Movies with BM/WW Couples

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Jan 13, 2006.

  1. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    Famke is even harder to recognize after seeing her in BAYOU CAVIAR when you watch her as the lead homicide detective in WHEN THEY SEE US on Netflix . . . it is the most gripping miniseries of the year in my opinion and I was dumbfounded by how those kids were neglected by their parents some of whom enabled the LEOs to exploit and abuse them by not seeking legal counsel ASAP . . . but also damn is that REALLY famke janssen because DAMN!!!
  2. Elklodge

    Elklodge Well-Known Member

    So the black kid in Booksmart is actually Cuba Gooding Jr.'s son, colored me surprised
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  3. Rashad

    Rashad Active Member

    The World We Make (2019):

  4. Shulz021

    Shulz021 Well-Known Member

    doomed love trope again?
  5. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I love the story and complexities being addressed here. So many familiar situations and conversations. But looks like one of those family friendly love stories with the country music playing in the background. lol.

    The lead actress Rose Reid is also credited in co-writing this. Nice trailer.
  6. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Yeesshh....This movie is only rated "PG". Is this supposed to be a kids/family movie?
  7. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    Don't it speak volumes that some screenwriter thought this kind of movie was just what American audiences would identify and embrace in 2019?? It could have been the CBS Sunday night movie in 1991 right?
  8. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Uhhhhh.....NO!! This is an indie limited theatrical release movie.
  9. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Uhhhhh.....NO!! Lol! I think they mean family film as in those wholesome type adults and young adults that don't really watch the super vulgar or want a break from it. At times I be wanting a break from it. So I'll check it out.


    I think we were watching two different trailers. That's not what I got out of it at all. lol.
  10. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    But "PG-13" pretty much covers that. The only movies you typically see rated as "PG" are movies targeted to kids & families.
  11. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I saw that flick and didn't know that. Also, that White female is not hot.
  12. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Hope there's loving in that flick.
  13. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    True but looking at the trailer and the subject they are touching on it looks like it will kind of play out as PG-13.
  14. Elklodge

    Elklodge Well-Known Member

    I mean I'm willing to give it a shot, if movies like this do well there will be more. And this is clearly in the Hallmark vein and Hallmark movies are HUGE, I for one am happy to see some tenderness and a movie that is about the couple themselves and finally discussing the elephant in the room that to be quite frank many of these stories shy away from. If it's PG even better all the grandmas, the young kids and families will watch this and start talking about it.
  15. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    I don't get the complaints. This trailer promises one of the types of IR movie which we have been clamoring for : an unadulterated flick with a romance between a young black male and young white female in its center.

    What's more the trailer DOES NOT TRY TO HIDE the romantic elements between the two leads. It BOLDLY puts it on display, it doesn't try to downplay what the endgame is. The topper is that the trailer actually shows a glimpse of them kissing. That's practically a damn taboo; it's pretty much sticking it in the faces of people who would never want to see the movie but are held captive if they come across the trailer.

    The film looks cutesy but so what? Does it have to be gritty? To be honest it bears resemblance, so far as style, to the recent faith-based motion pictures.And now I'm learning the lead actress co-wrote the script? That blows my mind along with the fact that I never heard anything about it before yesterday.
  16. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Thank You! lol.

    Also Like @Elklodge pointed out it's like one of those hallmark movies that is on a mainstream streaming service. It is playing on Amazon Prime now.
  17. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    This is exactly what I meant when I said that it is as subtle as an early 90's/late 80's TV movie . . the simple storyline will carry the day along with the no name cast . . . it very well could have been a CBS or Hallmark weekend original.

    I'm just dumbfounded that TPTB apparently feel that middle America has not caught up with the 21st century so they need to be spoonfed an IR love story . . . not that I'm opposed to embracing this movie as it stands by the way . . . but what took so long lol??
  18. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Well, you spoon feed infants and unfortunately much of so-called Middle America is still in the infancy stage in terms of accepting bm/ww relations in real life and seeing such pairings depicted in storylines for tv and film. Fuck it they still may be in the damn womb. It isn't as if there were a lot of mainstream productions about this particular type of coupling for people to consume over the last 30 years.
  19. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    "Heroes" debuted in October 2006 and it did mega ratings for NBC during its rookie year remember? "Lost" did monster ratings each & every year from 2004 - 2007 on ABC. The middle American audience constituted some of these numbers back then and now those teenagers are in their adult family era. Hasn't the CW been showcasing teen IR since the age of Obama? Remember all the promotional money it invested Summer 2008 on buses and billboards to push "90210"? We should expect more contemporary cultural literacy from the red states by this late date . . . they have cable and Netflix too and have had them since last decade at least lol!
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  20. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Heroes didn't focus on a BM/WW relationship. It had a single storyline that didn't focus so much on the couple but their separation and the crisis involving their son. Point is it was all in the background. What BM/WW pairing was there in Lost? Because I don't recall one. What I am aware of was one IR couple that was between a black woman and a white man but the problem with bringing that into this discussion is:

    1-Far less adjustment has to be asked of the mainstream populace when a white guy is involved because, well, white guys are allowed to be with anyone.
    2-The couple was middle-age or close to senior citizenship which meant there was going to be less heat around them and far less of a following
    3-That couple consisted of recurring characters at best. They made a handful of appearances per season and thus were barely seen.

    Its all moot anyway because these shows came about during the post-fracturing of the TV audience. There may not have been a million channels in this time but there were thousands. Viewers were no longer concentrating on three network anymore so no show had a true hold over the nation. And as TV became more fractured people began to lean towards shows they felt fit their political leanings. By that I mean liberals went for shows that were progressive in storytelling and populace and conservatives headed to the hills for shows that seem more safe, less risky and had at the center actors they felt they could trust. So even if Heroes and Lost were flooded with storylines of relationships between black men and white women, its a pretty safe bet much/most of Middle America would not have been watching anyway.

    Also, no, CW (actually the WB at the time) wasn't overflowing with IR either. When IR did exist more likely it would have involved a white guy. But, again, the audiences for those shows were small. Maybe back then those shows were averaging five million viewers. Maybe. That's not much considering the nation had approaching 300 million citizens. There is no way shows like that could change the culture unless it had a huge hit with a romance between a black boy and a white girl as the central ongoing plot. And tell me how billboards about 90210 were going to affect middle America on this issue considering those billboards would have been primarily located in cities that were already far more open about IR and all types of "different" relationships. Besides it wasn't as if those billboards had Dixon licking the faces of one his female white co-stars on those billboards. He was just a black face among a photos of teen characters.

    I don't see why you remain to your sticking point on the trailer of "The World We Make". You are criticizing it for its assumed simplicity even though it seems to be made in the same vein as other campy romances for audiences who CRAVE that type of simplicity. Have you seen the romance movies for Hallmark or other "family" channels? They are as romanticized and simplified and straight to the point as one can get. But you expect the lone one of this sort in quite some time (if ever) that involves a black man and a white woman to be immune from this type of storytelling? Were you expecting some sophisticated arthouse motion picture for a film of this type which is trying to sell the romance along with a social message? Leave that to real auteurs making true cinema for more sophisticated audiences. That's not what this movie is trying to be. Clearly. There has been an increase in films like this, many with a religious bent. The one thing different about this one are the subjects of the romance.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2019
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