BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    HBO put out this featurette after this week's episode of "Euphoria":

  2. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Yeah we were wrong with the situation that went down and I'am here to admit that. Should've took @ColiBreh1's advice. But
    I don't want to say completely wrong because Cassie is still a cheater. We have to remember that Mckay still doesn't know that she was kissing all up on him at the fair AND in the room at this Halloween party. And rubbed his dick. She gets the benefit of me not calling her out like Daniel did because this is the portrayal of a young teenage...dumb girl. I still think they might break up maybe in episode 7 or the season finale IF they decide to have Cassie tell him or he finds out she was with Daniel... TWICE!

    Daniel might be a little piece of shit but he told Cassie NO LIE! She needed to hear that and be called out. Maybe if she's pregnant she'll change but I don't think Mckay with his insecurities if he finds out she cheated on him that he will stay with her. And he's every right to leave.

    This episode proved to be what Zendaya said she wanted for the black male character on the show and that is important for him to be a good guy. When he guessed Lexi's costume which everyone else failed at guessing that she was Bob Ross that proved that even with all the shit going on Mckay is a decent guy. I had to torrent the episode because I wasn't going to support it(still might not) if they did the IR couple dirty. I tried to watch the hashtag of this show on twitter but the fans more so A LOT of the female fans were pissing me off!

    Here you have a 18 year old young black male that is under so much pressure from people including his own father when it comes to football, is being cheated on by his girl and he is the only that doesn't know yet and was HUMILIATED by his fraternity in front of his girlfriend and they're treating him like HE'S the bad guy! And talking about Cassie deserves better. WHAT? Cassie is a cheater, drunk and does drugs. He maybe a little insecure about the way she dresses and still trying to get over her sextape(which someone should be in jail for.) But other than that he treats her better than any other guy on that show and she don't deserve it. I think they have a issue with black men for them to want to excuse what Cassie is doing and label him the bad guy and want her to be with Daniel.

    So I'm still indecisive about this shows. But fuck these fans and Cassie is a mess! #TeamMckay All the way!
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2019
  3. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    You talking about, if so I lurk there, dudes on there are funny as hell when it comes to the show and in all the time I have lurked there I am surprised at how they are reacting to Euphoria. I mean this is the stuff that they guys would rip into but nah for the most part they seem to be dare I say sympathetic to McKay, and that is sure as hell out of the norm for thecoli I do think that guys are rooting for them because despite all the talk and bravado most guys can relate more to McKay than any other character. Just being a good dude trying to figure life out and have a decent relationship.
  4. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    People were really stanning Daniel for the past 5 weeks?! I don't remember him past last week's or a couple weeks ago's episode. Where are you keeping with up with the discussions on the show that folks a stanning him? Reddit? Twitter? Tumblr?


    The twin brothers on the show are McKay's younger Brothers?
  5. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    Oh yeah happy to admit I was totally wrong about the rape, I am glad they did not go down that route in the end but they sure as hell had you sitting on the edge as Daniel kept pushing.

    I am with you it on Cassie, she needed to hear some of the things Daniel had to say, the part about leading guys on mentally and physically then pining about how you have a boyfriend is wrong no matter what, then again Daniel knew she had a boyfriend and kept pushing it anyway so he had no right to be pissed either could he could have avoided the whole thing and moved on a long time ago and found another piece of ass but nah he thought Cassie was easy and was going to give it up but he was wrong. The whole your basic, boring, and unworthy of love was too far though. You could tell that cut Cassie to the core, but the funny thing is she has a guy that loves her in McKay that wants her for more than sex but she keeps cheating when things get a little rocky, I mean she saw what happened to him the night before. The sex they had was a bad look for McKay and I understand why he did it but it had nothing to do with Cassie and how he felt about her, it was about looking weak and less than a man in front of her. He obviously was not in the mood to talk about it that night or the next especially when she is drunk and through text. Let him know you are there when you are ready to talk and don't get pissy and mad at him let him deal for a few days and then also dont get drunk and make out with some dude and go to his bedroom.

    McKay being the only person that did recognize and not make fun of Lexi was a small but huge thing I agree. It showed that he is that decent guy and I would not be shocked if Lexi develops a little crush on him, its not out of the realm of reality for the younger sister to have a crush on her older sisters bf, he is an older guy, she sees he is a decent nice guy, and he has some depth. I think at the very least Lexi is going to confront Cassie about what she did at the party and tell him she is going to blow it with him if she is not careful.

