BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

    It's you; they are not the same girl. [​IMG]
  2. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I just watched it again and followed closely this time. lol.
  3. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Ok... I generally avoid black women shows. A black woman complaining about not being seen as attractive is the equivalent of any guy complaining about not getting laid. Not getting married, a date, laid... are personal problems that black women want to turn into social issues.

    I have met plenty of black women who were married to successful men of various races. Interestingly, they all speak stereotypically... like white women. And don’t generally fall into the “complaining or ghetto black woman” stereotype. A black woman not being desired is a personal problem and it is normally the fault of the individual (especially when you get into your 20s, 30s, etc.).
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2019
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I watch Grownish and it definitely touches on a broad array of topics. Seems like they see what's trending on twitter and go from there.
    Look what they say about bw getting the least amount of attention is true dark skin women even more so. Let's be fair and honest however the way to get past it isn't to shame everyone else. Women are NEVER shamed for who they prefer. A woman says she likes a dude over 6'2 with tats and a beard no one makes a peep. Honestly because complaining doesn't help men in anyway. Either raise above and figure out a way to meet people who like you or deal with being alone those are your options as a man period. So women complaining and trying to shame men for what they prefer is pathetic and its even more pathetic for dudes who succumb to that shit. Any dude willing to forgo finding happiness wherever he can find it in order to appease the insecurities of others is pathetic because those same people would never entertain the thought. There are absolutely no black women so loyal to black men that they would dismiss an equally attractive man of another race in fact they are more likely to choose a man of another race in hopes of having a racially ambiguous offspring. Women aren't dumb they biologically know having a non black child would make for an easier life. The only reason these same complainers aren't running into the arms of non black men is because they know their stock is higher with us. Ironically our stock is usually higher elsewhere.
  5. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Funny you mention that. Because save for one, the 20 some odd black women that I mentioned that had no issue getting married were all dark skin. It’s really how you conduct yourself, how well you take care of yourself, and how approachable you seem. Dark skin women have it difficult when it comes to first choice issues. But, so do most men. If your personality, manner of speaking, finances, and overall physical attributes are on point, you are good to go.

    I will say that it sucks that they have to have all of that in order to find someone decent, but that is what it’s like for most men, in general. So they can get over it, just like we do.
  6. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    The most physically unattractive people(of course of the perception of beauty standards.) have had relationships and are not virgins. The same goes for people who have VERY unattractive personalities. It's all about finding people your speed.

    This is the side of television that likes to blow up a small issue because if this was really an pandemic then it will be witnessed a lot more in real life rather than in a movie or TV show. This is where art exaggerates life instead of imitate it.

    When scolding or shaming black men for dating outside their race doesn't work they go for the sob story to get them to feel sorry for them and date them out of pity. If you ever heard how some of these black men that disapprove of brothas dating outside their race speak on why they love black women they sound like they are dating them out of pity rather than actual natural attraction.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Tv messed that all up for everyone. Constantly seeing certain images made everyone want the same thing. Attractive used to be way broader now its incredibly narrow making the pickings seem small.
  8. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Lol, attractive is defined as having lips like the fish in super Mario bros., butts like a kardashian, and breasts like tennis balls wearing t shirts with no bras, leggings, and ugg boots.
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  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  10. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Stranger Things 3:

    My review and theory on Lucas & Max's relationship this season
    I finished watching this season for my 4th Of July. I give this season overall a A+! The storytelling grew with the kids and was better than season 2.

    Wit the two main couples of the series Eleven & Mike and Lucas & Max they developed into full GF&BF love. Eleven And Mike had the most development and shared some loving moments and your normal teen dramatic moments more so in due to Hop basically threatening Mike to back off after catching them kissing. Mike winded up lying that something happened to his Grandma to Eleven about why he couldn't see her one day and got busted. Even though Hop in a way gave him the idea. lol. She dumped him, but as the season went on they slowly but surely got back together.

    Meanwhile Lucas and Max this season although developed into BF and GF. Lucas referred to her as his Girlfriend in the first episode. But they kept their relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend undemonstrative... safe. Besides hand holding and in the season finale where she was lovingly holding onto his arm with her head on his shoulder as they said Goodbye To El and The Buyers who moved out of Hawkins after that very tough and scary summer with the shadow monster... There wasn't really any intimate moments with them. They played out like friends more so than a couple.

    My theory as to why that is I think it probably had to do with the backlash over that Kiss in season 2. The PC and feminist crowd hammered The Duffer Brothers for adding that in when the actress said she was stressed out over the scene because it was her first kiss, but later cleared it up that she wasn't uncomfortable after people took it another way and TOTALLY misquoted her even using words she never said.

    Sadie Sink:
    I believe that "controversy" played a part in why their relationship this season was played so safe. But it was too safe and fans of Lucas and Max noticed and let them know it on twitter that they would've loved more scenes with Lucas and Max. It doesn't make any other sense as to why The Duffer Brothers went from not only putting them together but ADDED a kissing scene to the script in season 2 to having their relationship develop the least out of the other relationships in season 3.

    So they're relationship development was a little disappointing but unfortunately I understand why. I just hope the fan response if we get a season 4 was heard to the Duffer Brothers and make them realize to not let these SJW Bullies fuck with your work. And they're not true fans because the true fans wanted more of Lucas and Max.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2019
  11. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Are the characters on that show high school teens or are they middle schoolers?
  12. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    They're High School Teens now, @ColiBreh1 . lol. I'm guessing you haven't been following the show.
  13. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Oh, don't get me started on Stranger Things.
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  14. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    LOL, I've never watched "Stranger Things", but I look forward to your rant after reading @darkcurry's spoiler quote.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Can't wait to hear this
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  16. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

  17. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Gotta a few series to comment on as promised so I'll get around to it today.

    In the meantime I'm gonna randomly mention in this thread that I finished Chernobyl yesterday and it is easily the best show I've seen this year. Maybe the last couple of years. I will write a bit about that too in a more appropriate place.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2019
  18. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Care to give us your opinion on Stranger Things?
  19. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

    You're absolutely right about "Chernobyl". It's one of the most exhilarating, nail biting and best shows on TV I've seen in the past decade. AND ITS A TRUE STORY!!!
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2019
  20. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    Love Island the US version starts on Tuesday, from the looks of the cast their is only one black guy of the 5 guys that will be on the show but they included 3 black women of the 6 but 2 of them are mixed black/white. Look kinda like they are stacking the deck a bit to ensure there is no bm/ww pairing.
    On the other side of the pond though the original Love Island has thing heating up. One of the original cast mates Sherif(black guy), was asked to leave the house after an incident and was replaced by Ovie(black guy), fans of the show love this dude he has become the breakout star. Anyway dude has been involved in sort of a love triangle with this girl Anna and this other guy Jordan, though if you watch the show it is obvious that she is stringing him along as her backup, anyway it is all coming to a head very soon as in the preview for next week's episode he basically tells Anna to kick rocks.

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