BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    To be fair, in reference to Bryce Dallas Howard, Her only nude (full frontal, to include basically everything) sex scene, was an Interracial scene in the film "Manderlay" (Available on Hulu).
  2. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    Why does she have so much throuble getting into and out of a chair lol?
  3. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    She is top heavy with an overall petite frame. It makes a person clumsy. The area also seems a bit crowded as well. It kind of reminds me of those dudes who always skip leg day at the gym.
  4. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member


    It's one of the reasons why they go into people's past like they did with Kevin Hart and even Kyler Murray when he was a fuckin kid! They don't want allies they want enemies and that goes for these pro-black type that are on this fuck all white people shit and hound you for dating out. People are prone to negativity they want it, they crave it.

    Chrissy Teigen the wife of John Legend said something on twitter a couple days ago that stuck out to me. She mentioned people's fanaticism over GoT and spoke about how she got and said she is the same way about... The Handmaid's Tale. If you ever seen the show or even just viewed the synopsis that really made the point proven of how these people are drawn to negative, sad shit. Because women really do go crazy over that show. And I'm like is this how they want it to be for women? I watch these intense dramatic shows or movies and get a lesson and a informative observation out of it. I'm not fanatic over it because it's fucking depressing. lol.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Sweet Jesus talk about hot
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Agreed I see resurgence of "real" men coming back. Take charge I don't give a fuck types who were labelled bad boys as post Vietnam War men became yuppies and stay at home dads. Some shit is basic nature and can't be denied so while a lot of women like the IDEA of strong women who take charge very few actually want to do that work. Very few want to be the one who steers the ship they love to criticize but when in charge quick disdain for the dude not being a "man" follows.
    Like a famous comedian once said women rarely want to win they want a winner. So we'll see the shift soon enough as all of this gets boring as they continue to eat their allies in search of the perfect ally which is such a great analogy for the female disposition in the 21st century. Always wanting NEVER satisfied.
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  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    God bless her boyfriend who ever he is for having the self control to leave his bed each day with someone like her in it lol
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well GOT for men feeds that fantasy of heroes good guys and bad guys magic and dragons
    We never really grow up lol. For people drawn to the negativity its about feeling safe in the idea absolutely no surprises. You can't get me if I'm always expecting it and feeds the female drive for drama. Life is boring otherwise. Hell they have an entire genre of media and art that feeds that addiction.
  9. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    It isn't how they want things to be, it is moreover an exaggeration of how they feel things are. Most of the dystopian-future genre involves exaggerations of current issues. It provides them with confirmation of their feelings on certain matters. The issue, like with many things that over-exaggerate is that it creates a bit of hysteria. So, I believe some women just watch it because it is a show that deals with women's issues in an entertaining way specifically for the female demographic. Then, of course, there is a very vocal group of women who watch the show with the opinion that it is on par with their current situation and that the handmaid's tale is fortelling the future. These women are the equivalent of conspiracy theorists and people who watch/make videos about secret societies.
  10. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    I am reminded of the many complaints that I used to see in regards to bw and bm dating and trying to find someone to marry. The complaint is that, "women want a finished product". As no one is completely finished, the idea is that of hypergamy. He must have this, that, this, and that. Meanwhile, the woman may not bring a fraction of those things to the table. For example, a man with good credit, school loans paid, has a nice, but used car is in a better position than a woman with bad credit, school loan debt, and has a brand new car. They may have the same degree, and make roughly the same amount of money, but their disposable income is drastically different. Their ability to gain future assets are also drastically different. The same holds true in society.

    In regards to the black community, black feminists want black men to "step up" and fix "our" community, when a lot of the damage has been done by bw (considering that they run the community and are more often recipients of affirmative action, scholarships, and government backing). But, they expect us to fix it. We, as black men, have sacrificed much in support of the black community (many of which sacrificed their lives in the hopes of a better future). When things start to do well, they attempt to take over and run it into the ground, much like they did with the black panther party. My point is that they want black men to do the leg work, and when things are looking up, they want to step in and do the feminist "house of cards" thing and say, "it's our turn". It's more of an attempt to put all the blame on us, hoping to motivate us to fix things, so that they can run it. Consider it Social-Justice-Slavery.

