BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    He sure as fuck did not nail that Jamaican character in Luke Cage. Have you ever been around any Jamaicans?
  2. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Yes. lol. And I know of other Jamaicans that liked it as well. But I'm talking about the character Bushmaster. His personality was there in the live action version. It's like Elizabeth Olsen and how she kept slippin in and out of her romanian accent, but she got the live action version of scarlet witch down. The same goes for Chadwick Boseman's Black Panther.

    And you know the one thing they all have in common? The places they're from are fictional. Wakanda, Transia and Bushmaster is from an island in the carribeans that they never really touched on and in the comics spent most of his time in Europe with Maggia.

    But they all nailed the characters. But if you want to dwindle them down to being just an ethnicity or nationality(which I don't recommend doing to anybody.) that is tough to do when their origins aren't real, bruh. If that is the case then you have to start from the comics first. But I look at it from the fictional standpoint that is presented. Everything is made up and exist in an alternate reality they're giving us.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2019
  3. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Just finished watching the seaso..err series finale of Jessica Jones and

    Luke Cage made an appearance in the season finale
    Luke Cage on Jessica Jones - One Last Time.png

    the reunion was brief with Luke Cage telling Jessica "I trust you Jessica Jones".

    and you thought really nothing of it until Jessica Jones told Erik when she showed him the door(politely. lol) "...But I don't trust you"

    And you see what they did there.

    This show once again doing Luke and Jessica a little justice in a bittersweet what could've been. What should've been. I enjoyed this season and what they did with Trish Walker aka Hellcat. Really setup a good villain that they could've used. Smh. But shout out to Melissa, Krysten and the JJ crew for these three seasons.
  4. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    I have one more episode of Jessica Jones to finish and then I'll weigh in.

    For now I want people to contemplate something. About ten years ago (maybe a bit more) it looked like the now deceased John Singleton was in the early stages of coming to an agreement to do a Luke Cage motion picture. It was a project Singleton really wanted to do. It seemed like such a sure thing that he was going to film this project that casting info was being leaked. One thing reported on on some sites was that Singleton was going to include Jessica Jones as the love interest of the story. But here's the thing...the leaked casting info reported that Singleton was looking for a black actress for the role!

    This meant nothing to me at the time because by then I was only a casual reader/buyer of comic books and Luke cage wasn't exactly on my list of titles to keep an eye out for. Actually around this time Luke Cage may not even had a monthly comic book. So I had no idea what was going on with that character, including his personal life. I certainly was in the dark about Jessica Jones. That character had only been created a few years earlier anyway. It wasn't until I started reading reactions about this movie in the now defunct IMDB message boards (yes, the Luke Cage film was so close to being a done deal that IMDB granted it a page of its own in pre-production status) that I learned that the Jones character was a white woman. Plenty of people in those IMDB thread were asking why Singleton was getting a black chick to play Jessica Jones.

    Well, I think many of us, after years of discussions, can guess why Singleton would do such a thing. He was probably another Trained Black Male Idiot who served the Black Matriarchy; another splendid member of the Cult of Black Womanhood. And such black dudes can never, NEVER, put a heterosexual black male leading character with anything other than a "fine sista". The only exceptions are if the black male guys are shown to be ignorant, villainous race traitors who need to be taught a lesson. This should come as no surprise. Singleton is after all the same guy who as writer and director of Higher Learning had an opportunity to pair in their prime Jennifer Connelly and Kristy Swanson with a black male character but instead squandered it by having the two kinda hook up with one another (I had to wait TWENTY years before Connelly would be in an onscreen relationship with a black man but by then her breasts were gone and she was playing a homeless woman living in a shelter. Thanks, John. ). I'm certain that just like the Fool Who Won't Be Named that ran the Luke Cage TV show, Singleton grew up reading Luke Cage stories way before Jessica Jones was created and that also played a part in the type of woman Cage would be interested in. Fine. So why didn't Singleton just use Missy or other black female characters established previously I wondered? Why take a relatively new white female comic book character and make her black? Jessica Jones isn't meant to be black any more than Luke Cage is meant to be white.

    If this movie had been made (thankfully like much of Singleton's pet projects it went nowhere) with a black Jessica Jones and then the netflix show came along with a (correct) white Jessica Jones, there would have been outrage. Black women, their lapdog black men and their non-black twitter/blog allies would have decried Netflix for their insensitivity over "erasing" a black female character when in reality Singleton's film would have been guilty of erasing white women. This is what happened with that Keep Iris Black hastag campaign. It's kinda like when non-talent Tim Story was given control of the Fantastic Four franchise (Story is black) and cast a brown Latina as Sue Richards and a black woman as the Thing's blind, long-time girlfriend. Both had been white for half a century or more. Why are African American men so eager to racebend cast in order to give black women those types of opportunities but would never think of doing so for black male actors? An Asian American director was handed an Asian Aquaman and what did he do? He picked a white actress to play his mom (which meant an Asian guy fucked her to produce Aquaman) and cast a hot white actress as Aquaman's love interest (another Asian guy fucking a white broad). Meanwhile weak-shit African American men would cast a white Luke cage before they would cast a white Jessica Jones.

