BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

    As far as "The Enemy Within", you're right about Kelli Garner's voice, it does becomes extremely stressful when Morris Chestnut is in any type of danger. And don't forget she came to his apartment earlier in the season to check on him. If it gets a 2nd season, I think they'll explore it because they've left a few story crumbs for it.

    Now as for not liking slow burn romance build ups. I don't dislike it, I want it to be organic and not rushed or forced. But there's "slow burn" and then there's Continental shifts of Tectonic Plates slow burn.

    In my opinion here are 2 examples of slow burn romance build ups. One I think was done right and one that's moving at the speed of a pregnant snail.

    #1. GOD Friended Me...

    You knew there was a definite spark and they took their time OVER 1 SEASON to build it up and pay it off.
    Verdict : DONE RIGHT

    I'm sure you guys know what number 2 is because I'm going to keep complaining about!

    #2. Cloak & Dagger...

    The mind numbingly slow pace of this shows romantic build up or lack there of is so creepy crawling slow that I'm beginning to wonder if they're even going to do it.

    Is the elephant in the room too big to pull the trigger on their obvious romance which is a central part in the comics? It's like doing a "Romeo & Juliet" TV show and keeping them as "friends".

    Everyone and their mom can see the Fantastic Chemistry between Ty & Tandy and as you can tell from their Twitter and IG official accounts, "everyone and there mom wants them together...ASAP" as Oliva Holt (Tandy) said in a recent interview. And yes Aubrey Joseph (Ty) did say to "be patient", but I would believe that statement if the show gave any hint whatsoever that it will eventually occur.

    Yes they did finally get rid of the unnecessary and absolutely annoying Evita romance storyline with Ty. But the Season Finale is upon us and other than a few flirty lines sprinkled throughout the season there's been no sign of a romantic spark. That's just ridiculous! It shouldn't take damn near 3 seasons to build a romantic story arc.

    Last edited: May 27, 2019
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  2. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    The Tyrone and Tandy hookup-pace has not been a problem so long as its end goal. If the show was to last a certain amount of seasons you wouldn't want it to happen overnight because there would be no other place to go. And I say that because I believe once it happens there should be no soap opera storylines in which the pairing is tugged apart and pulled back together again in the subsequent years to follow. My main gripe has been the inclusion of Eva in the first place, especially her continued involvement in season two. Its pointless.

    My bigger gripe with the show has to do with a over reliance on horrible voodoo story elements. A few of those things work, but mot of it is so badly handled you don't even know what's going on. They need to drop that shit, especially Tyrone becoming a semi voodoo master who can draw some lines on the ground and immediately transport to the locations of people he had no idea how to track down. That's bad storytelling.
  3. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Lol, what the heck happened?
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  4. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

    I agree with what you're saying, but there has been no hint of romance between them.

    Are you trying to tell me that 2 attractive teens (young adults) who have everything in common and have absolutely killer chemistry together won't show at least a hint of attraction to each other? I'm not asking for much, just a little ground work that shows they're attracted to each other (romantically) and then they can slow burn it from there. But that hasn't happened and The 2nd Season is almost over!
    Last edited: May 27, 2019
  5. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I and a lot of other fans enjoy the voodoo storyline. It's a nice addition. Remember they're trying to make the MCU different from the comic book universe and add refreshing ideas without going off the rails. And I think Cloak And Dagger has done that. I do think this particular storyline has gone on way too long and not enough Mayhem, but the show is well written and directed and the acting especially by Aubrey and Olivia is too superb.

    But as I have told people on here they officially ended the Evita/Tyrone storyline and at the same time started with the Tandy and Tyrone one in the same episode(episode 7). This isn't like The Innocents or that other IR romance I can't think of right now. If folks follow from the first episode they should've known that it is a slow-pace but they have ALWAYS showed and gave audiences some great moments that when it's all said and done will make a beautiful romantic tale.

    They want you invested in this. I'am. lol. A grown ass man like myself. I'am about #Tyrandy. They have excellent writers and a showrunner over there.
  6. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    I stand by my posts . . . I never said anything overblown was happening regarding the interracial activity on " Black Summer " or "Legacies" for that matter either. Read my posts again and in context I was encouraged by the interracial foreshadowing of the pilot but at the time as I explained I was looking forward to seeing how things developed. Never claimed anything more than the interracial potential of the early episodes and how Jaime King looks so emotionally overwhelmed when hugging bro at times gave me more than "friend zone" vibes. After those first few episodes . . . I made a call is all lol!!
    Last edited: May 27, 2019
  7. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    This is true, but that happened towards the end of the first half of the season. So I didn't feel the need to mention that as my line about "they didn't focus on it much in the 2nd half of the season" implies they focused on it more in the first half of the season.

