us but he does understand leverage. He knows his supporters would make it their mission to vote any republican that breaks with Trump out of office.
  11. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    I didn't realize his current level of support was that heavy. People really need to make sure they vote this time, that's just all kinds of fucked up. Policy be damned.

    I mean seriously "free college?" just win the got damn ticket!
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Quite honestly Thump, your response made me realize you're either ignorant to the realities of Mitt Romney or you're just not serious about politics.

    Mitt Romney was completely irrelevant to Americans and Trump when he suddenly sent out pressers, and then leaked excerpts of a scathing speech he had prepared that attacked Trump, in March 2016.

    He gave the speech just hours prior of a GOP debate Mr. Trump was participating in.

    As we learned then, Romney's 20min long insult-fest ranged from calling Trump a "phony and a fraud" to "his promises were worthless" and "he was playing the American public for suckers"
    He also declared Trump would be "handily defeated by Hillary Clinton " and urged voters "not to vote for Trump."

    Understand Thump, his un-called for dirty attack speech was unprecedented against a GOP's front-runner. It would be akin to John Kerry presenting a scathing speech against Hillary.
    Many speculated he was trying to sneak in and inject himself to run in 2016.

    Now how would you feel, Thump, if you were Trump?

    After President Trump won and the dust settled, suck-up Mitt did an about-turn and started saying nice things about the President, because he wanted the job
    as Secretary of State.
    Trump's advisors protested even giving Romney the time of day, but Trump's mentality after he won was All's Fair in politics. Shake hands, loses go home, winners go on...

    Ultimately he didn't offer it him... but Mitt's crawling won him favor and he handily won the vacated Utah Senate seat.

    But like a rabid dog you can't trust, as we once again near the 2020 election, to get his name out there again, he doesn't just quietly vote to impeach, he has to make a despicable little speech hiding behind his faith.

    A speech that should have nothing to do on whether you legally impeach a president for high crimes and misdemeanors, which President Trump clearly did not commit. He is obligated to represent the people of Utah, not sacrifice their will for his own personal vendetta against the President. Mitt is as bitter as Hillary at losing a position that Donald Trump won.

    Here is Trump's response after essentially being called a criminal by a rogue member of his own party of which everybody else voted nay...

    ".. If the"failed presidential candidate" had "devoted the same energy and anger to defeating a faltering Barack Obama as he sanctimoniously does to me, he could have won the election."

    Tell me Thump, who is the bully here who unproked attacks his own party? Not Trump.
  13. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    Trump is the president, Romney is not. Every president got attacks from critics but most of them were mature enough to respond in a manner that befits the office they hold.
  14. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Thump, Romney attacked Trump BEFORE he was President.
    Why? He wasn't running. He held a presser, FFS. He leaked his speech to the press. Mitt Romney is very grimey and you're calling him a victim who's being bullied. Hilarious!!
  15. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    Mittens is an opportunist and slimy as hell, and maybe he did attack Trump before he became president (like every other Republican did), but that doesn't preclude Trump's status as a bully who uses personal attacks against people he doesn't like.
  16. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

  17. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    He attacked Trump during the 2016 primary because he was one of the establishment Republicans who didn't want Trump taking over the party. He went and kissed Trump's ring immediately after the election.

    In 2012, however, when Trump was the birther king, Romney had no qualms whatsoever about getting his endorsement to curry favor with the Republican base who hated Obama.

    So yeah, Romney is an opportunist weasel who blows with the wind. Any Democrats calling him a "hero" for his vote, which meant nothing, are severely misguided about Romney and his character.
  18. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    He is a politician bro, winning comes first, you can't do any good unless you win. I imagine that's why he took the endorsement; however when it came down to 45 running, he spoke out. That's when it actually mattered.

    As far as kissing up to 45 after the election, again he is politician. It comes with the territory. Everytime it actually matters, Romney takes a stand against 45.

    I don't get your view of him. Do you rate a mechanic on how dirty he gets? It's part of the job, but not the part that matters.
  19. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    What am I missing? Don't see it.
  20. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    Mitt Romney HATED Trump with a passion but when Trump dangled the Secretary Of State position in front of him he threw his convictions out the window and came to heel at Trump's side. Only after he realized that Trump was jerking his chain did he come back around to criticizing him again. That is classic opportunistic behavior.

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