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Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Ra, Dec 12, 2010.

  1. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Bro, you good. You get it. The majority of posters who regularly or semi regularly who do or have posted in this thread over the last 8 years have gotten it. Its okay if politics, race, gender, sexual orientation and religion pop up as talking points periodically especially if certain nerdy media is focusing on it/ has it as a central theme.

    Keep in mind though being that this is the internet, some people will use IR or being Pro-IR as cover to allow them access to the forum in order to push whatever non-IR related agenda/agendas they actually want to promote. Personally its a red flag for when people who normally don't have interest or post in this thread somewhat regularly suddenly take interest in it and start having "high minded" debates in a thread that was created strictly as a light & fun thread.
  2. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

  3. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Young Justice: Outsiders


    Say hello to the new Aquaman. With Young Justice: Outsiders weeks away from premiering, the third season of Young Justice show will have some big changes.

    Specifically, Kaldur’ahm, the Young Justice leader formerly known as Aqualad, will take on the superhero mantle that once belonged to Arthur Curry to become Aquaman.

    In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, series producer Greg Weisman explained that the choice was obvious. The first season of the show established that Aquaman had too much on his plate as a superhero in the Justice League and as the King of Atlantis. Kaldur was always going to take over as Aquaman to give Arthur Curry more time to rule.

    "After everything that’s happened in season one and season two," Weisman said, "and the leadership qualities that Kaldur has shown, Orin looks at Kaldur and says, ‘You’re ready.’ It’s a pretty momentous year for him.”

    While he eventually found his way into the DC Universe, this Aqualad was created specifically for Young Justice. Kaldur was one of the founding members of the team that first found Superboy.

    Five years after the events of Young Justice's season one, he seemingly defected to join his father Black Manta, who was simply operating as Manta, but was later revealed to be a double agent. After defeating his father and helping to stop the Reach invasion, Kaldur resumed his duties as team leader while Nightwing took a leave of absence from the team.

    Young Justice: Outsiders arrives on DC Universe on Jan. 4.
  4. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Cyborg should not be in Doom Patrol.or Justice League imo. And this dude needs to get rid of that mustache.
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  5. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    I don't know about these DC Universe shows. Finally signed up for the streaming network in prep for Young Justice (didn't hurt that they were doing a $3.99 a month for 3 months sign up special when I did) I'm struggling with Titans. The overall premise/setup is sound but the overall execution and characterizations are shit.

    If it were me overseeing these show, definitely would have had Tiger mean Beast Boy be in the Doom Patrol rather than Cyborg and Cyborg in Titans in place of Beast Boy. Set up a Doom Patrol/Titans crossover or guest appearance similar to the episode of Titans that would have set up Beast Boy joining the Titans in Season 2.

    Cyborg looks like shit but it is a slight improvement over the CGI fuckery of Justice League, but not by much.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Agreed. Very strong pilot and even a couple of decent episodes afterwards I love Wonder Girl but the whole Hawk and Dove story line is meh (except for the origin story which was dope). The execution is bad but Gotham and the Arrowverse have dropped the bar so low that in comparison its decent.
  7. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    The ending was almost perfect except for the crammed in SJW stuff where she said "we need a few good women" for the organization. Word? As if all the men involved didn't do the vast majority of the work.
    And the part where she claimed they only had enough time to cover the history of women in a general history class. The eye rolls felt audible at that point. If she only cared about women in history fine but to imply female contributions were so heavy that there wasnt time to talk about men is disingenuous. For better or worst in history nearly all events are facilitated by men and pretending otherwise screams agenda. Other than that it was a great way to end the series. I was happy with it and honestly don't need more stories from them.
  9. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    FOX just released the first movie style trailer for the upcoming season 5 of "Gotham". Looks like they're introducing Harley Quinn & Bane this season:

  10. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

    Fox has brought online a final poster for Gotham Season 5.

    Last edited: Dec 21, 2018
  11. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I've only seen two episodes of Titans and to me the most interesting character is Raven. She left me intrigued.

    With the Cyborg look they should've given him something kind of like the Kano prosthetic upgrade imo. That would've worked.
  12. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    I can't fuck with Gotham. I gave up after Season 1 and haven't been back. Arrowverse is totally hit or miss with me. Last two seasons of Arrow plus the current thus far I've liked compared to prior seasons. Flash Season 1 was great. The seasons after not so much. They are trying to redeem themselves with the current season it seems because I've like what's happened thus far. I'm "meh" on Supergirl. Don't hate it but can't say I'm a fan either. Both Black Lightning & Legends are just entertaining for me each for different reasons but mainly for sheer comedic reasons. Tobias Whale being the most self hating racist Black Albino man on TV is comedy gold. Those hatin' ass nigga lines he be spitting at folks ....priceless...
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Youre better than me I can't mess with the last two on any level. Legends had two black men no love interests while the white people run through everything moving. And what they did to Jax was criminal the only way he had any power was through the white dude. White dude dies black guy can't have power of his own.
    Black Lightning might as well have been called black girl magic hour. Title character serves as only mentor? Where else did they do that? I know you're a father and probably see it different but shit the pattern repeats over and over. Black men no power no sex appeal just an exposition device for white dudes and black women
  14. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    That's how I'am on supergirl but this season thus far has been enjoyable. The actor playing Manchester Black nails that role.
  15. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I don't go into TV shows or movies looking for or ever expecting them to have "positive" portrayals of Black men or any one else for that matter that aren't straight white men. Shit is strictly entertainment for me. I do all my "positive" re-enforcement IRL with the folks I (very selectively) choose to surround myself and my family with. I don't believe in relying on mass media of any kind to do for lack of a better term "my job" for me.
  16. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    You catch any of the Night Flyer series on SYFY yet? Home boy is also in that, minus the beard/goatee.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I actually like the character who plays the anti alien leader. Amazing back story episode. It makes you get why they are the way they are. They aren't just a bunch of loons but people with genuine unaddressed concerns. Like that scene when Jon was fighting the alien and wrecked his house the said "you're safe now" and just flew off. Someones house has just been destroyed how are they suppose to fix it. Are we to assume everyone has tens of thousands of dollars in home repair money lying around. It really did a great job of pointing out how incredibly self righteous and tone deaf the heroes were. Good writing this season.
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I feel you but its hard to support anything that deliberately excludes me and uses people like me as a stepping stone to success.
  19. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Watching the "Timeless" 2-hour finale. Am I the only 1 who thinks Jiya looks like Mia Khalifa?
  20. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    "Man Of Steel" made me really get into Supergirl this season. That's what I was posting about a couple of weeks ago. I was really surprised to to get that level of thought from that show.

    Now, if they could just "fix" The Flash, they'd be firing on all cylinders. I hate all of the extra humor. Sherlogue Wells has got to go and take Ralph Dibny with him.

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