BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    If they're staying true to Nancy & Ned of the entire Nancy Drew franchise it's more than likely they'll be back together by the end of this season or next season. But she right now is the pursuer. He is waiting for her to open up with him. They both have shown the feelings for each other are still there with awkward moments. But in the mean time him and George are getting flirty flirty. lol.
  2. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    Yeah and we all know how much The CW cares for established-canon relationships lol. Just look at how they insisted that Green Arrow end up with Black Canary
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  3. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    Okay so this is the second week in a row y'all got me lol...
    Straight up, Nancy and Nick are done. There definitely isn't about to be any love triangle.

    The gifs of Nick and her above are from a dream she had. That same dream starts with her getting down with the other guy, and their part was way steamier than Nick's and hers lol. The dream sequence was by far the closest Nancy came to "pursuing" Nick, and she obviously had no control over that dream.

    And she didn't reject that guy at all. She initiated a kiss with him! She just left in a hurry to handle some other business. When he asked if she pulled away because of Nick, she specifically said, "it's not always about a guy." These two will probably be banging by the end of next episode.

    And Nick is about to own a restaurant with George. Those two are clearly close to their own hook up. And considering they'll be business partners, a breakup would be messy (not that the show won't eventually go there). If anything *this* will be the show's "stable" couple (assuming this show has one of those).

    Also Nick showed NO hint of feelings left for Nancy in any scene outside of HER dream (where she was going harder with the other dude anyway lol). He legit just looks like any other member of the Nancy Drew Mystery and Friendship Gang.

    Case closed as far as I'm concerned. I think the writers are just showing Nancy realistically dealing with an unexpected breakup before moving on to the next guy. Remember she didn't want things to end with Nick. He's the one that dumped her.

    And btw, the new dude has repeatedly praised Nancy for the type of stuff that Nick couldn't handle (independence, unrelenting focus and drive, making goals a priority, etc.). Think about it. They're clearly framing him as the far better match.

    I don't like it at all, but that's what I'm seeing. Who knows, if the show lasts several seasons maybe Nancy and Nick will eventually still happen again. But my money is on that never happening. This will be way closer to Oliver/Felicity than Green Arrow/Black Canary (especially if social media goes like I assume it will: handsome-rich white dude favored over cute-violent-felon black dude for the main character's heart).

    Prove me wrong if you can. I'd actually love that lol
    I welcome all respectful critique of my observations and conclusions.
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  4. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    I'm on record as not being a George and Nick fan. I much prefer Nancy and Nick and it ain't even close.

    Possible controversy!!!
    Not to spark a conspiracy convo, but why is the black dude always passed off to some consolation prize instead of getting the beautiful female lead? (Finn and Rey anyone?)

    No, he's not "entitled" to her or anyone else. I surely haven't phrased this as well I could (it's been a long week and I'm tired lol!). But I can't say I'm not just a little frustrated. My personal issues I guess
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  5. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    You haven't been watching the entire season or paying attention? Do you remember when he saved her in the episode before this one? Do you remember their moment at the end before she let him leave the house? In this last episode do you remember the moment they had at the diner when he told her about her best and the look he got out of her? Do you remember her narration at the end about pushing people away?

    Have you seen the previews and read the synopsis of next week's episode "The Lady Of Larkspur Lane"?

    It's the little things that they are building up that you have to catch and pay attention to. If you ever heard or read about Nancy Drew growing up you would know that Ned is the love interest of Nancy. In the books, the movies, the other tv show that used to be on, the cartoon, everything. lol. So it would be out of left field if they were scratching them off completely.

    I don't like playing the guessing game like this until the season finale hits. I learned my lesson with EUPHORIA. lol. So I will let this play out and enjoy the rest of the season. The show is pretty good and that's saying a lot for a CW show.

    Also George is pretty awesome and pretty character. I'm going to assume you haven't been watching to put her on the side like that.
  6. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    You're right, I've only caught a handful of episodes. So maybe I am missing something. But everything you listed here sounds like people slowly letting go of a dead relationship even though their feelings aren't completely gone. And even if I'm wrong about that, I'm seeing clearer signs of her interest in Owen (I remembered his name! Lol). But yeah, maybe I haven't caught all the evidence.

    No I haven't seen next episode's preview. I'll check it out. But if this network cared about long-established canon, Oliver would never have stayed with Felicity. He would have ended up with Laurel (who actually should've gone by Dinah; sorry to keep bringing up Arrow, but it's such an obvious example). If they can change Green Arrow's history around that much, they can change Nancy Drew's.

    Yeah, I can see why you say that. In a different context I could easily pull for her. It's not that I don't like her. It's that I really think Nick with Nancy is better.
  7. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Yeah. We'll see how things unfold though. Like I said I don't want to do the guessing game anymore for obvious reasons. lol.
  8. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    I just watched the preview and read the synopsis for the next episode. I don't see anything at all about either guy.

