Bernie Sanders Hospitalized For Heart Procedure

Discussion in 'Politics' started by RicardoCooper, Oct 2, 2019.

  1. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member


    You want Bernie to win the primary but don't pretend that electability has anything to do with it. To you it's worth the gamble.

    I just want to see the Dotard lose at this point. Don't care who wins, just want him out.
  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You are so freaking clueless to the shenanigans going on within your own party towards their own candidates. Hypocrite, don't put your very own conspiracy blame on conservatives "kneecapping Biden" .
    It was liberal ABC that did the expose on Biden and his son.

    It was Hillary that told the world that nobody likes Bernie.

    It was Hillary that publicly called Tulsi a Russian spy.

    It was Warren that told the world that Bernie declared a woman could never be President.

    It was the Dems who kneecapped Bernie in 2016.

    It was the Dems who kneecapped Marianne Williamson.

    Your pathetic attempt to try to act like your party is so pious and conservatives are the ones behind it, is hilarious.

    Nobody likes a cheater and right now that's what the Dems are, losers and cheaters.

    Conservatives now laugh at the Dems continued crying over losing, but they won't stand for your party's cheating software, lest it's used anywhere near the actual elections.
  3. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    The media bias is honestly the most depressing thing about election season. There is no end to the stories implying that Bernie is unelectable because of the whole socialist thing, yet you can hardly find any articles that talk about how hard it's going to be to convince social conservatives to elect the first openly gay man as president. People think Trump will hound Sanders about socialism (which he will), but they don't think Trump and his people aren't going to become full-on political gay-bashers if Dems nominate Pete? If Pete gets the nod, expect for every negative gay stereotype in history to come back and get repeated ad-nauseam. So if the strike against sanders is his vulnerability to Trump's bull shit, then Mayor Pete has the same strike.
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    LOL, you really think Donald Trump is going to gay bash Pete? Stop. Trump doesn't give a shit if someone is gay.

    As for social conservatives, I think you should be worried about your liberal friends, like the Dem woman who went viral this week for wanting her vote back after finding out Pete was gay.

    "A Democrat caucusgoer in Iowa retracted her support for Democrat presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg and asked if she could take her preference card back after learning that he's in a same-sex relationship.'
  5. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    Trump is a bully and bullies always go after weaknesses, you are kidding yourself if you don't think he will play the gay card on Mayor Pete. As for that woman who wanted her vote back, she just proves my point of why nominating Mayor Pete would be a huge mistake because Democrats aren't all lovey-dovey as they pretend they are, there are lots of homophobes and racists who call themselves Democrats, and I'm willing to bet some of them will break with the party if they nominate Pete. Just like the PUMA's did when Obama got the nomination in 2008.
  6. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Once again, you're spreading a bunch a shit and no not of which you speak.

    Know why the caucus app didn't work in Iowa?? Here's a clue.......(not Hillary).

    Trump supporters flooded Iowa hotline, increasing delays
    By Marty Johnson - 02/06/20 08:55 AM EST 573
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    A hotline that was used by Iowa precinct chairs to report Democratic caucus results to the state party was reportedly flooded with calls on Monday from supporters of President Trump after the number was posted online, contributed to the delays in the vote tallying process.

    "On Caucus Day, the Iowa Democratic Party experienced an unusually high volume of inbound phone calls to its caucus hotline, including supporters of President Trump," Mandy McClure, communications director for the party, told the Des Moines Register. "The unexplained, and at times hostile, calls contributed to the delay in the Iowa Democratic Party’s collection of results, but in no way affected the integrity of information gathered or the accuracy of data sets reported.”

    'Clog the lines': Internet trolls deliberately disrupted the Iowa caucuses hotline for reporting results
    Several officials at caucuses attended by NBC News reporters struggled with lengthy hold times that made it impossible for them to report results over the phone.

    The phone number to report Iowa caucus results was posted on a fringe internet message board on Monday night along with encouragement to “clog the lines,” an indication that jammed phone lines that left some caucus managers on hold for hours may have in part been due to prank calls.

    An Iowa Democratic Party official said the influx of calls to the reporting hotline included “supporters of President Trump who called to express their displeasure with the Democratic Party.” The party official’s comments were first reported late Wednesday by Bloomberg News.

    Users on a politics-focused section of the fringe 4chan message board repeatedly posted the phone number for the Iowa Democratic Party, which was found by a simple Google search, both as screenshots and in plain text, alongside instructions.