    I hate to talk ill of the dead but I was not a fan of Singleton. He made )as a filmmaker) a very good debut film and a lot of crap after that. Thank God he never got to poison the well with his take on Jessica Jones. Some great comic books based on her and a successful TV show has made her an important IP to Marvel, and one of the industry's better female superheroes.
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  5. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    That one episode gifted us with I believe one of the top five onscreen romances/relationships between a black man and a white woman ever. In any medium. I was blown away with what they did between those two even within the short span of an hour-long show. I could go on about it but I want to know when its okay to list things that are "spoilery".
  6. derekj4u

    derekj4u Member

    Last edited: Jun 22, 2019
  7. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Yes,l saw it. It's like Kids with more color and wildness to go around.
  8. ryanpaulstewart

    ryanpaulstewart Well-Known Member

    Yes sir
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Are you talking about movie with Anthony Mackie?
  10. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Fear. Because how many times have we seen these black men when they get around white women without the fear of black women being around act different? Even more so will date and marry that white female. But of course try to hide her like what Jay Ellis started doing with his lady when black female fans of Insecure started finding out that he had a white girlfriend.

    If you don't pander to them you will meet the "consequences". Most of these groups operate by fear.

    It's more proof that American Black Men(and some foreign) live in a Black Gynocracy and Black Matriarchy. Because if you ever notice the way both black men and black women write these black male characters to praise black women and are SO turned off by white women like a white woman is something that they will NEVER be with, but the black female characters don't do the same when it comes to white men. They LOVE white men. They HATE white women.

    But anyway why so harsh on Jennifer Connelly she is still beautiful imo. But you do know she has done IR maybe not in the same way as in Shelter before, right?

    In Requiem For A Dream with Keith David although that was something different and WILD as fuck!

    I think she also had another IR. I could be wrong or thinking of someone else, but remember Jennifer has done quite a few indie movies through out her career. So I could be right.

    John Singleton did put Tyrese in a IR with Sofia Vergara in the film FOUR BROTHERS.

    It's good he didn't do that to Jessica Jones, but I somehow think Stan Lee wouldn't had allowed him anyway or at least gave his disapproval.
  11. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    lol. Well I will be talking about after I see the second episode tonight. I want to discuss it a little bit. I thought the first episode was pretty cool and stylish.
  12. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty certain that's a no. Ten or more years ago Mackie was pretty much getting discovered after making the move from theater a short time earlier. But he wasn't a name of any kind, would have been too young for Luke Cage and certainly did not have the build.
  13. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    1-I'm not going to count any sex scene JC did with some random black male character while playing a druggie as being my view of IR.
    2-Sofia Vergara is a non-white Latina so that's no big deal. Growing up in Compton he probably doesn't object to Hispanic women anyway.
    3-Still laughing at how John Singleton kept trying to promote Tyrese as the Black Tom Cruise. I mean come on. Let the guy be his own man, and not the "black" anything. Plus Tyrese isn't even that good.
    4-Stan Lee had zero control over how Marvel characters were portrayed as on the screen, and the includes casting decisions. Besides he had left Marvel Comics decades way before Jessica Jones was even created.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Nah I'm talking about the movid with Connelly. He had a bad south African accent.
  15. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Ohhhhh. Sorry, bro. :D

    Yeah, I meant the film with Anthony Mackie and JC.

    As for his accent let's just say some of my fellow African Americans get all hot and bothered when black British talent who took the time to nail the American accent get jobs, but are silent as fuck when AAs are cast as black people from across the globe but sound completely unconvincing. Damn hypocrites.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Again I point to Luke Cage not a single Jamaican I know or even saw online cosigner that horseshit. The worst part is it took place in NY those scenes in particular were in BK where you throw a pattie and hit at least five yaadies.
    They literally did the least.
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  17. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Uhhhh....How do you know that without seeing pics of Sofía Vergara's parents & family to confirm? I'd assume she puts down "White" as her race on the Census. But I do agree with you because she's a Latina it wasn't looked as a big deal back than. But now that we're in Woke era, people definitely would've complained if it came out nowadays.
  18. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    I've seen pics of Sofia's dad and he had that light brownish tint to him that she has, that indigenous blood. Granted with her being Argentina she likely has a whole lot of European in her too. She may consider herself white too. I don't know. But to my American eyes she sure looked ethnic back in those days.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Sofia Varga is white passing af. If you didn't hear her speak she could easily pass for Italian or Greek. Her and Catherine Zeta Jones looks like they're from the same family
  20. Who’s the mod here? Why was my post deleted? And why not say anything about it?

    INB4 he deletes this post too lmfao.

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