Bernie Sanders Hospitalized For Heart Procedure

Discussion in 'Politics' started by RicardoCooper, Oct 2, 2019.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    More importantly why is actually doing the will of the people so radical in a democracy? We're playing all these games over what's doable with a Republican Senate or moderate House but in a democracy where the government is suppose to work for the betterment of the majority not just a handful of the greedy you use the power of the vote to replace those who don't work for your benefit.
    People are so hopeless that they'll accept half measures and symbols over material change and it's sad
  2. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    More like you value them when they may support your narrative.

    You will conviently reevaluate anything but your

    Let me guess you forgot
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    If you want to point it please do but otherwise tackle my number of donors argument or is that some pie in the sky nonsense not supported by whatever metric you keep using?
  4. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Don't need to. Bernie will fail, then you will have to find someone to blame.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  6. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    Sometimes I'm tempted to take her off ignore but there's no point in trying to educate someone who is unwilling to actually learn anything.
  7. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    His age is my only real problem. By the time the 2020 election rolls around, he'll be staring 80 in the face. Trump was in his 70s when he took office and even if he wasn't a corrupt, sexist, bigoted dipshit with the IQ of a broken plastic fork he's still too old to be president.

    Bernie needs to hang it up. At this point I'd be shocked if he lived to even see the election.
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  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Then lets hope he picks a dope running mate
  9. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    You think he's gonna get the nomination this time? He ain't getting any younger, after all. And age will play a factor in how voters look at him.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I think for a lot of voters sincerity about policy is what's gonna take this especially in the States that matter. It's gonna come down to do I believe you when you say you're gonna help me not to mention that startling 1 million donor base he has and the AOC endorsement. I'm not saying it's a sure thing nothing is but I try to see all the variables no one easily pays attention to. We all tend to live in our bubbles and not think about what motivates other players.
    Yes his age is a factor but for many people they'd rather gamble 2 years messing with Bernie rather than a candidate like a Harris Biden or Pete who will say empty shit and not get anything done. People are hip to this game by now.
  11. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    You know when you sign out you can see ignored members. Her post caught my eye and I signed back on to respond. Not to engage her in any way. She was automatically re-ignored when I signed back in. Knowingly taking the bullshit position on topics just to argue is mental illness.
  12. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Your lips to God's ears. America has had enough of this spoiler.
  13. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Bernie is hella old but so is the Cheeto-In-Chief and every candidate polling above 10 percent nationally, so chances are we are going to see a depends wearing, AARP member in the White House one way or the other in 2020, and if that's the case id rather have an old fart in the Oval who is less likely to sell out the future just because he won't personally live to see it happen.
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  14. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    He's down across the board in the past two weeks and is currently at his lowest number in the RCP aggregates since he joined the race.

    The backlash against the polls in 2016 was overblown, but it's going to be legit this time. They're grossly oversampling seniors and landlines. IMO we're going to see some big surprises when the actual voting starts on the level of what happened in the Michigan primary in 2016.

    The establishment doesn't share your confidence in Biden winning. That's why you have people like Bloomberg and Deval Patrick trying to jump in the race.

    Glad we agree on Mayor Pete though. I've never seen a more manufactured candidate.

    Dude has totally been propped up by the media and changed all of his positions as soon as he got big donor money. He jumped in the race trying to sound like a Bernie clone, now he's attacking Sanders non-stop.

    Also, his previous political experience is a joke. Aside from the issues with racism and gentrification in South Bend, it's a small irrelevant city, and winning elections there isn't indicative of electability on the national stage.

    Pete was getting elected with less votes in the general than AOC got in her primary against Joe Crowley.

    Last edited: Nov 15, 2019
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  15. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Which is why I was 100% for Beto. Not even 50 with 3 young kids, he and his kids would live to see the consequences of his own policies unlike the 70+ brigade. It was the old generation who don't travel or make money in the EU who foisted Brexit on the young Brits, for example. They won't live to deal with the end result of their vote.

    Too bad about Beto but you don't hear me crying "rigged." A lot of the ex-Hillary women and feminists in general are on a nO mOrE wHiTe MeN kick and have shifted to Kamala who's polling only a point or two higher than Beto was.
  16. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    Bruh, not to be rude, but you don't seem to pay attention to actual policies at all or really anything in politics beyond a superficial level.

    Beto was one of the bigger frauds in the race. The dude totally shifted his policy set within a six month period from the Senate election to when he launched his Presidential bid. He positioned himself as a progressive against Cruz, and went so far as attempting to secure an endorsement from Justice Dems, the group that recruited AOC, but they told him to take a hike because they knew he wasn't serious as he had a history of voting with the Republicans when he was in the House.

    When he launched his presidential campaign, he surrounded himself with former Obama staffers and dropped the progressive policies in favor of virtue signalling on social issues.

