BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    lol. Why does it seem like they are parodying

    Or is that only me. lol.

    Her and Rusev are having fun with this storyline too. Maybe they're fans of blacked. You never know. lol.
  2. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    I forgot to post this news from last week:

    So "All American" might be here to stay for the longterm.
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  3. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

  4. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    AHS:1984 and it's twist that involves Ray being back from the dead.
    After a gruesome death Ray suffered from Mr. Jingles that gave us Jason Takes Manhattan flashback where he was decapitated Ray like the hiker has returned from the dead.

    While Brooke, Xavier and Montana were hiding out from Mr. Jingles in one of the cabins Brooke spotted Ray running around outside. Remember they didn't know he was killed so Brooke ran outside after him and found him. During a short embrace and convo they heard Mr. Jingles and ran into the cafeteria to hide out from him and like how these horror movies goes one thing lead to another, Brooke and the ghost of Ray(lol) started sharing their feelings with each other and had sex.
    Snapshot 4 (10-17-2019 12-36 AM).png
    Snapshot 2 (10-17-2019 12-21 AM).png Snapshot 3 (10-17-2019 12-21 AM).png

    And it turns out not only did she have sex with a ghost, but she revealed that he was her first.
    Snapshot 1 (10-17-2019 12-20 AM).png

    This season is wild, but I think we finally understand what's going on. They pulled a fast one on us with the Brooke/Ray tease in the beginning.
  5. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Taye Diggs' character, Billy Baker, is the Head Football Coach of Beverly Hills H.S. & his wife Laura Fine-Baker (played by Monet Mazur) is a Lawyer/local politician. They have 2 kids, Jordan Baker the starting QB & their daughter Oilvia Baker whose also a main character:

    Last edited: Oct 17, 2019
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  6. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Okay. Thanks.
  7. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member


    Not the type to provide regular updates of anything. But that said I have to admit "Evil" is pretty damn good, at least for a network TV show. Three episodes in and they have managed to add the type of depth and shading to the leading characters that you don't necessarily see in American Network TV. This includes the Indian dude, the third most prominent character on the show, who in the third episode was given some interesting family history. These characters have dark secrets and also keep secrets from one another or two of them may keep info hidden from the third member of the offbeat trio. The leading lady has already compromised herself to achieve a victory for what she sees is a just cause and the amazing thing is how quickly she came to this decision. Once she made it she did not look back or regret doing something blatantly illegal.

    While I won't put this show at the level of X-Files, I gotta say it does something that I wish X-Files did more often. And this is it has conclusions which don't lead to a supernatural explanation. I always thought Scully was made to be a fool on X-Files because outside or one or maybe two times, Mulder the believer was right while Sculy the skeptical was proven wrong (even when she didn't know she was wrong we the audience knew). This show though is allowing science and reason to be the basis for why things happen (even with supernatural stuff happening on the side) and that makes for a more interesting dynamic. It makes episode endings less predictable too.

    Like X-Files it is a serial show instead of a stand-alone one, but the continuity isn't so heavy to make you very loss if you drop in to watch. At least not so far. I think I'll continue watching. It could end up being the first network show I watched an entire season of since year one of How to Get Away With Murder.
  8. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    This couple is already over it seems. After this love scene they were pretty much robbed of having any intimate scenes together again. They appeared onscreen together a very limited amount of time and almost never alone when those moments occurred.

    You see this is the typical manner in which BM/WW "relationships" are handled om daytime soaps.

    1-Introduce the couple-to-be.
    2-Slow walk them; don't make them a priority.
    3-When they do make it official, limit their scenes, provide them pedestrian story-telling, make their interaction tepid and lukewarm instead of hot. This leads to audiences, who are against BM/WW pairings in the first place (especially black female viewers) to brush them off as uninteresting and claims that the performers have no chemistry.
    4-Show the two participants interacting with other people more than each other or talking about their relationship with others more than they talk about it to each other. Oh, and when the black guy shares 75% of his scenes with a black chick who is not his girlfriend, you can bet he will end up with her.
    5-Let the relationship hag on a vine for awhile longer, only showing them at large get-togethers like weddings or holidays.
    6-Suddenly throw in some tension from out of nowhere which leads to conflict
    7-Have those mostly measly conflicts become insurmountable and then break the couple up without much fanfare
    8-Audiences give their approval of said breakup which comments like "finally" or "its about time" or "they should have never been a couple in the first place".

    Rinse, wash, repeat. It almost always follows this pattern,

    The only difference between Nate and Abby is that they got some hot love scene early in the process. Don't know why if the writers made them almost strangers immediately afterwards

    Thankfully my cable service provided me an on-demand option to review a week's worth of the show in one sitting which I was able to fast forward through pretty quickly considering the lack of screen time between Abby and Nate.

