Movies with BM/WW Couples

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Jan 13, 2006.

  1. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    1. I disagree that the media treat light skinned black men as if they don't exist as compared to darker skinned men. Maybe that's one of my blindspots, I'm willing to be proven wrong. But I haven't yet seen anything convincing on that front.

    2. No one claimed there was a shortage of dark skinned black actors.

    3. The presence or absence of Black Panther isn't determinative of whether or not there are sufficient roles for black actors of any shade.

    4. Boris Kodjoe
    Chris Williams
    Jussie Smollett
    Michael Ealy
    Will Smith
    Eric Benet
    Christopher B. Duncan
    Jeffrey Wright
    Evan Ross
    Shemar Moore
    Jesse Williams
    Terrence Howard
    Allen Payne
    Lenny Kravitz
    Rick Fox
    LL Cool J
    Mario Van Peebles
    O'Shea Jackson, Jr.
    Robert Ri'chard
    Omari Hardwick
    Gary Dourdan
    Henry Simmons
  2. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Can't wait to see that flick.
  3. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Probably because she's Asian.
  4. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

  5. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Hope you be able to see that flick.
  6. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Going to see it later tonight! :)
  7. Target 02

    Target 02 Active Member

    How did you feel about the scenes with Blake and Sterling; was there any other kissing or snuggling? The hallway scene I hope isn't a few seconds long!!
  8. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Majority of those actors aren't relevant.
  9. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    To be fair I wasn't the one to bring up Black Panther, just responding to someone who did.

    As for your list....not that impressive. Of the guys you mentioned only a handful (Jeffrey Wright, Will, Terrence Howard, Ealy, O'Shea Jackson, Common and Omari Hardwick) are getting regular substantial work or have a single project that is generating any buzz for them (Jessie Williams is a mere supporting player on a large TV ensemble that has been going on for near two decades). Go deeper and you'll see that Hardwick has yet to translate his star role in the awful "Power" into anything else of interest in Hollywood; T. Howard is on a downswing and is no longer the leading man in motion pictures that he appeared on the cusp of being a decade ago; Ealy should have been a movie star and still tries but right now he gets very little to do outside of broadcast network television. Wright, Will Snith and Common are doing well though. But there were much better options out there for you to use such as Kelvin Harrison Jr, Justice Smith, Andre Holland, Daveed Diggs, Harry Lennix, etc. But even when you include them its NOTHING compared to dark skinned actors of African descent. And that was my point. The situation for dark skin black men is pretty damn good in western TV and Film in comparison to light skin black men. That should have not been a controversial statement.
  10. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Okay so no one is talking about "Bad Boys For Life?"

    Never had any intention of seeing this film but was convinced to check it out with a friend. I really, really liked it a lot. Easily my favorite Bad Boys movie, at the very least far superior to #2. But that what happens when you have real filmmakers behind the camera instead of Michael Bay.

    But the reason for why I'm talking about the movie in this thread is because of who Smith's love interest is. Or are.

    Spoilers Alert

    When I saw the casting for this film my question was what lady would be the woman Smith's character was to hook up with considering Gabrielle Union was not in the plans. There were three new names that stood out in terms of where they fell on the cast list of the IMDB page: Vanessa Hudgens, Paola Nunez and Kate del Castillo.

    Obviously Hudgens was going to be out of the question as she should be. She's too far younger. So my curiosity was directed exclusively at Nunez and del Castillo. But I could get no information regarding their roles. In retrospect that made a lot of sense when it came to del Castillo's character. Her past was the big reveal. But as for Nunez? I don't get why the marketing was hiding her. She was the primary "love interest" of Mike (Smith) in the movie. Although we come into a time after they had broken up as a couple, there are still feelings between them and those feelings flow to the surface as the film progresses. By the time the film ends they appear to be a couple once more. But there is no love scene between them nor is there even a shared kiss. I'm 75% sure there would have at least been a kiss if a white actor was playing Smith's role but I digress.

