How has it affected you? Lol. Alyssa Milano calls for sex strike to protest abortion bans The actress urged women in a tweet to stop having sex "until we get bodily autonomy back." Her tweet came days after Georgia became the fourth state in the U.S. this year to ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected. "We need to understand how dire the situation is across the country. It's reminding people that we have control over our own bodies and how we use them." ...But both liberals and conservatives also lampooned her idea, with conservatives praising her for promoting abstinence and liberals saying she was pushing a false narrative that women only have sex as a favor to men.
Liberals have a really bad habit of acting as if they speak for all women, all black people, all Democrats, etc. What people like Ms. Milano fail to admit or realize is that 47% of pro-lifers are women. She doesn't speak for "women" she speaks for her group of like-minded people (some of whom happen to be women.)
Yeah, Alyssa Milano embarrassing herself by calling for that Sex Strike is an example of a celebrity taking Twitter SJW activism too seriously. Her replies were filled with mostly people clowning her.
Last time I checked with this Georgia Ban wasn't it republican WOMEN that were backing this? And then they're taking this out on their OWN men that probably support them. I can tell you right now by this foolish political climate we are in that republicans are not going to give NOT ONE FUCK(no pun intended) that liberals aren't having sex. Remember; they like to say liberalism is a disease. So I doubt they want you passing that on anyway. lol. Although I agree with not killing a fetus with a heartbeat things get complicated when rape is involved. This is a tough issue, but a sex strike does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to change minds of those that already opposed to your party. But I told ya'll about Alyssa Milano's crazy ass along with some of these other feminist in Hollywood. They're going to wind up putting women in a real life Hand Maid's Tale situation because they are now turning off their own allies especially their male allies. There is only so much people are going to take.
Alyssa Milano is a fucking clown. The absolute worst type of fake woke SJW Hollyweird idiot. Half the people who are pushing this shit on the Republican side are Southern white women, but Milano and the rest of these McResistance type refuse to acknowledge that there is no unified set of "womens' issues." Plenty of real activists on the ground in Georgia have told her stop calling for boycotts and "sex strikes" and all of the other shit that she's doing because it's counterproductive, but she totally ignores them. It's not about actually solving the problem, it's about her getting thousands of likes for posting this shit on social media. I was glad to see her get trashed from all sides for this shit.
Yeas that rape and incest ban makes me sick. I think that should be decided by the woman or tween with intensive counseling. In fact, all abortion choices should be mandated by extended counseling (and not just the 24 hr crap). True counseling on why she wants to end it. It's a very emotional and personal decision for most women. And for some men. Such a horrible dilemma millions have faced.
It's Lysistrata, an idea from Greek theater which has some utility for calling attention to an issue. Better than a "sex strike" would be Hollywood pulling jobs out of Georgia and other southern states that refuse to acknowledge a woman's sovereignty over her own body. Let them feel the economic consequences of their poor decision making.
What a great idea. Good way for young liberal women to get back at old white men is to .... not have sex? Lmao, isnt that what they kinda want? Most women who would be sympathetic to this also would probably be dating liberal men or men of color
When these liberal actresses age out of Hollywood, they go either go "activist" to get attention, or turn on the producers they once had sex with to get roles a.k.a. #MeToo, also to get attention.
I called it. Olivia Munn is 38 years old so her #MeToo "activism" comes right on schedule. 40 is the magic cut-off for these hoes in Hollyweird.