BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Yes, I'm aware that Bradley had the role before Algee Smith. He does have the height of an elite RB, CB and, at the college level at least, WR. He also has a longer acting resume than Smith. But his eyes look kinda dead to me. Algee's face is more expressive and his eyes are key. He's just too short IMO for the role of a college football player. And that demonstrates the lazy casting or that there are not more young black actors who were out there to choose from (I believe its more the former).
  2. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Episode 6 of EUPHORIA is available now on the HBO app if anyone wants to check it out now. I will wait until Sunday night so no spoilers. lol.
  3. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Episode 9 On Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.

    Mack & YoYo
    Snapshot 1 (7-13-2019 5-25 AM).png Snapshot 2 (7-13-2019 5-25 AM).png
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  4. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    How is that is possible when episode 5 is supposed to air tomorrow night?
  5. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Because I meant to write episode 5. LOL! My fault I don't catch every typo.
  6. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Just got done watching episode 5 (earlier actually.) and what happened with Cassie and Daniel combined with the previews of episode 6 it's a Love Triangle just as I said(or at least starts off that way.) then possibly a break up.

    Daniel pulled Cassie aside at school and kissed her. She told him she had a boyfriend and he didn't care and neither did she judging by that smile at the end.
    Snapshot 4 (7-16-2019 3-52 AM).png Snapshot 3 (7-16-2019 3-51 AM).png
    Later that night she was out with Mckay and he apologized for not claiming her at the fair in front of Nate and his Family and she apologized too but never said for what.

    Fast forward to the previews to episode 6 we see Mckay warn her about going to a Halloween Party dressed in a sultry way she obviously goes anyway dressed that way and is seen dancing and flirting with Daniel.
    Snapshot 2 (7-16-2019 3-48 AM).png Snapshot 1 (7-16-2019 3-47 AM).png

    Mckay tells her something that I can't make out. Can you @glt1980?

    But whatever he said it was a warning showing his controlling side and she went anyway. So they could possibly had been dunzo right there. And then she went and hooked up with Daniel. Who's getting love online and fans wanting that 'ship'. So that's a love triangle and possibly a break up meaning that night shown in the series trailer with her and Daniel in episode 7 or 8 it's actually her cheating on Mckay and something went wrong or more than likely from episode 6 and on she is now with Daniel until maybe that bad thing happens we see in the trailer.

    So with that said I'm done. Like I said last year; no more supporting these shows that have to throw in a love triangle to their IR relationship especially when it constantly have to be a white guy because that's a red flag. Because even though I don't like love triangles(because they're unrealistic as fuck)they rarely ever add another black guy the female be interested in. It's like they think all ww that dates black men be experimenting and would never be interested in another black guy. Which is telling about the showrunners and writers because one of the things that makes the show works is how realistic and raw they are... except for when it comes to IR dating. And the fans love Daniel and even Nate more than they like Mckay. And peep how they're doing Nate and Maddy's abusive relationship basically turning them into a lovebirds with the world against them and females online were eating it up. So it is obvious this show doesn't like bm/ww coupling so it officially now goes on the 'no list.'

    I understand what @qaz1 was saying with not trusting Hollywood and wanting be sure of a romance but it's always good to at least give shows and movies a shot like I did with EUPHORIA.

    Sorry for the @JamalSpunky like rant(he'll probably give me a good review though. lol.) But you guys knew as soon as It was confirmed to be a love triangle I was going to go in.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2019
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  7. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    I don’t need to watch the show. I just read your rants and I have already watched it. In regards to love triangles, interracial or not, it’s just lazy writing.
  8. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    He says "if you go to the party dressed like that, I ain't never gonna hear the end of it". The stupid thing is the outfit doesn't look to be too revealing honestly she's more covered than Maddie ever is and Kat has been lately. I hate the way they do their relationship because if you look at it they are the only people on the show that actually belong together they match they are exactly what the other one needs, but that would be too easy to have a happy couple. I can say at least it's no a cliche black hotshot athlete goes away to college with a gf back home cheats constantly and she finally has enough and dumps him.

    Obviously she goes alone and whatever that screenshot from the season one trailer is happens at this party because we see Daniel in the red shirt and Cassie has the eye makeup we see on. Honestly all the Daniel love is fucking stupid, people are fucking blind (good looking white boy syndrome same with Nate, ur right people love him even though he is a proven psycho)if they don't see that all he wants is a piece of ass from Cassie, he doesn't care about her rep because he has no plans to stay with her once he get what he wants. If you notice he never told cassie he liked he, he got her to say she liked him. Like you said she says she has a boyfriend but he didn't care that right there tells you something about his character add in the fact that he basically guilted cassie into says she likes him and kinda blackmail her so he would keep quiet. The guy is a creep and a scumbag. I actually posted this on reddit and people agree of course there are those saying cassie is naive and blind as well.