    Let me point out one more thing. There are enough moments in which the two of them are standing in close proximity and a couple of scenes in which Smith is ogling her. They used none of these moments in trailers. If you study trailers carefully you'll see that there is always editing of white male leads getting all close to their female counterparts in a way to suggest something romantic or sexual occurs between those characters, even if NOTHING actually happens between them in the film. Hollywood is always selling the image of the virile white male getting pussy. Hollywood does not do that when it comes to black men. So even if a black male does have sex scenes or kissing scenes with a woman (even a black woman), more often than not none of that will be hinted at in a trailer. It shows how uncomfortable the industry and this nation still is when it comes to black (hetero) male sexuality.

    Okay, now the bonus and the true reveal. Turns out the one woman Smith's character ever loved, the one he alluded to earlier in the film in a passing remark, is del Castillo's character. She is the true bad guy in the movie, the one who sets her son off on a killing spree in revenge against all the key players who sent her and her now dead husband off to jail. comes spoilers. Well, it turns out that baby daddy of that son is Smith's character. When he was deep undercover he had an affair with her against his better judgment. She was the one who made him into an effective undercover policeman; she taught him how to carry himself, how to dress, etc. But she was too ruthless for Smith's character to see any future with her so he ended up choosing his badge over his heart. The major plot is all set in her motion in her attempt to take down Mike because of his betrayal of her.

    So Will Smith's character has a romantic storyline with two different females (one being the love of his life) and neither of them is black. And damn does that make the film better as far as I'm concerned. I can only imagine the disgust some black female viewers had seeing all of this play out. The lone black man of any desirability, the fucking star of the film, is not chained to some damn romantic relationship with a black woman. Thank God. If they had brought in black directors for this movie you know that would not be the case.
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  11. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Seen The Rhythm Section earlier and here is my short review of it:

    I thought it was a pretty decent thriller with a unique and more realistic take on a revenge movie. It had some Alias feel to it with her changing of identities. I was surprised to learn that Stephanie(Blake Lively)
    was a drug addicted sex worker in the film. Although they never really showed her doing any of it.
    She turned of course as we seen in the trailers into a female hellbent on revenge after her family was killed.
    They had parished in a plane bombing by some terrorist who had a specific target on the plane so unfortunately they were collateral.
    When she contacted B(Jude Law) for training so that she can go on her revenge tour he put her through the ringer in some very tough training exercises that left her at times wanting to give up.

    I like how everything played out with this because it doesn't make her out to be some super badass right away. She fumbles and appears nervous throughout her revenge tour and it really gave the feel of a newbie to this new lifestyle.

    As far as her relationship with Marc Serra(Sterling K Brown) goes
    they meet while she was looking for specific knowledge on U-17 aka Reza who's supposed to be the mastermind behind the plane crash. He plays an ex-CIA agent that is able to help her in finding intel on U-17. She met him under another identity named Petra. Their relationship was tease heavy from the start with them both being attracted to each other. The ''sex'' scene between them was not what it seem. So I don't know WHAT the rating for "sexual content" was about. She took her shirt off they were hot and heavy for a minute before being interrupted by a phone call by B.

    Marc winds up being the main bad guy in the end who when she finds out she eventually kills... or did she? lol. Some here might not like that part. But if you were looking for some ride off into the sunset, falling in love type ending it is not here. Although me and my girl was disappointed with that reveal I think the film overall was pretty decent. Blake and Sterling gave great chemistry before that and could've made for a MUCH better sex scene. Maybe when it comes out on blu-ray, DVD or online there was actually more to that. Wish there would've been more, but I hope to see these two in future films.
  12. Target 02

    Target 02 Active Member

    @darkcurry thanks for the info!

    The hallway scene we see in the trailers doesn't last long? A minute? Dang, I hope we see more than the dark, fuzzy shots. Her legs up and around Sterling was so erotic! I have read "heavily implied sex" in other reviews and why it didn't go further is a slight disappointment since the director is female.
  13. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Yeah the build up was pretty hot have you thinking that good thing my theatre had only about 20 people in it. lol. But it was just one big tease of "sex" scene. lol.
  14. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Had to admit it feels like a flashback.
  15. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Just like my reply.
  16. Target 02

    Target 02 Active Member

    How long of a scene do you feel it is? Being short was my fear :oops:
  17. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Several about 3 to 4 minutes.
  18. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    ALL THE BRIGHT PLACES (sneak peek)

    Full Trailer debuts tomorrow.
  19. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

  20. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I'm in! This looks beautiful.

    Keegan-Michael Key as Justice Smith's Dad is perfect casting!

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