    The Iowa caucuses weren't just about the Sanders campaign. It was about the integrity of the caucus in general.

    Republicans can't win without cheating. Whenever they get the chance, they're going to do some crooked shit to fuck up the Dem primaries.

    Donald Trump has already said he's going to do whatever it takes to win in 2020. That means more solicitation from foreign governments, more dirty tricks on the campaign trail. The GOP has given him their blessing and agreed to look the other way.

    So when Republicans claim they 'care' about the integrity of the Dem primaries,...

  7. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    It will be just like Charlottesville. Trump will allow his surrogates to rip Mayor Pete's gayness, while Trump pretends he condemns their actions and had nothing to do with it.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Damn this is 2 percent of the time where we agree. No lies here.
    But it's important very important in fact to draw a line between democrats and the Democratic establishment aka the aristocracy because there are the same greedy people on the right. The same people who will give unbridled sway to wall st and the wealthy. They all (the right and the left) do shady nonsense but you're right to point out who did it this time
  9. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Are you blaming HRC and Warren for the Iowa caucus fuck up??
    You do realize the Sanders campaign and most of the top candidates have been on the ground in Iowa for almost a year??
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Condemn? When did he condemn anyone in Charlottesville?
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    No the establishment is more than just those two people. It's coincidental that the machines used were partially funded by Pete. Why use an untested means of voting?
    Then when results come out do a slow trickle of said results where Pete who is part of the establishment gets to say he wins even though it's likely he didn't.
    It smells of corruption and for once I have to agree with Bliss.
  12. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Bruh, read my post a few spaces above this. Republican/conservative operatives overloaded the phone lines in Iowa used to tally the caucus voters which is the reason why it took so long for the final results to come in.

    The GOP is going to ratfuck the entire Dem primaries whenever they get the chance. Pete isn't a part of the DNC establishment, although he is a moderate.

    Without interference by Trumpists and 4chan, the Iowa caucus runs smoothly and without incident.

    The GOP goal is still the same as it was in 2016, convince progressives the entire system is rigged so they don't vote in the general election.
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Hahaha, whatever bulshit lies makes you feel better, AB. Yes in 2020, it's the phones. It's Republicans calling the phone lines that caused a 4-day delay. Uhuh. :rolleyes:
    It's so funny,, you always think you have an answer for everything yet you continue with your absolute horseshit.

    How come phone line jams never happened before? You think there's no alternatives to phone lines? You think someone couldn't drive the results over to wherever they're going? Shit, they could have mailed it in and it would have gotten there quicker. o_O Time to open up your eyes to your party's corruptness.
  14. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Read the news reports. Iowa has a population of @ 3 million. Roughly 170K Iowans participate in the Dem Iowa caucus.

    It doesn't take that many phone calls to fuck up an app designed to tabulate votes.

    Why has this never happened before?? Because we've never had someone like Trump in the WH. You think Bush cared who might win the Dem caucus in Iowa??

    When tens of thousands of right wing trolls are jamming the lines for multiple days, of course it's going to delay the vote count.

    This wasn't the Dems sniping their own candidates, it was the GOP trying to fuck up the system.
    Again, read the news reports if you aren't afraid of the truth.
  15. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    That's right AB, keep telling yourself and others that! :p






    No, the GOP did it.
    No, 4-Chan did it,
    Argh, can't make up my mind.
  16. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    The Dems sabotage Bernie again?..hmmm...

    4-Chan clog the lines for a week.. Why yes! YASSS HONEY, that's it!!
  17. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I agree with your summation of the Democrats.
    It's so funny you called Trump a bully though, just because he's the Champ.
    For the first time in modern history, other than Reagan, a President has punched back at the bullshit the Dems have thrown.

    You want to talk bullies, talk about the Dems' last 3 years of mudslinging, throwing everything they can while secretly conspiring with crooked cop Comey to overthrow him. Democrats Hillary, Obama, Brennan, Nancy, Nadler and Schitface trying to impeach the President before he was even elected.

    Trump has EXPOSED the "we go high" Dems to all of America and the Dems never saw his upper cut coming. That's why you call him a bully because you've never seen your dirtyplayer Dems get slapped back.
  20. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You're exhibiting the very point that I just made. Read the transcript -- that's not what he said. He wasn't talking about the neo-nazis or the alt-right/left, he condemned them, he was talking about those that came there for and against the statue removal, NOT the disruptors and the alternate agenda groups who arrived there to cause havoc.
    Read it.

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