    I am not seeing love triangle though. Cassie likes attention, especially from guys, i dont think she likes daniel at all she likes theattention he gives her. When Mckay does not give her that attention (she wants it from him, she does love him)she went to daniel at the carnival and the same thing in the preview. Problem is daniel is thinking of this as an open invitation and not for what it is he is being used but don't think he would care anyway like I said dude clearly only wants one thing from Cassie, I bet he has seen her sextape and that is where it stems from. What happens is I think it's going to be like cassie and Mckay first time they started hooking up she told Mckay to stop and he did, but with daniel it will be different because he doesnt care about cassie only what he wants. They start hooking up but she realizes she does not want to that she does love Mckay, and is not doing it butn daniel being the creep he is already thinks of cassie as just an easy slut and she wants him from all the interaction we have seen between them he thinks she is playing but he wants his turn keeps going and cassie can't fight him off.

    Episode 7 is Cassie focus and there is a screen shot of her crying in the school bathroom, and the title seems to deal with someone going through depression. I think that basically daniel rapes her, she blames herself and is too ashamed to tell anyone maybe her sister to top it off she is late on her period and she is afraid she is pregnant. This is also the Daniel characters last episode of the season so all the cassie daniel stuff will be resolved one way or another by week 7.

    As for Mckay I knew the root of his insecurity was his dad. I think we are going to find out that his dad had dreams of going pro failed and has been molding Mckay from birth to fulfill that dream. From what r u e says in the preview Mckay s dad demanded perfection, so in that vain he is much like Nate s dad add to that Mckay is the first born son and so much is expected it's no wonder dude is the way he is.

    In the end though I am hoping that Mckay and cassie do eventually get over all their bull, one long deep conversation between the two where they discuss their issues would squad it and then they would have been happy, but that's boring. I could see it as the writers putting them both through all these things and then they both realize that they belong together after all the shit.
  9. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    If that is all he said then it's not a controlling thing from him like I thought. But just like what happened at the fair for them to think that is enough for a girl in love with the guy to go out and cheat speaks volumes. Her episode should shed some light on how big of a thot she really was before Mckay, but that is still before Mckay.

    When I say love triangle I mean they are adding a character for the person to have feelings for. If she was a full on thot then Daniel wouldn't be the only guy. They keep having her and him together and it looks like that halloween scene and that other party scene are from two different episodes as Daniel is wearing red at one party then he's wearing black at the other party. So that means he is the only one she keeps finding herself around. Which also means episode 6 is very likely the break up with Mckay and she chooses Daniel.

    You have to remember these are butthurt white guys(and some women) writing this that have an issue with bm/ww coupling. So when I say love triangle I'm saying they are writing a white guy into another couple's relationship on purpose and it follows a formula that we have seen before. Like I said there's a reason why it rarely ever be another black guy OR it be a love triangle with two women vying for the black guy. And it's always cheating that they try to justify for the female doing it and try to gain sympathy for her and act like the black guy deserved it. It's a formula we have seen several times over TOO MUCH and TOO MUCH ALIKE for it to be a coincidence. I will list them to break down this formula when I get time.

    I'm not watching it anymore because I said when it's clear they are doing things like this to the IR couple then I check out. But to make sure I'm right(lol) I will check the hashtag and you can feel free to let us know how it goes. Like I said I think Cassie and Daniel hook up in some way at the Halloween party which leads her to going to another party possibly in episode 7 with him. Which means episode 6 is very possibly the last time her and Mckay are together or she is cheating on him. Episode 7 maybe Daniel's last episode(this season) but the damage has already been done to this IR relationship for this not to be part of the progress in IR between ww/bm in art that we are seeing elsewhere. Plus episode 8 is the season finale so that doesn't mean he won't be back next season.

    I don't see them getting back together especially if Daniel takes it that far and rapes her and somehow she winds up pregnant. I think they did what they set out to do with Mckay and Cassie. So they're done with that. As I said the fans don't even like Mckay and they especially from what I seen in the hashtag don't like him with Cassie.

    Also did you peep how they made the other thot Maddy do all her sleeping around when her and Nate were broken up because when they are together she is a ride or die for the guy that she loves, but Cassie will cheat on the guy SHE loves? That is them expressing how they feel about IR relationships between bm/ww.
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2019
  10. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    Where did u see Daniel wearing a black shirt?
  11. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    In the promo trailer you showed me earlier, remember?