    His decision to run for president was solely based on his ego getting gassed up by the national attention that he got against Cruz. If he'd stayed in Texas, he was positioned to make a serious run against Cornyn next year. The entire Democratic establishment tried to get him to commit to the another Senate election against Cornyn in 2020 because they were tied in a hypothetical match up after he lost to Cruz. As it stands now, he's basically destroyed his career in Texas politics by saying that he was in favor of gun confiscation and going after churches. All because of his ridiculous ego.

    The one genuine moment that he had in the race was when he called out the media for playing dumb about Trump's racism after the El Paso shooting, but then he threw whatever credibility that gave him out the window by using it to reboot his failing campaign for the third time.

    How the fuck could you possibly be attracted to somebody who's this transparent? The dude isn't really committed to anything, and his family wouldn't have to deal with the consequences of whatever terrible policy he enacted if he did manage to get elected because they're all stinking rich. His parents own a bunch of property, and his father-in-law is literally a billionaire. Politics is just a game to him, and I'm glad that he kneecapped himself before he got any real power in government because I don't think that he cares about anything but personal enrichment.
  17. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    One more addendum to how meaningless these polls are. The vast majority of Democratic voters aren't actually committed to a particular candidate.

    This is another reason why so many politicians are still trying to jump into the race.

    The only candidate who has a real committed base of support is Sanders.
  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Like l said..This won't happen...

    Bernie Sanders: "AOC will have key role in my White House if I'm elected in 2020'
    (a Cabinet position)

    At least Obams agrees with


    Obama warns Democrats not to be 'deluded' into accepting radical plans by Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders for healthcare and immigration because 'average Americans' won't vote for them
      • He further told the audience that he does not believe a winning 2020 coalition will be driven by 'the activist wing' of the Democratic Party
      • Obama's comments appear to be a rebuke of candidates Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders - both of whom have called for massive systemic shake-ups
      • On Twitter, many liberals expressed disappointment with Obama's remarks, claiming he had turned his back on his 'hope and change' mantra
      • Last month, the POTUS denounced 'woke culture' and 'purity tests' during an appearance..
  19. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    Obama is a disingenuous piece of shit.

    Dude got elected by pandering to progressives and trashing Clinton for her support for the Iraq war and corporate connections.

    Listen to his rhetoric on the campaign trail in 2008. He literally sounds like Bernie Sanders.

    These are the exact same attacks Sanders used in 2016 that the centrists got bent out of shape about.

    Amazing that memories are so short that people have bought this horseshit about him always presenting himself as a "pragmatic centrist" who deluded lefties falsely assumed was more to the left. They made the assumption because he tricked people into thinking that he was a real agent of change.

    Here he is walking back the infamous quote that he made praising Reagan by turning it into a left wing attack on Hillary.

    Here's one of his campaign ads from '08 that looks virtually indistinguishable from the stuff the candidates from Justice Dems were saying on the campaign trail last year.

    Here he is back in the early 2000s saying that he supports a universal single payer healthcare system.

    Now that he's making millions, he wants the people who supported him before the Black vote defected to him from the Clintons to shut up. He can stick his lectures where the sun don't shine. A lot of people have had enough of this mediocre condescending motherfucker. This corporate centrism bullshit is a strategy that the Dems have been failing with for the past 25 years, and centrists got wiped out all over the US when Obama was in office.

    And RE AOC, who the fuck are you, a MAGA, to laugh at her being in a cabinet position? Trump has appointed people like Rick Perry and Ben Carson, who don't even fucking understand the jobs that they're supposed to be doing.

    Last edited: Nov 17, 2019
  20. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Nah, who the fuck are you to even compare AOC to Ben Carson and Rick Perry.

    I never laughed at the fact that she'd be appointed a member of Sandal's Cabinet, because I find the thought downright frightening! So get your facts straight.

    Using your edited clip as an example, REO's and Foreclosure are the same damn thing, but NO ONE ever has used that verbiage in discussions.
    Not Presidents, not HUD secretaries, not estate and foreclosure lawyers and not the tens of thousands of litigants being foreclosed upon.
    She threw that in because she wanted to show up Ben Carson, and for no other reason. Your own ass didn't even know what an REO was. So don't sit and act like he's some dumb fuck because he didn't know - he instantly understood when it was explained.

    However, dumbass AOC doesn't understand what a tax incentive is, at all! And she was vigorously fighting Amazon on it. (unlike Ben, who was just asked a question about a ratio of foreclosures).

    Even when it was explained to AOC the $3 billion dollars in tax incentives would create $27 billion dollars in revenue for the city, she still didn't get it. She continued fighting that it was a cash payout.

    And that's the difference.

    I could go on about her other ridiculous and malfunctioning thoughts, from the climate to not knowing what a garbage disposal is, so miss me with your priapism MASS support of her (to make America Stupid and Socialist).

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