    What I find most ironic, is that if we do what they (Black feminists, blm, black sjw women) want us to do (step it up and be as mean to white people as they are), they would in turn call it toxic masculinity. Long story short, they want a finished-or close to finished product to "take over" without doing the leg work. But, I think that is more over this current wave of feminism. Because although feminism has always been full of white supremacy, at least the earlier waves were willing to do the leg work themselves.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2019
  11. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Anyway, back on subject. There is a show called SMILF, that I believe was mentioned before. It's amusing, and the very first episode starts with interracial.
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  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I hope you're writing a book. You're kicking a lot of knowledge here.
    I fully agree and might I add this is why I think this is where female lead movements fail. They don't want a coalition they want to dominate and the same time have someone else protect them. They don't want a team mate they want an employee or even more accurate a subject since they rarely want to reciprocate or fairly compensate. While I celebrate healthy examples of all kinds of love I think black men are better off seeking love and support outside of the community. As much as we talk racism no one has inflicted as much harm on me as people who look like me mainly our women. Incidentally all my opportunities and support (outside of my family) has always been either black men who saw themselves in me and white teachers and mentors. I've had several black female bosses through out many stages in life and with exception of two (one who sexually harassed me all the time) none of them wanted to mentor or guide me. It's always a competition for white acceptance with a lot of them. I was a particular threat because I like a lot of the sport and nerdy shit they weren't into. Watch all these new Marvel movies all you want but if you don't have a solid background in nerdom it's gonna show.
    I truthfully want everyone to be happy and the honest truth is I think most black women can't and don't want to be happy with black men and it shows.
    One thing I give to white women and the main reason I probably dated so many in my life is they are unburdened and more often than not create a fun environment. Yes the SJW shit is annoying right now but I get way more smiles from white women than black women and more often than not they are willing to work with you if you have a vision. Dont get me wrong a lot of black women will too but the unfortunate louder narrative is a ready made man like you said and/or they put that effort into the absolute wrong guys.
  13. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Having two sisters that date/marry only white men, and a mother that, in the past, frequently cheated on my father with white men, I have some theories. I find that, although many bw attempt to discredit relationships between black men and white women, the main issue is projection. Black men and white women have actual intersectionality. We both suffer at the hands of the opposite sex within our respective races, and we are both trying to push past it. White women that realize this, tend to make for great and solid relationships as friends or more. In the case of black women, they project their own feelings of inadequacy and their own want for white male acceptance onto us. So, the assumption is, "oh, you just want white women because you want their approval, or you think they will look at you like your better than a white man". The reality is that this is a projection of their own insecurities.

    I will explain. Poll after poll shows that black women are often considered to be the least desirable women. It's certainly racist and fucked up. It creates a bit of rivalry that has existed since slavery. The rivalry being black women vs. white women. Black women knowing that if they can get the affection of a slave master, it would enable them various opportunities, meanwhile the white wife can't do anything about it. In today's world, the goal is to replace white women as the object of a white man's affection. And it isn't necessarily a product of wanting to be seen as the most beautiful, but a product of wanting to be associated with white male patriarchal power. The goal is to dethrone white women. Meanwhile, the goal for some white men, is to dethrone black men from the pedestal of masculinity. We may not be seen as the most attractive, depending on where you go, but in every country I have ever traveled to, black men are often still seen as "most masculine"/"most feared" which can be good or bad. White men don't have an issue finding women to desire them, but some maintain "cuckold-level" fears of black masculinity. So, they create a rivalry, which is why black man vs. white man in combative sports always sells so well.

    These situations provide us with a unique experience that essentially should bring white women and black men closer together. Sometimes it does. In fact, it used to back in 2nd wave feminism. This current wave doesn't. Black Men and White Women should be each other's greatest allies, but, propaganda, current waves of feminism, white supremacy, and black feminism keep us apart. It's a shame really.

    Back on subject. This is why representation of black men with white women, in television, film, and overall media is so important.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well it's a large reason why most of my media watching is foreign less scrutiny and honestly better writing. When you spoke to black woman wanting to be desired by white men all I could think of was Viola Davis saying there should be more scenes with black women and white men. Very telling.
    Speaking of IR I do wonder if that will ever spill over into the superhero scene since its gotten some play in sci and ironically never in fantasy
  15. But let Michael B Jordan say anything like that about white women and they’ll hound him for months smh
  16. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Well, that is the importance of representation. When you are a black entertainer, you are stuck between a rock and a hard place. You may only have black women that support your work in the beginning. So, if you prefer non black women, you essentially have to stay quiet until you crossover. The same holds true for white women and what they have to deal with when it comes to white male fans. If bm/ww relationships are more mainstream, neither parties will have to stay silent about their preferences as they will maintain an audience of those who don't care either way, as well as other bm and ww.
  17. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    The term conspiracy theory gets painted with a broad brush of opinions. The term in itself deals with observational investigative speculation. Something that even we do here when it comes to oppression. Everybody has their theories on why life is the way it is. Some could be wrong, some could be right. But ALL is a theory until proven, but when proof challenges beliefs humans get defensive and use their own weaknesses against themselves... ignorance.

    For some reason I sounded like in my head the guy that does The Outer Limits intro. lol.
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I think at this point you're better off just doing what you want and not posting it online. What matters more is who they're paired with on screen that gets a response. Also we need to start think more international. Its what I've always appreciated about UK and Canada tv. They don't care its all about a good story. You can tell in their casting
  19. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Was is it this same scene from the original teaser trailer that Showtime dropped back in August 2017 or nah?:

  20. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Same dude, but with an interracial sex scene.
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