    He's at a party with I believe drinks in his hand and you showed me that this was the same guy on top of Cassie.
  12. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    Yeah I remember that I promo trailer, they took it down by the way, the did the same with the other trailer they had up, guess they let too much of the upcoming story slip out. I just dont remember seeing him in a black shirt im gonna have to find the trailer someplace else and watch it again. Found it and I dont see him in a black shirt watched it again multiple times Daniel never appears in a black shirt in the trailers, are you talking about this screenshot
    If so that the Halloween party this week

    But there is only one more party scene this season and that is going to be at winter formal and the guys are all wearing suits, and that is suppose to be Dec by the show timeline, and we are only at the end of October at this point so that would be quite a time jump from episode 6 to 7 if they are together at another party.

    Whatever happens to Cassie happens the same night as the Halloween Party, check out this side by side comparison paying attention to the eye makeup she is wearing, it looks to be the same.

    I now understand what you mean about love triangle.You're also correct that just because Daniel is done in episode 7 it does not mean he will be back next season which is from what I have read is suppose to be the second half of the school year, but I doubt it would be as Cassie's boyfriend dude is a total hit and quit type

    That was all that he said in the car, I mean it was just a little snippet I am sure when the episode comes on Sunday it will probably be more extensive, but there was nothing really controlling about it all he is doing is expressing how he feels about the costume she has chosen, and Nate did the exact same thing with Maddie at the carnival, he said worse in fact but nobody is saying he was slut shaming Maddie. A total double standard Nate, Daniel, hell even Fez and Ashtray are getting way more love and than McKay. Your right on the account. Like I said fans of the show at least the women/girl fans of the show all have

    Tall Handsome White Boy Syndrome - Basically I will ignore all the red flags because he is so damn hot.

    If the roles were reversed and Daniel was Cassie bf and McKay was the guy she was flirting all this would have been leave him for the other would not be happening and they would being saying exactly what I am saying about Daniel now. They would be all like dont fall for BS, run girl, stay with your man. It makes no sense how people come down on McKay, dude says he doesnt want things to always be physical, he aint shit and is somehow talking down to Cassie, when that fight at the Carnival, was it stupid to throw her past back in her face like that yes, but at the same time it is a real concern. I also find that they are projecting all their Nate hate onto him for some reason, he is Nate best friend not Nate. Even Stevie Wonder could see that they are completely different in their personalities and approach to women, McKay never even knew about the Cassie tape and he had been seeing her for months at that point.

    I also feel your right that people dont want to see, the pretty blond white girl with the black guy. The writers of the show seem to have gone out of their way though to not make him a stereotype though so that is something. Its a little strange because Drake is an EP on the show and the show is Degrassi on steroids, and the same thing happened on Degrassi, basically anytime a black guy got involved with a white girl it was over before it began.

    A lot of the hate I see McKay get is from black women, I have seen him called McKoon on several sites, I dont think the hate would be nearly as bad if he was dating Maddie though as opposed to Cassie.

    People dont like Mckay or find him boring partly because he is never on screen, of the main cast he has been seen the least, I think of the about 5 hours of show we have seen he has probably been seen maybe 30 minutes at most and most of that was episodes 1 and 3. We know nothing of his life or struggles or past hopefully after this week people will get a better view on him. The other reason it seems is because OMG he is a decent human being, you know he goes to school, barely drinks, doesnt do/sell drugs, he is loyal to his gf, he is respectful to her and her family(asked Cassie's mom if should could stay with him for the weekend at school). Yea he should have been more delicate with Cassie but at the same time she should have told him about her past when they started get serious, the whole relationship thing seems very new to McKay so I am gonna cut him some slack. Damn what a fucking guy he sucks.

    People wanting him to be bi or gay is such total Bullshit and I hope the writers do not go that route, that would be lazy writing, by the way I dont think he is either and I dont think it a case of experimentation, I think he gets upset with Cassie and drowns his sorrows in some drinks at the frat house and something happens. That scene where he is looking at himself in the mirror and seems to be crying happens this week as well.

    I also hate that people keep bringing up the fact he is in college and he is still hanging out with High schoolers, im like he was a fucking high schooler a couple of months ago, its not like he is 21 hanging out with a bunch of 17-18 year olds. He is roughly the same age as them. The hate for being short and being a WR in college, hey I can't get on people for that totally unrealistic.

    One last thing I am probably reading way too much into it but I think that we are the fact that this week we get McKay backstory/episode this week followed by Cassie next week could mean something. Basically I think we find out the Mckay's father son dynamic and this is a way to foreshadow a potential Cassie pregnancy where she does not know if McKay or Daniel is the father.
  13. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] Y'all really doing deep-down breakdowns of future "Euphoria" episodes that haven't even aired yet? The promos for HBO shows (episodically for GoT) are often misleading & tell you almost nothing about the episode. So y'all doing too much.
  14. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    @ColiBreh1 yeah you probably right but the fact that HBO took all the early euphoria trailers off line is kinda suspicious and telling. If they weren't giving too much away why take them down.

    @ darkcurry you were right about finding about more about how Cassie got to way she is Sydney Sweeney said as much in a couple of interviews she has done.

