The Nerdz Lounge.

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Ra, Dec 12, 2010.

  1. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    I stopped watching long before that coupling happened. I actually just assumed they'd be broken up by now lol
  2. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    They never seem to know what to do on the CW when it's that kind of couple.
  3. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    Men in Black: International

  4. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

    The new Alita: Battle Angel poster, which features the tagline: “An Angel Falls. A Warrior Rises.” The Robert Rodriguez-directed adaptation opens in theaters on February 14th.

  5. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Don't look that bad...

    Don't look that good either. lol.
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  6. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    My God you can say that about any type of pairing. So I think it should be obvious you want chemistry. There are enough performers out there to make it work by finding such a pairing if TPTB want to go that route. What I'm sick of are black men being the lone demographic to have their options limited on-screen so far as who they can be paired with.
  7. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    From an artist known as bosslogic


  8. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It ain't just us check out Asian and South Asian guys. Native Americans literally do not exist at all. I hear what you're saying though which is why I keep my American tv watching to a minimum. The Canadians and the Brits seem to get it right far more often. Hell even when it is Amerivan tv they're usually foreigners. Our culture is completely race obsessed and has an insane time writing compelling IR couples involving black men. Everyone is constantly towing the line of making racist people comfortable and that includes racist black women. I stopped watching Amsterdam after they shoe horned that bullshit of him not being able to date white women because it would upset his mother and sisters. I completely tapped out after that even if they made dude into the most compelling character in t.v. history they lost me after that nonsense. I don't have much faith in American entertainment. Its redundant and panders too much SJWs and ironically racists
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yup not seeing this either. Let me point out they wouldn't dare pair Will Smith with white chick from the first movie. Funny how this pairing is praise worthy and now the Men in Black are lead by a chick who guarantee will just be better than everyone no work just a perfect mart sue being
  11. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    So if I come through and play Black Santa and gift this whole entire thread to you "nerds" who want anything goes to pimp your various political/racial/gender agendas, and create a "Nerdz Lounge 2.0" strictly for the posters that want focus on purely nerdy stuff like they have for the last 8 years since this thread was created, that means ya'll "nerds with agendas" will stay out of that new thread, right?

    Curious minds want to know. Although I already know what the answer ( or non answer) will be......
  12. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Hey, man. I’ve been following your rules of no gender mention. And I’ve been correcting the guys who have been mentioning gender. So, cry to someone else. You made zero rules in this thread, but Tam came through and let us know. Don’t start getting upset when you are getting what you want. We all appreciate you making a nerd thread, and we are accepting your rules (that were never posted), and correcting people. You got what you wanted so chill.

    And in regards to creating a new thread, if we really want to we can do that. We don’t need you to create another thread and police everyone’s response like you own it and built it with your bare hands or something. For the last time, the rules are being followed, have a coke and a smile.
  13. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Ummm...why are you taking this as some kind of attack and why do you assume that I'm the one that's upset?

    For the record, this thread was originally & specifically created with the intent to be a fun entertainment thread specially for posters who did not want to engage in the constant political/racial/ gender rhetoric that goes on literally in damn near every thread on this forum. This thread has been that way for the last 8 years with no major issues or complaints, until just very recently when posters who very rarely, if ever posted in this thread suddenly decided this thread needed to be a platform to continue the various political/racial/gender debates/discussions/flame wars they were already engaged in in other threads. You included.

    No one said gender couldn't be talked about. The issue was y'all "We" posters who hardly ever contribute shit strictly from a nerdy level in this thread now suddenly want to be in this thread sideways hustling the same exact agenda discussions you talk about in various other threads.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well at least we know who was crying about it. You got your thread back why push any further
  15. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Who's pushing? I asked a simple question and of course as expected certain people are now getting defensive.
  16. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    I am not reading all that shit. You complained, you got what you wanted. Take your win, and enjoy it. Jesus Christ... I have never met a more sore winner.
  17. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    (As I have said I get it. I try not to derail off topic on any thread really, but I get it. We do need a break here and there and positivity on such a site. The only thing I pondered was the problem with talk of IR aspect on a IR site. But I guess people want a break. I usually take my breaks away from the site, but not all the time so again I get it... no big deal, so anyway...)

    Did anybody see the TIMELESS Finale? I was worried about them putting it in movie form, but they did a great job. This show has great writers and they sended it off great with some really good revelations, but still questions left unanswered.
    Flynn save Rufus by kind of sacrificing himself, but as we learned with Continuum and 12 Monkeys time is undefeated so they revealed that everything that led up the first season was because Flynn was the one that killed Jessica. Near the end we see Emma get shot in Vietnam but we don't know if it was fatal or not. She got left and we think trapped in that time. Also they kind of left the door open to a spin-off with one of Denise's daughters sketching a design for a Time Machine!
  18. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    With all due respect you are wrong on this one. Asian guys (whether they have origins from China, South Korea, Pakistan, India, etc) are getting more and more opportunities as leading men WITHOUT having their options cut off regarding who their leading women can be. As I wrote months ago the dude who was the lead guy in Crazy Rich Asians with his most recent film and his next two coming up has already gotten/will get more onscreen love/sex/romance opportunities opposite white women (YOUNG white actresses I might add) than pretty much all of the true leading black men in the last 20 years (Washington, Smith, Boseman, Jordan, etc) combined. And just watch...Steven Yuen, from Walking Dead Fame, is about to get those opportunities soon thanks to his recent work in the acclaimed "Burning". Kumail Nanjiani got a full blown romantic comedy opposite a white lady in "The Big Sick" that black men have never gotten. Ever. And his character didn't have to apologize or profess his love for brown women in the film despite his choosing a white chick. That's a type of onscreen freedom that black men haven't known since the 1970s. There are Arabic guys like Rami Malek who are getting those opportunities too. In an increasingly diverse world with an increasingly diverse cinema, Hollywood knows that it can't just put together interracial pairings of white men and black women or white men and other women of color. For face value at least it has to pair white women with non white guys at times too. But that doesn't mean those non-white guys have to be black. And the Hollywood industry is putting together a list of guys to fill those spots and, guess what, they don't include black dudes. There are racist reasons for this but one other large factor is that there is an unnecessary stigma placed on black male actors (at least the American ones) who take on such roles by their own damn community...a community which is silent (if not celebratory) when black actresses are consistently paired with white males. Enough is enough.

    Btw Native Americans are such a small demographic that it is pointless to use them as an example. Not too many Native American women on TV/Film eitherto even make the comparison.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Can't beat the logic. Well said
  20. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

    A new Walking Dead Midseason 9 teaser in which we get a good look at the Whisperers leader, played by Samantha Morton. The ninth season will return on February 10th.



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