    Women love drama, I guess and again McKay is the least dramatic character among the main cast. I mean I get that the sex they had after the incident was not the right thing for him to do in the moment but I am not holding that as the end all be all in this. The whole Cassie deserves better thing is old and very odd at this point. McKay is just their punching bag, he has been on the wrong end of the relationship way more than Cassie has. You're right Cassie cheats on him twice not full on fucked another dude but making out twice and feeling his dick, McKay has never given in intention of wanting to be with anyone else. The guy is 18 and in love and got some really shitty advice about how to deal with his emotions when he was younger cut the man some slack. If anything McKay deserves better a girl that runs to someone else as soon as things get a little rough, its a relationship for goodness sake things wont always be perfect you deal with it. McKay treats her so well perfectly hell no but better than anyone of the other guys on the show have absolutely. When he says she is beautiful its not some game he means it, he doesnt always want to have sex because he wants more, he makes an effort to impress her family, he drives to the party all the way from school when he is worried about her, these are not the qualities of a bad guy. Rue even says when he is not thinking about football he is thinking about Cassie.
  6. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    Im on the reddit forums, thecoli, twitter, made the mistake and went on another one but the venom there for McKay was ridiculous while the stanning for Daniel because he was so good looking and sweet was too much. Every week for the past 5 weeks women were on the OMG Daniel is so hot, Cassie needs to dump McKay. Daniel and Cassie need to get together, Daniel is such a sweetheart that will treat Cassie right, these are all things I have seen on boards and twitter.

    he was introduced in week 2 the pep rally scene, week 3 a little more in depth with the Kat backstory, week 4 carnival makeout, week 5 hallway scene, even this past episode up until the point his true colors showed people were rooting for him.

    Yeah the twins on the show are suppose to be McKay's younger brothers, go back to the first episode when they show McKay the sextape for the 1st time they are all in his bedroom talking and he mentions that they are his younger brothers.
  7. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member


    Also why were folks rooting for Cassie & Daniel before the carnival episode? I don't remember them interacting before that episode. They must been sweating bullets during this week's episode when Daniel was being creepy following Cassie around the party.
  8. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Some of the brothas in the #EuphoriaHBO hashtag warns people not to interact with the fans when watching this show. They hate Mckay because he simply doesn't want his girl being a thot. I have come to the conclusion that a lot of thots watch this show. lol. Some of them have even compared Mckay to Nate! And even after that episode where Daniel exposed himself and it was exposed how decent Mckay was and shitty Cassie is they are STILL coming at Mckay - Mckay Daniel&src=typed_query&f=live

    This is an example of women not knowing a good(loyal) guy if he was shown right in front of their face. Smh.
  9. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Oh, it't actual thots who are against McKay. When I the read the line in your post "They hate Mckay because he simply doesn't want his girl being a thot", I was thinking it's feminists who are against slut-shaming that are against McKay. Anyways based on @glt1980's previous post it looks like on the popular WoC celebrity gossip forum that they have an irrational crazy hatred for McKay & that they were heavily rooting for Cassie & Daniel.
  10. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Goes to show that those types of people will root for anything toxic, as long as it fits their narrative.

    I might take a gander at the show this weekend.
  11. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

  12. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    You know what even though I have seen a mixed bag of girls of all races hating on the brotha. I have notice the black females on twitter have been the most vocal.
    "Nate ESPECIALLY!!! Daniel & McKay are the products of regular toxic masculinity but NATE.....he’s crazy, entitled self needs to be UNDERNEATH the jail. PERIOD !!! #EUPHORIA"

    It's starting to make more and more sense now. Now I might root for them to end at least this season together. lol.
  13. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    Oh the hater site I like to whine about was a total shitshow man, I went on there just once and I just can't the way they hate on McKay there, there the one's calling him McKoon I was like, I am out cant read this anymore.

    It really does have to be the thots, cause there is just no logic to all the McKay hate, the guy can not win he literally turned his girl down for sex because he wants their relationship to be more than physical, people say he slut shaming her. He is honest and tells her that he was hesistant to claim her because of her past, dude was honest with her and not in a nasty way and he did not want to have this big conversation in public, people say he is a jerk. The guy came home the next weekend apologized told the girl he was wrong for not speaking up and that he was proud to be her boyfriend and they jump on him for that. The kicker was this week, dude is sexually assaulted (not raped Algee Smith made it clear) the night before, and Cassie is pissed at him and drinking and he says she sounds drunk. He could have been like forget this Ill am going to bed and Ill talk to her tomorrow but nope learned from the carnival situation, where as at the carnival when he upset Cassie he just left, this time 24 hours after the incident, he knows Cassie is mad and drinking, so he gets up, gets in his car drives the 30 miles home to go and talk to her because she is upset, and people still fucking hate on him.