    The Lady of Larkspur Lane synopsis:
    While Nancy and the Drew Crew follow up on the latest Lucy Sable lead, they also work to uncover who tried to kill Ryan, leading them to a starting revelation.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Wait did they?
    Well him and Felicity was annoying as hell. I hated her as a character
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Because no matter how alpha no matter caring no matter how overall amazing a black man is he is no match to the greatness of a mediocre white guy. A bumbling unimpressive white guy always gets the girl. Noticed this on the Magicians last season. Even when women write it the same thing happens. It's a weird unspoken understanding of American television and just probably marketing since the majority of viewers are white dudes. So they probably reason why would white dudes tune in to not see themselves as the hero or choice (since even female lead shows and movies always pick a white dude at some point) completely ignoring millions of non white folk watch media too.
  11. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Pretty sure that's a typo by @qaz1, he meant Felicity. Also I don't blame The CW for Oliver ending up with Felicity, it's the fault of the fuccing producers of "Arrow" pandering to the non-comicbook female Olicity fans who probably don't even watch the show anymore.
  12. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    I'm on hiatus from "The Magicians" after finishing season 3 a couple weeks ago or so. Does your post suggest they introduced a new black male character in the current 5th season or nah?
  13. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    LOL! I meant it how it's written, but I was being sarcastic. The CW clearly didn't care about honoring Green Arrow's canon relationship.

    It's messed up how I still forget that sarcasm doesn't always translate so well in writing lol
  14. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    It's not just that the coveted viewers are white males. It's also that so many of the Hollywood decision-makers are white males. There have undoubtedly been pieces written on this before (I'd search for a few to insert here if I wasn't in lazy Sunday mode lol).

    Lol it's so crazy to realize. This kinda thing is both the result AND cause of privilege and entitlement. The system just perpetuates itself, and the beat goes on and on and on and on.....

    Unsolicited commentary:
    But to be fair, we've displayed a fair amount of privilege and entitlement here too lol. I guess it's an easy trap to fall into
  15. ryanpaulstewart

    ryanpaulstewart Well-Known Member

    Still from season 1 episode 3 of The Good Place

    81F4A611-5B14-4186-A66A-F4DACCA0ED08.jpeg 4ACE14A9-1E64-4E5A-83CA-26A110C6F783.jpeg
    Stills from series finale of The Good Place

    This show is narratively insane and I have no idea how they intend to end it, but the trajectory of this IR relationship is one of the cores of the show.

    There might be a ton to be disappointed about with how IR relationships are depicted and disposed of in film and tv, but The Good Place is an absolute standout in terms of how it handled the typical nerd-boy meets hot-chick format and really allowed for the brother to be both a nerd and a leading man.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2020
  16. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    Agreed on all counts, my man! Here's hoping for more of this respectful and thoughtful treatment in the near future.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    What privilege and what entitlement?
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Nah Margot hooked up with that black prince (named effing princess no less who's dad is into men again clear agenda) rejected him and falls in love with the chubby nerdy magician. Again mediocre white guy is still better than the better looking more athletic black guy.
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  19. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    That's a long complicated answer bruh. Basically I think everyone has blindspots, and we're no exception.

    I'm not gonna go find quotes to cut and paste, but I don't wanna make a claim and not back it up either. So basically I think, among other things, that we do have male privilege even if we don't have white male privilege.

    Here's a quick link I just found on Google. But I haven't read the whole thing, so I'm not 100% cosigning at this point.

    On a slightly different note, I think we too often make the kinds of blanket statements about black women that we decry others for making about us ("but I'm not talking about all of them, just the ignorant ones!").

    Now this isn't all of us, and this definitely isn't all the time. I guess I mostly mean to say that people should always remember that they're not perfect, especially when pointing out others' imperfections (even when others' imperfections are heinous and inexcusable)
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Funny you posted the list because I was on a podcast where we went through most of the assertions and found a lot if not most to be false.
    Black men do not I repeat do not have privilege within our community in this day in age. Maybe at some point in the past or in majority black countries but here in the western world in particular the US its simply not true. By every material metric from higher education to corporate employment to incarceration to credit to home ownership etc we our outpaced by our women. Why you may ask? Because black are narratively and systematically considered more dangerous so we are policied more which translates into higher arrest rates longer incarceration times which keeps a lot of us out of the work force and school because you can't student loans with certain conviction records ie drugs and black men are the ones constantly being arrested and convicted for bogus drug charges, charges that never seem to interrupt the lives of white dudes doing the same thing. We constantly uplift our girls far more than our men even to the point a black man wins the presidency but the narrative is his wife runs the show.
    Outside of sports nearly all the assertions on that list are easily challenged and honestly don't effect our everyday lives. It's like saying women get more help in a shoe store than men so they must have some type of privilege over us.

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