BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Is she Lena Luthor still with Val-Zod, err I mean, James on "Supergirl"?
  2. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Off&On. It looks like they're going to turn her into a villain though.
  3. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Yeah I know there are those that are able to get away from it by going for IR material with good/great storylines and characters and attracting diverse audiences including the crowd that loves to see IR love on screen. That's why I think it's good to attract a diverse crowd.
  4. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

    None of that was Marvels call, that was all Netflix! Also in the contract with Netflix, Marvel can't even use them in any of their movies for 2 years.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2019
  5. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Sucks. One of the downsides of dealing with business minded people that care for nothing about the art except for how much money they can make off of it.
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  6. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    I learned sometime last year that there was this powerful up and coming black male executive at Disney and that he was (or may have been) the one who was largely behind the real diversity push onscreen overall for the company. I know for certain that he was the one primarily contacting DuVernay about taking on a major motion picture project for the company (there were two options offered her, one of which was A Wrinkle In Time, which DuVernay foolishly chose). This executive also helped bring about David Oyelowo's project to Disney too but I don't know of the timeline for making the film.

    Even though the Luke Cage comic book was never known for being a really fascinating character with great storylines and villains, the show could have been as good and relevant as any of the Netflix slate if it was led by a truly talented showrunner. It had so many great elements that could have worked in its favor and indeed the first three episode of that first season were relatively strong. But it faltered big time after that and never truly regained its footing.

    Unlike many people I hated its version of Misty. I could not understand why those folks writing for comic book blogs or doing online comic book shows or TV recaps kept referring to her as a great character and a fan favorite other than the fact that the character was a black woman played by a black actress. People like that tend to Serve The Matriarchy and worship the ground black women work on as if they're some modern media mammies (think Oprah, Beyonce and Michelle). I didn't even care for the performance of the actress because she made Misty come across as some condescending, eye-rolling stereotype. Nonetheless she was getting some MAJOR minutes on the show to the point that in some episodes it seemed as if the show lost track of Luke momentarily and just focused on Misty. And fuckin' Claire. I was left with the impression that the series may have cared more about Misty. Daredevil and Jessica Jones had supporting characters on their respective shows who got a bunch of screen time, but I never felt they were at any time not the focus of the storylines. Same couldn't be said for Luke Cage for a handful of episodes.

    As for what black women supported I can't say with 100% accuracy what black women all over the globe were watching and reading, but in my corer of the world I only ran across a handful that was into that stuff, including one of my sisters, a friend of my sis, and a couple of girlfriends. But here's what I do know from my time spent shopping at comic book stores, working at comic book stores, going to and /or working comic book conventions and attending sci fi convention: there were a lot less females than males at these places. A whole lot less. And black women were more scarce than white and Asian women. Of course now I can't go anywhere without reading some rant by some woman about how they have been waiting decades to see more powerful female leads in comic book screen adaptations and science fiction translations and how it is overdue that the industry is finally acknowledging its huge female fanbases, yada, yada, yada. And I think....where were these fanbases when I was growing up or working the comic book/sci fi scene because I never saw them.

    What has pissed me off is that over the past 15 years or so (maybe starting with the new Battlestar Galactica) TV sci fi shows have been far more likely to have black women than black men. Sci Fi had been my favorite genre on TV and I was especially a sucker for shows that took place in space. But I've hardly watched any of the new modern ones because they have forgotten black men as a demographic and believe, I suppose, that we would support material if the black representation was female. Fuck. That. Fuck especially the SyFy Channel which has put out one show after another in which a leading character (often the lead female) is a black woman played by some biracial British actress. Meanwhile black guys aren't either around or they are recurring or lower tier supporting characters. It really annoys me so I stopped watching. Thus i have never given a show like "The Expanse" the time of day despite its great reviews. I'm tired of being ignored as a demographic. Meanwhile black women are the most overrated demographic on TV, in all genres in my opinion. When you consider the actual number of black women in America at least, it made me wonder, especially the previous two years, why there was such a disproportionate amount of black actresses being given lead roles for TV pilots. Granted not all of these pilots wee picked up as series, but still.
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  7. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    My point in saying black women are the new white men was:

    1-To turn on its ear that Smart Brothers' argument of the past few years that black men were the new white men
    2-That just as white men want to play the field with women of other races but will harass online any white woman who cross the color line themselves or whine that any media representation of a white woman with a black man is an example of an agenda, black women follow that script for themselves. So they praise their black female idols who hook up with white guys but if Michael B Jordan is standing a few feet from a white actress on a red carpet they will fill up an infinity of twitter space with their bitterness. This is after calling Jordan ugly and untalented as an actor (wasn't it supposed to be a male trait to try to control women by demeaning their looks and capabilities when they didn't know their place?). As is the case with white men, black women think its perfectly acceptable to see themselves in IR relationships on screen or in books but that the opposite sex of their race should never be allowed to"stray".
  8. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    "regarded as beings of an inferior order with no rights which the white man was bound to respect." - Chief Justice Roger Taney

    "Black Men Have No Rights That Black Women Are Bound To Respect." -BGS IBMOR

    They learned the way you have to treat black men. They figured it out.
  9. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    In their defense there wasn't many females in the comic book world so they didn't care to. They care now because of all the SJW women that want in on it once comic movies and shows gained MAINSTREAM popularity. That's what it's all about. Mainstream Popularity.