    I just have to throw my hands up and say people hate him because he is decent. Or you know what it might be its that they all see themselves in Cassie, and think to themselves why does she deserve a decent guy we are basically the same girl, but they cant say that because they would be admitting that they themselves are not deserving of a decent guy so it just manifests as hate of the guy(McKay). The thots hate him because he was really the guy in high school or college or now that they ignored because he was decent and relatively drama free(boring) but when they get done thotting they are already taken. They are mad at him because they wish they had that guy pursuing them. Instead they all got a bunch of Daniels after them.
  14. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    I guess I’ll start watching the show now.
  15. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    If you remember in the beginning of the show when Rue(Zendaya) was narrating his life she was talking about how in love he is with Cassie. This whole episode was set up to show what Zendaya have told us about the Mckay character and that he is a relatively good guy with some issues but none that makes him a bad guy. That scene he had with Lexi, Cassie's sister should've let them know how he is, but it became a after thought. Let Daniel guessed her costume and they would've fell in love.

    We know why the black gynocracy hates him. These white girls that hate him have got to be thots and the type of women you described. I think we and especially females all have had those type of women around that just HATES it when a decent guy comes around that they can't have or bash so they look for things and pretend like they stick.

    In my opinion Cassie doesn't deserve a dude like Mckay either unless they turn her character around if she is pregnant with his baby.
  16. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    I binge watched it last night. Those women who support Daniel and hate McKay are currently pregnant with their third child... by their 5th baby daddy (it adds up when you don’t know who the father is, lol), and are hoping to get on Maury someday. Ignore their opinions, they are a dime a dozen.

    I agree with most of what you said. But, if she is pregnant, it doesn’t mean she deserves McKay. He will take care of the kid, but she really never deserved or earned McKay.
  17. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    But you got to remember Mckay is in love with the girl and she is seemingly trying to leave what she used to do in the past(doing a terrible job of it obviously.) and they just might write it to where she changes if she becomes pregnant and not want an abortion and want to keep the baby. The writing on this show is pretty good so they could make it that way and look believable but they have failed when it comes to this couple's relationship with exaggerating the drama of a Teen IR couple involving an athlete. I personally don't think they should stay together especially if Mckay finds out about Daniel. They showed a little glimpse of he and Lexi, doubt they go there but we have to also remember that with him being in college his ties to the main cast are mainly with Cassie. We will see how things unfold with episode 7 which is supposed to be Daniel's last episode of the season so I'm wondering what will happen there.
  18. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    i think this video kinda sums it up nice how their relationship seems to being going.

    I rewatched the episode again and noticed a few things. First thing is that I think that McKay knew Cassie was upstairs with Daniel. Him going upstairs was not random, he was actually leaving the party at one point after not being able to find Cassie, and someone stopped him and he asked if they had seen Cassie, if you listen close you can hear him say yeah she was dancing with trailed off after that because Rue was walking in and the camera followed her. I say that the guy McKay was talking to probably told him he saw Cassie head upstairs with Daniel cause lets face it she and Daniel were not being discrete at all when they were dancing and heading up stairs. Anyway thats why McKay headed back in and tried texting her one more time before heading up the stairs. You could see before he went up there he had a look like please dont let he be up there. He basically had no reason to check those room before and not all of a sudden after being ready to leave he decided to go back in.

    Also the Lexi and McKay moment was sweet, and did show that he is a decent guy as he is the only person that did not laugh or make fun or her or even recognize what she was going for. If you listen to the song in the background playing it is Fell in Love by Victoria J and Dre Nello, and I could definitely see Lexi developing a crush on McKay because she recognizes how good a guy he his. Also it is pretty common for a younger sister to develop a crush on he older sister bf.

    Third in the opening we see McKay talking to Cassie's mom. She says it is hard to hold her attention, like mother like daughter. I think that we find out this week that Cassie got her thoting ways from her mother.

    I have been wondering about McKay's role if they do break up like her literally has no ties back to the show besides Cassie so if they were to breakup there is no reason for him to be there. But i do think that Cassie will be doing a complete 180 Daniel hit her at the core with his words. Unfortunately I think Daniel is not done with her just yet. We already know he does not handle rejection well and I would not put it past him to say he had sex with her and spread that around the school. We know that gossip flies around this school like wildfire as well. In the preview we see Kat is upset in this episode as well and from the looks she and Daniel were exchanging one could assume that they fucked. He probably told her what he was all about and also told the whole school about her as well cause what is better than saying you fucked 1 girl in a night than it being 2. I think that Cassie, Maddie, and Kat combine forces to try and take Daniel down .

    I get why that inserted so much drama into their relationship because the show is built on it their relationship also feels like the realiest one on the show. It seems that there is genuine love most definitely from McKay and Cassie if she got her thoting under control. McKay is obviously the stand up guy on the show that wants to do the right thing it just comes out wrong some times.
  19. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

    Nate Hastings (Sean Dominic) makes love to new girlfriend Abby Newman (Melissa Ordway) on the latest episode of the Young and Restless soap.

  20. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Whoa! They still show skin like that on daytime TV? In this PC era? lol.

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