    There's a 5% chance I'm wrong about this and their breakup is just a false flag that will lead to something more. If I learn of that happening I'll provide a correction and an update.
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  9. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Let me add that I finished Jessica Jones season 3 awhile back but never gave my thoughts. Too long ago to recall all of it now but let me add it seemed as if the showrunner Melissa Rosenberg gave the middle finger to black women. Black ladies and their toadies on twitter and blogs kept the drumbeat going of how the show didn't have any black women or enough black women. So Rosenberg appeared to correct this problem by adding a new character to the show. A smart, ambitious, competent, beautiful black female lawyer. Made her Malcolm's girlfriend. Looked as if they were going to be endgame, end the series as a couple. She was loyal to Malcolm and really wanted relationship to work.

    And then he fucks it u by fucking another woman. A white woman. Who happened to be a prostitute. And by all indications he fucked her numerous times. He felt guilty about it, knew he had wronged his girlfriend. But then broke up with her and fucked the hooker some more.

    I cringed at that a bit. Thought it was right and that it made Malcolm seem awful. But a big part of me loved it anyway. It meant to me that Rosenberg wasn't kowtowing to pressure and was going to go out on her own terms. She had created this show in which the white females leads had slept with or had relationships with black men and the black male leads had done the same with white women. In fact they had all done it with each other. The show also ended making it clear that Luke was the man that meant the most to Jessica, the one she trusted at all. Was real happy about that.

    One last thing....I saw a great film "Luce" months ago.


    I bring this up because one of the supporting characters in the film was played by Astro.


    This was the guy who had the role in "Euphoria" before he left and was replaced by Algee Smith. I gotta say he was the right choice, the better choice. He played an athlete in "Luce" and he really looked the part, had that athletic presence. Had that height too. And in his limited scenes he came across as a strong actor. May not be as good as Algee but was still rather impressive.
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  10. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

    Of course it is, I believe I also gave a few of those examples a few months ago when we where discussing Cloak & Dagger, God Friended Me and Legacies. It happens in every tv show and movie with a few exceptions, which really shows you who's in the room while these script are being written.
    I believe it will happen again on Legacies and God father of Harlem.
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  11. Shulz021

    Shulz021 Well-Known Member

    The same thing happened when she was with Tyler not surprised. lmao
  12. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    I thought the same thing but the Tyler relationship had more intimacy and their coupling was ended mostly for the fact that TPTB weren't renewing that actor's contract. To me this whole Nate thing is worse. But the result is ultimately about the same.
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  13. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    What turned me off with the Godfather of Harlem story is that the couple was first mentioned by the black guy's mother who portrayed her son as having some twisted addiction to white women and how he needed to be cure of that. That's racist but does the show want us to think of her as being bigoted like the Italians who frown upon relationship? If so will black audiences grasp that or will they nod their head in approval while talking about how "black women/black mamas know best." Its incredible how the black community paints black women/white men as being some type of evil betrayal that can lead to no good but are more accepting of the narrative of black women white men being about love. I suppose this is what happens when a group of men allow their women to shape the narrative in the first place.
  14. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    I'm watching the 4th episode of "Stumptown" that aired this week. That female appeared in this week's episode again & I looked up the IMDB cast list for the episode & I knew this chick looked familiar. She's being played by Zulay Henao. Zulay Henao's career reminds me of Nadine Velazquez's career, she's often being casted in black movies & TV shows and/or casted as the love interest of black male characters.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2019
  15. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Yeah. I didn't recognize her in episode two but this past episode I did. Her former bf was Miles' friend. I hope they explore her character more because it did get interesting. This episode had some of Miles' backstory in it and it was pretty good. It returns in two weeks. They apparently aren't going to be on next week.
  16. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Nancy Drew right now is my favorite show of the new shows out that features a bm/ww relationship. The horror element to this mystery is done right so far!

    Really hope it won't get away from what's working with this show.

    And I love that even though the characters are still young they are VERY adult with these characters. Ned Nickerson is a great example of that. Tunji Kasim(Fun Fact: Who's Scottish BTW) is nailing this role and owning his screen time.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2019
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  17. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    CBS just renewed "Evil" for a 2nd season:
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  18. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

  19. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    It's just been announced that Marvel's "Cloak & Dagger" has been cancelled:
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  20. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Highly disappointing, especially considering how long the network stretched out this decision. I wonder if there is any chance Hulu would be interested in picking the show up. With Marvel TV being in flux from an executive standpoint that is probably unlikely.
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