BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Is it just me or is the 2nd episode of season 2 of "Sorry for your Loss" is completely missing from the Facebook Watch app? According to IMDB & Wikipedia that episode is titled "I'm Here" and the episode description says "Leigh turns to Amy for a startling new way to connect with Matt. Danny is driven to take a huge risk by a total stranger."

    Have y'all seen that episode yet? Because it doesn't show up the Facebook Watch android TV app.
  2. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

    That’s odd because I streamed that episode in October, so I searched further minutes ago and it’s available on my Android tablet and phone.
  3. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I just checked Facebook website & the Facebook android mobile app and the episode shows up fine on those 2 platforms. But the episode still doesn't show on the Facebook Watch Android TV app.


    I actually took the time to login to the Android TV app & the episode is showing up now. Not only that, the interface is better organized when you're logged-in vs. when you're logged-out.
  4. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    It's showing up on my facebook watch just fine. I don't know what's happening with others.
  5. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    That IR sex scene was even more lame than Robert's IR sex scene in that movie this summer which went straight to video (SMDH). this series is known for salacious sex scenes right? Well WTF is up?
    Does Emma have a clause in her contracts lol :)
  6. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    That's because there was no sex scene. They just cut away after they started kissing to another scene. And then after that scene ended they showed the aftermath of her and Ray putting their clothes back on.
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  7. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    My point entirely . . . if it were the failed Olympic athlete white guy do you think Emma would not have had a compelling sex scene on AHS?? It is a core element of the series overall and has been since Murder House season 1. I'm just dumbfounded that in BOTH of Emma Robert's IR sex scenes . . . she puts forth such a lack of entertainment but her vanilla sex scenes on AHS and in that aforementioned movie were scintillating :)
  8. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Well, Hollywood is full of hedonism. With that hedonism comes a lot of stars with incurable STDs. She has been in Hollywood for almost a decade now. That brotha is new to the game. So maybe she has something that he doesn’t want, so it was kept light.
  9. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I don't know. I'm sure some of those females in Hollywood are like some of those pornstars when it comes to black guys touching them(lol). But it's harder to tell with some of these actresses.
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  10. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    How I hope & pray things don't devolve that way in "Stranger Things #4" which is under production this month I think. I have repeatedly written to its twitter account that this year's season could have been longer than just eight episodes and considerably better because 10 episodes provide more room for the character relationships to breathe like Max & Billy which EVERYONE was like ???

    Now with just two more episodes their background and depth would be much more emotionally authentic plus one could easily and effortlessly double dip with some quality Max & Lucas scenes at her place and showcase Billy's animosity towards their relationship and how it had progressed over several months into movie night with the new family VCR/TV combo in the living room while watching their favorite video home release (Purple Rain perhaps?) from Blockbuster while Billy pouts and stomps away lol but he gets admonished by Max's mom to behave and let the teens have their turn at the Sony home entertainment center that he had been hogging all weekend :)
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2019
  11. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Absolutely. This title from Vox says it all:

    CBS’s Evil is one of TV’s wildest shows, disguised as a network procedural

    The show is unexpectedly rich in story arcs and character. I bet during the off-season it will get a huge boost from people who will discover it before season two premieres. It also helps that it is just 13 episodes per season.
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  12. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

    This show is so damn wild and good.
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  13. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Yeah a lot of the fans noticed they dropped the ball on the lack of further development into Max and Lucas relationship. They need to start paying attention to the fans because they LITERALLY have a fan page on twitter dedicated to Max and Lucas. lol.
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  14. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    Didn't know that info Dark Curry so thanks. It does give us even more basis to reasonably expect that "Stranger Things #4" will address this glaring omission from the prior release. It was such an unnecessary issue too because the Duffer Brothers knew what the fans reasonably expected when they wrote ST3: (1) Public demand and Netflix executives would like 10 episodes and surely they had the capital to shoot an added episode or two right?
    (2) Max & Lucas should receive equal or at least nearly equal relationship development to that of Mike & Eleven because they ended ST2 with the same degree of momentum and it provides balance for a well-rounded and plausible storyline . . . especially in Conservative Republican Indiana during the summer of 1985 where Max & Lucas were sure to get small town tongues a wagging right?

    So the scenario I suggested for the Duffer Brothers to write a 10 episode season would have been a substantial upgrade as it gives the fans more of what they foreseeably and reasonably expected from them and the characters this summer.

    With their screenplay twitter account I see no plausible reason why "Stranger Things #4" doesn't make up for lost time when we return to IN at the start of Spring 1986 to witness their Frosh year come to an end.
  15. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    ^^ I was truly ??? with how much production time "13 Reasons Why?" gets to put out so many episodes and each each one is longer than a little bit lol and just filled with as much teen IR as I have ever seen on a streaming or cable series. It made me wonder if it was too much to hope that Stranger Things could upgrade to 10 episodes a year since they surely have more capital than 13 Reasons and would it be too much to reasonably expect that Max & Lucas could behave like 8th graders did in the 80's speaking as a 1989 alumnus of Edgewood Junior High at 14 :).

    If "Stranger Things #4" is to take place in Spring 1986 and Max & Lucas have been on again & off again since Winter 1985 . . . then would it be plausible for them to have some PG-13 energy next year? I remember the Ronald Regan 80's and all I ask from the Duffers is credibility for the character development of Max & Lucas . . . if they are even still together in "Stranger Things #4" because the show runners for "13 Reasons Why" have a teen IR fetish that has broken new ground it is undeniable they have an agenda for White Male based teen IR . . .
    So much so that they have afforded the Duffer Brothers considerable elbow room when writing next year's season to silence any opposition by keeping the Max & Lucas scenes modest but credible in the Spring of 1986: what could be more appropriate than coming of age PG-13 scenes for the core characters??

    I'm trying to hope against all odds that Max & Lucas don't get "90210ed" is all but this summer gives me a reasonable basis for concern they may not get written as well as they should in "Stranger Things #4" :(
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2019
  16. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    That is another thing people noticed. That an IR couple in the 80's didn't face any obstacles and didn't have those stares that I'm pretty sure we are all used to. Especially if you were an 80's kid like me. lol. You guys know the looks I'm talking about.
  17. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    ^^ Especially in super conservative Indiana in 1985!!
  18. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    LOL, I found a entertainment blog that regularly writes about "New Amsterdam". It seems like almost every week during this current season 2 they write a piece rooting for Dr. Reynolds & Dr. Bloom:
  19. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Sounds like wishful thinking to me considering they seem to be busy in their own relationships and no actual hint writing wise that they are still into each other.
  20. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    For those that watched last night's episode of legacies did anybody else find themselves screaming at this silly girl....


    lol. Oh my goodness.

    As far as Rafael goes
    Even though he doesn't remember Hope they revealed that he still has feelings for her and likes her. He went to the High School where she is at just to see her before the Oni possessed him. And he looked in love when he saw her in this clip.
    Snapshot 1 (11-8-2019 7-35 AM).png Snapshot 2 (11-8-2019 7-35 AM).png Snapshot 3 (11-8-2019 7-36 AM).png

    But they still got her heartbroken over Landon to the displeasure of the majority of the viewers. Now they even got the fans telling the actors they don't want Landon they want Rafael. lol. He is the unofficial male lead of the show according the fanbase rafael&src=typeahead_click&f=live

    I don't see him lasting long on the show if the fans keep this up because I don't think they expected the fans to the love this guy so much. And it looks like they so DESPERATELY want Landon to be a thing over Rafael and it. is. not. happening!
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