The code-words we use.

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Rollx007, Oct 23, 2019.

  1. Rollx007

    Rollx007 Well-Known Member

    Hey :D

    So the use of code-words are discreet ways we signal our dating interests in public circles.

    Are there any words or unique terms that black men or white women use on social media or in the dating scene, to hint you prefer dating black men/ white women?

    Essentially a coded way to avoid scrutiny for your preferences.

    I'm only aware of the R-rated, kink-terms that some people refer to, such as;

    - snowbunny
    - "Queen of spades" (the tattoo)
    - Tags- wwbm, swirl etc.

    I find these terms weird, but it'll be nice to know some less-sexualised ways of communicating.

    Are there any other terms that I'm not aware of?

    And it'll be nice to have a discussion on creating new code-words to connect with each other outside this very special forum.

    A bit about myself:
    I'm a little new to the forum.
    I'm a 25 yr old black male from the UK.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2019
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  2. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Hello, Rollx.

    The whole "code-word" idea is silly IMO. For those of us who have actual interracial RELATIONSHIPS, it's not some covert society that we have to be "discreet" about like we're hiding some dirty little secret from the rest of the world. Basically, we communicate (talk, flirt, show interest, etc.) like most people do.

    A lot of the so-called "code-words", like the trashy "Queen of Spades" crap, are demeaning and don't really apply to people who actually have genuine interest/attraction/respect/love/etc. for one another. Too much of that garbage comes from skanky porn and/or fetish references that don't have shit to do with actual interracial relationships. It's insulting (and a turn-off) to IR folks who don't appreciate having their relationships reduced to some kind of trashy stereotype. Some of the other cornholish terms applied to WW, BM, IR, etc., aren't as offensive, but they're still cheesy and eye-roll inducing.

    If others' scrutiny is a concern for someone, that person probably shouldn't even be dating interracially; he/she is either not ready or doing it for the wrong reasons. What the haters think is immaterial, and it makes no sense whatsoever to care so much about their opinions. Normal, secure, and happy people are too busy living their lives and loving each other to pay that crap any mind, because we know it doesn't matter. We know it doesn't have any power over us unless we allow it. Strong, secure people won't feel the need to hide their attraction/preference to placate folks who don't matter; they don't even waste time or energy thinking about them.

    If you feel the need to create some code-words though, more power to you. I can live without it myself, so I'm gonna pass.
  3. Rollx007

    Rollx007 Well-Known Member

    I definitely understand your point of view, my approach is not an attempt to be covert or to associate with these sexual tags, but for those of us who are young and still dating, we may struggle to filter out those who dont share the same interests (ww/bm) and without wasting people's time.
  4. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Regardless of who you date or what your interests are or your age, the approach is pretty much the same. There's no code or special way to figure out who will or won't share your interest. It's all about meeting and possibly getting to know people and seeing who you click with. The straightforward approach is a good way not to waste anyone's time. You never know, just because someone hasn't dated interracially before, doesn't mean they won't be interested if the right person came along.
  5. Rollx007

    Rollx007 Well-Known Member

    Good point! Although i personally wouldn't want to date someone who has never considered IR before, or who considers themselves "colorblind" when dating, because thats a lot of work and I've been there before, eventhough an IR relationship is just like every other relationship, everyday still feels like a lesson to unlearn about societal projections and the person who isn't prepared for the small dynamics of a IR relationship, especially when their family isn't prepared for the culture clash.
    I'd rather date someone who has held a preference before dating me and has had a deeper thought into being with someone from a different culture.
  6. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I get where you're coming from, but it's about keeping an open mind. Some people, especially these days when people's social skills are a bit stunted thanks to social media and the lack of in-person interaction, may just not be at that point in their development yet. A lot of young people are are still developing and trying to figure things out, and thanks to technology a lot of them are late bloomers who haven't had enough experience to really know what they're interested in. It's healthy to keep your options open and not prejudge; not being open could result in missing out on something good. But, like I said before, be straightforward and ask if they date interracially if you want to know. That's a whole lot easier than trying to guess or waiting for some kind of special IR signal.
  7. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    In online dating profiles, I think a ww will sometimes include a pic in which she's with black friends as a clue that she's open to IR relations. ... Of course, some will go the straightforward route and simply state they're open to dating "outside of their race".

    To the OP -- I read stats that about 50% of black men in the UK marry white (??). I wouldn't think that IR relations would be tricky to navigate in that atmosphere -- let alone needing "code".

    Here in the US (especially certain environs) it's important to know who's who. Personally, I wouldn't want to flatter a klanswoman with my attention, so yeah, if I were dating, I'd look for clues & cues.
  8. Rollx007

    Rollx007 Well-Known Member

    50% is a surprise to me and pretty unrealistic, if it's possible to share those stats with me please.
    But I''m aware that Carribean men are more likely to date IR in the UK, but African men still tend to stick to their own culture.

    I totally get that, that's why I would rather know beforehand lool
  9. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Milk-bath-booty-cheeks, means a pale white woman that gets really wet and has a big ass.

    snowflake Christmas Dime, means a white woman who is fine as fuck, but will also dress up as Mrs. Clause and give you the goodies.

    backdoor bleach biddie,is a white woman who bleached her butt hole.

    space tang Star fox, is a foxy white lady who’s pussy makes you feel like you are an astronaut in zero gravity.

    Ms. Daisy, is a white woman who teaches you how to read.

    snowfall snowball, is when a team of buffed white women carry you to safety

    gingerbread and truffle sandwich, is two red headed white women having sex with a black man.

    I hope ALL of this helps.
  10. Rollx007

    Rollx007 Well-Known Member

    Hahaha, very creative,thanks but was hoping for less explicit terms, im familiar with some of those.
  11. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    The stat I see quoted a lot is that about 50% of black guys in the UK marry out.

    A quick google brings up this from Wikipedia: "black British males were around 50% more likely than black females to marry outside their race."

    Maybe that's the source of the confusion.
  12. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    Regarding "code" -- in dating profiles, I think a ww stating her love for "r&b" might be a signal (or at least you can take it as one)... Being open to black music doesn't mean she's open to IR dating, but it might mean she's more culturally open-minded and more acclimated to black people.
  13. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    It depends on the artists she likes.
  14. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    I more of so notice code words of women who don't fuck with black dudes on dating profiles.

    Hates rap music
    Hardcore country music fans
    Wanting a "country boy"
    Loves watching baseball and hockey, no love for the NFL and NBA
    Women into law enforcement officers
  15. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Women without lips
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  16. Rollx007

    Rollx007 Well-Known Member

    "50% more likely to marry out" then I get that, but not 50% of the total pop. of married black British men, that's pretty high and not what I've seen lol

    I agree with that observation.
  17. Rollx007

    Rollx007 Well-Known Member

    I've come across phrases like "I have a preference for light/blue/green eyes etc", a dead give away LOL
  18. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Do y'all think this chick is being too obvious or nah?:

  19. Rollx007

    Rollx007 Well-Known Member

    100% hint LOOL i dont think its too obvious but wow, a dead give away.
    It's very creative
  20. Mrmike757

    Mrmike757 Well-Known Member

    My best friend uses code words since I've known him but we used these interchangeably.

    Delquan-Typical thug brother
    Shaquandra-Hood Rat
    V.S.R-Vaginal Sales Rep (Prostitute)
    V.S.M-Vaginal Sales Manager (Pimp)
    Locs-"Low-Ks" buddies you hang with
    Pound or Clap-Having sex with a female

    There's a bunch of others but those are the ones to come to mind.

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