    I don't consider "God Friended Me" a slow burn. They pushed Miles & Kara heavy from the series premiere on and they ended up together in the first season. To me a slow-burn implies it takes multiple seasons for them to get together.

    As for "Cloak & Dagger", as me & @qaz1 have gone back & forth about several times in this thread: I don't have a problem with dragging out IRRs over multiple seasons as long as they eventually get together.

    Co-sign everything @JamalSpunky said in this post. The issue with "Cloak & Dagger" being a mediocre show has nothing to do with Tyrone & Tandy's hookup-pace
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  8. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

    I agree with everything you've said and everyone is invested, hell everyone was invested last season.

    However like I said in my previous comment, I'm not asking for much just one line or look that shows they're attracted to each other (romantically) and then they can slow burn it from there. But that hasn't happened and the season is almost over.

    Now, I could be proven DEAD WRONG and it finally happens in the Season Finale where they show some type of physical or emotional romantic attraction to each other, but I'll believe it when I see it.
  9. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I'm going to tell you like I told him. You can get the direct link from someone else or just go on ir-tube to find it AT YOUR OWN RISK. You won't get it from me.
  10. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    I'm confused & I have no idea what you're talking about. I googled "Lazy Town" & it seems to just be to be a foreign children's show that airs on Nickelodeon in the U.S. What does that have to do with the IR-Tube forum?
  11. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

    I think you made my point for me. You saw the attraction between Miles and Cara and they gave you plenty of story lines that you knew it would eventually happen if it took one or multiple seasons.

    However, like I said in my previous comment, I'm not asking for much just one line or look that shows they're attracted to each other (romantically) and then they can slow burn it from there. But that hasn't happened and the season is almost over.

    Can you think of one line or episode that shows Ty & Tandy has any type of romantic attraction towards each other? The seed needs to be planted first and then the slow burn is fine, but they have yet to plant the aforementioned seed. If they had just done that, then there would be no complaining from me because then I would see they're working towards that.
    Last edited: May 27, 2019
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  12. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Hmmm... I think I’m gonna pass on that, buddy, LOL.
  13. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Yo the very next episode after these posts (season 2, episode 18), Fallon & the white dude finally got together. I'm currently watching last week's season 2 finale & they just got engaged. But seeing how this is trashy primetime soap opera, it already looks like they won't be having a happy ending.
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  14. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    But I don't see it as being mediocre. Its a very high concept show with strong performances. Problem is it can try to be too smart for its own good. It will take these fanciful, curved journeys from Point A to Point B when sometimes a straight line would be serve the story, the characters and the audience. There are a lot of things it does extremely well but all that can be held back but certain areas that aren't up to snuff. The writing can be uneven but even when its pretty good it get wasted in the hands of some uninspiring direction. In the first four to five episodes there were three to four surprise endings that I didn't see coming. Problem is a couple of those episodes were so lackluster or confusing overall that I didn't care enough to want to watch them over again. I remain a fan of the show because its a good show. But it could be great with better writing and definitely better direction. Episode nine was one of the better eps. Loving this villain for the season.
  15. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    This is the last time I'm going to mention it, but they were talking about kid shows on ir-tube in that thread that you put up that @Young Herschel be on. I was browsing checking out some of the IR shows and Movies we may have missed here and just like we do here the thread got derailed in it's earlier pages and they started talking about kid shows and one guy put out some things about Lazy Town and he felt the need to add gifs to illustrate his point and ruined that show for me as a grown man that used to watch it. Maybe it won't be that much for you, but again if it is I gave several warnings on here. lol.
  16. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    As I much as D'Spayre intrigues me. I would have loved to see more emphasis on Mayhem as this season was SUPPOSED to be about her.
  17. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    I get where you're coming from. The best example of what you are griping over imo was when Tandy was in that mental state in which she was imagining all of those scenarios of her life with Ty being involved in all of them. That was frustrating because she kept referring to Tyrone as her best friend. How can he be that if they barely known each over and haven't spent enough time with each other? Maybe he's her only friend which is something different. The worst of these moments was the dream with the two racist white dudes in the store who objected to a black guy being with a white girl. And it didn't make things any better that in that same alternative reality Eva and Tyrone were dating or engaged. Not one alternative state had Tandy and Tyrone as an actual couple, something you think would have shown up if Tandy had romantic feelings for Tyrone. Its as if TPTB are doing everything storywise to indicate this is where we are going with these two but are too timid to have characters blurt it out.
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  18. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    They successfully fooled everyone with that. Mayhem ended up being like she was in the comics: a presence who allies herself with Cloak and Dagger but will at times serve as an antagonist. The good news is that this means they could carry Mayhem/Brigid over to following seasons if need be.
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  19. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    @qaz1 I just watched the 7th episode of "Whiskey Cavalier". Is it just me or was Lauren Cohan looking thick?
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  20. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    A little. lol.
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