    That's also with these pro-black people bitching about there not being many black people on Game Of Thrones. Once the ratings started hitting high oh all of a sudden they care about the show they never really watched. lol.

    SJWs are fake as hell and it's a shame a lot of people are buying it.
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  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well said its also why I stopped watching Krypton. Honestly it comes off as the only men who exist are white and they cycle through their sexual fetishes of white and brown women. Fine by me but they won't get my attention.
    Also agree with the where were the women who were into comics and sci fi when I was kid. I've said it on here several times when I was kid and me and my nerdy friends would be debating who was stronger Wonder Woman or Supergirl not a single girl in sight. Not saying the fan base is zero but its weird they are willing to sacrifice their male fan base for one who barely shows up. They got fooled with the numbers from Wonder Woman (which sucked) and Captain Marvel (which was worst) because one was a nostalgia piece and the other a filler movie. Again everyone involved was not a fan or even had more than a passing familiarity with the material so that's why we keep getting what we get. Its a huge reason why Dark Phoenix flopped hard. Stop pushing some failed agenda and recognize WHY everyone who loves these stories loves them. As a child I never saw white characters I saw cool heroes doing cool shit. Same when I saw Buffy the Bionic Woman Dena Warrior princess their gender never entered my mind. Those shows were wildly successful for a reason.
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  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Fair enough
    And the biggest bullshit hypocrisy I keep seeing is black men only want to date white women as status symbol which is complete an utter horseshit. Women do not help men socially climb in any way shape or form. As per usual women conflate their motivations with ours. Men can upgrade women socially not the other way around. Comedian Patrice O'Neal use to say a woman marries a king she becomes a queen the highest position she can be a man marries a queen he just becomes the queens husband. We don't even know the name of prince Charles father do we? So the idea black men seek out white women to improve their lives is ridiculous if anything black men and white women engaging in IR are the bravest group amongst those who date with exception of those who date and are trans people. Entire systems of oppression were created to keep us apart with death as a penalty. Now on the other hand dating white men is easy af. Yes you might get some passing jokes here and there but no one is fucking with you. In fact black women are protected by white privilege when they hook up with white dudes and white women lose theirs. But we can never point out any of this straight up nonsense because white men and black women who have an issue with all.of this are loud and unrelenting. They're pissed off and the world has got to know it.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2019
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Female characters or female fans?
  13. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Co-sign this x10000000000. Let's not forget about the black folks who whine about wanting a black version of GoT. Outside of hoteps who are legit into African History, the majority who whine about this only want it because of the success of GoT.


    It's not just the pro-blacks who whine the lack of black characters on GoT, it's your "Repsentation Matters"/SJW/Blavity Black segment of black twitter whining about it too. Remember the outrage because Missandei was killed off.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2019
  14. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Her character was always rather lame to me on the show. I’m glad she died. I get tired of the SJW types complaining about representation and doing nothing to make it happen. Back in the day, Richard Pryor, the second mother from The Fresh Prince (and her husband), and many others built companies and agencies to create black content. Many of them failed after time, but they tried. All these youngins do is complain and don’t actually make an attempt to change things.

    To be fair, there are a few, but not nearly enough to compensate for the complaining “do-nothings”. I’ll stop now because I am starting to sound like a bitter old man, and I’m too pretty for that shit.
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  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Complainers have a platform that's why you hear them more. There's a bunch of people creating more content all the time. The flipside of no gatekeepers ie a filter for art is a bunch of trash getting mixed into everything making it harder to see good stuff
  16. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Female fans.
  17. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Just more proof of how it is faux outrage about this representation stuff when it comes to women. Xena: Warrior Princess was one of my favorite female characters. Even recently before MeToo and TimesUp the show Continuum featured some bad ass strong female characters AND both Xena: Warrior Princess and Continuum had IR with black men. And once again that was Canadians. lol.


    I'm going to find the list, but black women in IR on screen out number black men and white women by far.
  18. Elklodge

    Elklodge Well-Known Member

    Xena in episode like 3 or 4 of the show featured a black man that was the first love of her life, for the 90s it was downright groundbreaking.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yup we see its not about fairness its about control
  20. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Yeah and I remember Lucy Lawless was the one pushing for seeing more of it back then when she was asked about that.

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