    At the 9 min mark they start talking about the Cassie character.

    and in the recently published articale for wmagazine
    "Euphoria still has three episodes left to air of its freshman season (season two was announced late last week), and Sweeney promises they'll include a big story arc for Cassie. "Episodes six, seven, and eight are very strong for her," she said"
  15. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Because I'm going to add it to the list of TV shows that have done this subliminally racist love triangle thing and try and expose this trend. So Im banking on me being right. I know that sounds sinister, but I truly believe they are headed in that direction. Don't mean to sound sinister. lol.

    I just want to make sure we know how to spot the racist subliminals when we see another show do this love triangle shit again. Euphoria is slick about because of strong writing.
  16. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Yeah I said before he was the least controversial but I think the writers have plans and are going to change that. No doubt in my mind they are going to fuck him up next episode something bad seeming as though they already threw him together with Cassie. Honestly a guy like him should've known better with a thot but they are writing her character and his character to be so unrealistic from everyone else on the show. If she loved him then she would be like Maddie and thot-ish when single. lol. And there would be no Daniel, but the writers wanted that. The same reason why they wanted the guy she seeked out to be a white guy and not another black guy which would make more sense. The subliminals are slowly peaking out but I'll get to that later.

    But now that I look at it that shirt Daniel has on might be red and it's the light making it look dark. So yeah that may be the same party so that means if he is in episode 7 then it's under different circumstances which tells me they are about to do something more fucked up than we thought with this Mckay/Cassie/Daniel arch. BUT I don't want to jump the gun so I will wait to say what I'm thinking. I won't watch it on HBO because I'm not supporting this show anymore, but I'll find another way if you know what I mean. ;) lol.
  17. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

  18. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    I've noticed over the years that HBO, Starz, Showtime, & maybe some other networks will often take down trailers for their shows and maybe reupload those trailers later. But they usually do that because the trailer used licensed popular music. So I guess those networks don't want to pay for the music royalties long-term because the reuploaded version of the trailers will use a generic royalty-free music. Did the trailers that HBO took down use licensed popular music?

    I gotta question for you & @darkcurry, what role is Sydney Sweeney famous for? I ask because the week the premiere aired, folks online were throwing her name around like she's an actress everyone is already familiar with. But I never heard of her before "Euphoria".

    OK......... 'cism never crossed my mind seeing as "Euphoria" is not the type of show to expect romantic happy endings, but OK....
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2019
  19. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I didn't know who she was before this she's new to me. lol.

    Clearly this show is not a romantic show I'm just catching the subliminals. But do you see how they are spinning Maddie and Nate's relationship on the show? Every show does this 'shipping' thing and they and the fans are are shipping Nate with Maddie. A girl like Maddie does run to a guy like Nate but for the show and folks to straight up shipping it like It's romantic is sickening.

    Like I said the show gets real and raw about Teen and young adult life, but as we pointed out before for some reason they're unrealistic and over the top with Mckay and Cassie. Like you said why would Mckay care about what high schoolers think about Cassie. Well there is a reason why they wanted him to care
  20. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    She has been acting for awhile she starred in a lifetime movie a few years ago but her breakout role was on the Netflix series Everything Sucks, then she had a pretty decent role on the HBO Sharp Objects, but her biggest role to date has been Eden on the Hand Maidens Tale.

    The relationship and romances the fans want are kinda disturbing, I mean in what world would anyone want to see any girl with Nate after what we have seen him do, dude does not need a gf he needs some intense therapy or be locked up. I have seen people still wanting the Nate/Jules thing to happen and it blows my mind the guy threaten to destroy her life, but people want them together. The only shipping that I could see the fans wanting to happen that makes sense is Kat and Ethan, but Kat is a certified thot at this point so I don't know if Ethan is for that now. People honestly just want to see the fuckery honestly.

    From what it seems Nate and McKay are on equal level socially/economically. I mean looking at McKay's house and the car he drives it seems his family is pretty well off like Nate's, plus he is older. I mean I kinda get why he would care what Nate would think he is is oldest/closest friend. At the same time Nate's opinion should not be the source of this much friction in his relationship. Your right though it is because the show wanted him to be care too much about it.

    My question though is if/when they breakup what becomes of McKay, like all his scenes except for his very first one have been with Cassie. The way that he has been setup his only link is Cassie, If they break up there is no reason for his character to ever be on the show, he never really interacts with anybody else. Everyone else seems to have multiple links to the show.

    As for the McKay/Cassie/Daniel arch I think episode 5 was just the calm before the storm, they purposely toned it down after the intensity of episode 4 because episode 6 but more so 7 and 8 will all be very intense. HBO released the first 6 episode descriptions when the show first started and have been not really let too much about 7 and 8 come out.

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