BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    The second season had an Indian woman and a black woman.

    Considering mindy and the other films by Asians where a woman falls for a white guy (to include Bollywood films), as well as other Asian nationalities doing the same thing... I’ll just let that man cook.

    I can’t help but wonder if they sometimes endure what we do. I remember reading an article that gave mindy Kaling a pass, but was angry with the movie The Big Sick.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well the thing is literally any criticism of a woman no matter how vile from a man is automatic sexism unless you have a woman cosigner. Who's going to criticize a woman from wanting only white men? Certainly not white men and if other women who aren't of that ethnicity its automatic racism. Women shout the longest and the loudest since they don't have the physical to fall back on like men so they can make baseless arguments forever without ever tiring. I'm with you let dude do him but I will call him out just like I call out Mindy. You want to pull the only white people dating game why not take place in Montana or Nebraska?
  3. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Checked out the series premiere of Emergence earlier and was thoroughly intrigued and entertained. A great mystery sci-fi show. The IR in the show may not be what some of you would be looking for in it not being "eyecandy IR"(lol), but I like how they showed something different with the IR mixed family it felt authentic. Their daughter is adorable and almost steals the show from the Piper The main character.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    It got strange at the end, but most definitely looking forward to unraveling this mystery.

    Stumptown premieres tomorrow. I'll be able to check that out live as well.
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  4. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    It’s called being free. I don’t know anything of his background that would suggest he either does or doesn’t have a preference for white women.
  5. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    They don’t come close to enduring. Only African American men allow themselves to be spooked, submissive or turned up in knots over these issues. The actor of The Big Sick got very mild pushback; he was mostly celebrated for his movie of an Indian male in a relationship with a white female. He didn’t go on some apology tour. And as for India you are more likely to find these days Bollywood films with a white female love interest than a white male love interest. Also Indian men can be so possessive that they can get violent when seeing non-Indian men with Indian women.
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  6. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Bunch of press interviews of the "Stumptown" cast from the last few days:

  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    His writing just like Mindy Khaling
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Not in my experience and I been with an Indian woman for nearly 4 years. No one seems to care including black women. But when I was dating white women people in NYC of all places would say shit
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  9. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Watched Stumptown earlier and the first episode lived up to the hype. Different, fun and creative. Dex and Miles starts off as a hot and heavy attraction. Even though her character is like a funny tough girl(kind of like JJ) Cobie Smulders is just too too gorgeous and sexy so her chemistry with Michael's character Miles is sexy and you feel it from the beginning.

    You get a hook up right from the start although
    it might had something to do with her having hookups whenever her PTSD starts up after what happened to her fiance getting killed while they were on duty.

    Their relationship gives me vibes of Wynonna and Dolls but actually letting them be attracted to each other and say fuck it let's do this. lol.

    As far as Grey(Jake Johnson) goes with the love triangle... yeah it LOOKS that way. He clearly feels for her, but there is no hint of it in the previews of the upcoming season OR from Cobie Smulders and Michael Ealy when talking about it --->

    But we'll see. I know the fans in the hashtag were already bracing for it with an eye roll. lol. Once again the black guy is the fan favorite for the female character. They need to learn how to LISTEN to the fanbase especially when you have a favorite with the ladies like Ealy as the love interest.
  10. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I was reading how matriarchal India has become. It’s pretty wild. I remember that women basically have a no fault divorce kind of thing and the men have to have substantiated claims/proof.
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  11. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    The commercial that NBC has been airing all week for the Final Season Premiere The Good Place that comes on later tonight at 9/8c.

    It's all about Eleanor and Chidi. :)
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  12. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    So "Evil" has been getting some pretty good reviews, which has surprised some folks, me included. But maybe I should have considered the strong rep of those who make the show. I'm leaving a link to a video review from the main TV critic at Deadline. He talks about four shows in all including Stumptown and Godfather of Harlem. He saves his thoughts on Evil for last and gives it the highest marks of the four selections. He even drops a comment about there being some underline sexual tension between the lead characters played by Katja Herbers (Westworld!! I knew I recognized her) and Mike Colter. But I'm confused whether he is playing someone who is in a program to become a priest or someone who has dropped out of such a program.

    I pretty much have stopped watching broadcast TV but I will give this X-File ringer a shot. But I'm not doing it for some promise of an IR hookup. If such a thing like that occurs, if the show hangs around long enough, I'm certain it would be further down the road.
  13. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    The Good Place final season premiere was awesome and they didn't hold back with the jokes. "KARS 4 Kids." LMAO!

    I think there is something wrong with Chidi after being rebooted he just seemed off this episode. Eleanor this season has almost completely let her guard down as her feelings for Chidi was STRONG. She did NOT want him to meet Simone. And she had a tough time being around him knowing he forgot her. But good news is they are going to work on getting him back as they need help. But the Judge wants him the be the fourth subject.

    Should be a fun ride in this last season. For those who didn't see it yet. The elephant gag was one of my favorite jokes. Lol!
  14. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Hmmmm.....When "Evil" was originally discussed in the IR Slate thread months ago, we all wrote that show off because we doubted there would an IR. What changed?
  15. Okay if I’m keeping it a STACK with y’all......I’m supporting Evil over Stumptown lol Stumptown looks like it’s about to jump into SJW territory with the whole “main female character being part bi” thing so you know they’re gonna try to sideline the black dude lol either that or just favor that white dude over him

    AND TBH: Evil is just the better and more interesting show lol

    Also with Evil, the IR seems more secure because there is no romantic love triangle with a white dude to “compete” with, it’s just the chick and Luke Cage (lol) so that means he’s INTEGRAL to it. Also she’s pretty much admitted she finds him attractive and dreamt of having sex with him twice already lmao wild.
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  16. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    The critic's remark that the two leads have some type of sexual tension going on based upon the eps he has seen. This is a broadcast TV show so anything like that will be telegraphed and obvious. The possible relationship may also be a slow burn. Read someone comparing it to a Scully Mulder vibe. Looks like this thing may be in play after all. Like I've mentioned in the Slate thread, if the status of something we have doubts about changes or becomes evident, I'm willing to reclassify it.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2019
  17. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    I became concerned over Stumptown when the original white actor wrote that Op-Ed that he was replaced with the new white actor because he wasn't attractive enough. Does that mean TPTB were attempting to increase the "hotness" factor for the White male character and if so why? Also maybe it's just me but whenever tv shows toss the white female lead at a black guy from the start I get worried. Which means I am a bit concerned about Nancy Drew too. So we'll see how that goes.
  18. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

    I don't want to hear about a "slow burn" romantic plot. They did that crap with Cloak and Dagger, don't want to see that anymore.
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  19. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Uhhh you brought up Cloak and Dagger. My heart. lol. They finally started to head in that direction to set up season 3 and now we are in a wait and see of them announcing season 3. Smh. The good news though is that with them appearing on Runaways in a crossover episode season 3 is still possible.

    But I'm trying to forget about it until I hear the news.

    They removed all the fantastical elements that made the comics so unique and now it just looks like a boring teen drama show with some superpowers thrown in, which even comic book fans don’t want to watch! So it prob has low viewership! Lol they should’ve lessened the social commentary and depressing “talk” scenes and had them jumping off walls and being badasses instead.

    Also Tandy was more unique in the comics as a sweet innocent rich girl that plays off of Ty’s broodiness. Now they’re both broody and dark! Lmfaoooo

    What a waste of an honestly unique and iconic property. Smh.

    Atleast we still have the classic comics.
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