Movies with BM/WW Couples

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Jan 13, 2006.

  1. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    lol. I would've thought they were mentioned.
  2. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    You're right! But it is not much in the trailer so I was trying not to jump the gun. But yeah we need another trailer or watch how it plays out. There are still those in hollywood that will do things like that, but I don't believe it works on audiences very well. So if they do cuck the black guy they'll turn viewers off.
  3. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    Saw the movie the other night.
    Her fiancee tracks her to a hotel room, he questions the two of them, buys what they are selling. Even takes them both to a sleep specialist. She pretends the problem is solved. Fast forward to the wedding day. Low and behold who has been invited to the wedding the magic man, he starts to realize his feelings and cant be there gets up and leaves. She is riding in the limo to the wedding and doing the whole having doubts talk with her dad, gets into the church, makes it to the alter. While taking their vows she falls asleep shots of fiancees mom looking nervous because she not answering the do you take this man question, she wakes up to entire church looking at her, she confesses to her fiancee she has been lying about the problem being solved, and that she can't go through with the wedding, launches into the whole it's not you is me, you did nothing wrong, you are such a great guy speech. Comedic moment with maid of honor and dad, runs out jumps in the car to find new love, hits him with the car, they confess their love to one another, vet to a year later, now married they are in bed about to fall asleep love yous exchanged suddenly baby cries waking them a d then not it.

    Seems this is a theme with her roles
    On south beach she is with lee thompson then her ex comes into the pic and all of a sudden lee isn't tge guy anymore.

    Pure genius same thing
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2018
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  4. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    I don't even need to read the spoiler to know what happened. Did they at least give the jilted fiance someone new? Or did they go the other lazy route and make him a terrible, one-dimensional person?
  5. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    Basically he is the wonderful doting fiancee not a bad guy at all in fact he does everything he can for her to solve her problem but it is not enough. He can't give her what she needs. All he gets is the it's not you its me your a great special guy and gets walked out on left standing there in a church full of people looking dumb. I mean dude just took getting dumped at the alter no muss no fuss.

    In the spoler I explained he got suspicious tracked her phone to a hotel. Called from the lobby, caught her in lies upon lies, she realizes this tells him the truth and to come up, she tells dude to stay so that they explain the situation, he gets up there and not only does he not kill the other guy he ends up cautiously accepting her explanation, and says if she needs him to sleep he is willing to deal with it. Dude takes them both to a sleep specialist and literally sits there all night and watches as the woman he loves fall asleep and peacefully sleeps with another man beside her. All the while we see it tearing him up and he wants her to be able to do that with him.

    This movie pissed me off gotta be honest.
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  6. DO NOT SPOIL ANY OF THE MOVIE: I just figured I’d mentioned if any of you haven’t heard, it seems like Sony is moving forward with the whole Miles x Gwen relationship in Spider-Verse 2!
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  7. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    No. Hope the loving is great. May get a DVD copy.
  8. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Great question. Since his girl is raided the chocolate box.
  9. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    Wow. Didn't even throw the brother a bone huh? THANK YOU for saving me the trouble of watching this movie and vomiting afterward. Even with no race angle at play, this kind of movie disgusts me.
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  10. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    The Mountain Between Us is kind of the same way but the difference is the circumstance they were in... stranded with each other on a mountain, you don't have her being pushed to being with another man and they at least presented some problems Alex was having with her fiancé. And the movie made no excuse for her being with Ben as they tried to fight it and tried to get the audience to understand the circumstance they were in for them to fall in love. There was no good guy, bad guy just humans being.

    This movie sounds like some cuckold shit. The fiancé seems dumb founded, pushes them together and they present him as the good guy. The fiancé is still present and they seem to try and excuse her actions and took it all the way to the wedding. A movie like this can work if you put the characters in the right circumstance and you CAN NOT have the guy being dumped the good guy and try to make her the good girl after what she did to him. You have to present them as humans just being. She cheated with really no reason or understandable circumstance.

    But him being a black guy is the real problem here and I know @JamalSpunky got my back on this because even though we are moving towards having more IR couples on screen it is still a problem Hollywood has about seeing a black man and a white woman as lovers on screen. Especially as the lead. So this movie sounds like it has that problem and took this opportunity to marginalize IR relationships involving black men.

    And there are still not that many bm/ww IR couples on screen so when you create one and have it be disastrous it's not a good look. Especially since there is a theme with producers/filmmakers always seem to have a NEED to throw a white guy into the mix and make a love triangle where 99% of the time she winds up choosing the white guy because the black guy is bad. Think about it. Where is the love triangle involving IR where BOTH the guys are black? We see the ones where both the guys are white so why when it's a IR couple featuring a black man and they want to throw another guy into the mix the other guy is always white.

    That's what makes this movie sound BAD! Because those other things I mentioned studios have done that before. But some have done it under the right circumstance like The Mountain Between Us, The English Patient, ect.

    It can work you just have to create an understandable circumstance and throw away the good guy, bad guy thing and let the characters be human.

    But you can't do this with a IR couple... At all! Because it's marginalizing.
    We're not there yet to not see race in that, because the business they are in still have a PROBLEM with race and interracial between black men and white women.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2018
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  11. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    THIS. This is why representation is so crucial. When there aren't many representations of a people/situation, each representation takes on increased meaning. That's (part of) why tokenism is so bad: one person unfairly represents the entire group.

    It simply means more when representations of minorities and interracial relationships go bad (which they do in many many ways). It's like back in the 90s and earlier, when most black men you saw represented were entertainers or athletes, servants or criminals. We STILL deal with dumb stereotypes (Uncle Toms, magical negroes, thugs, don't-care fathers, can't-help-it lazy losers, etc.), and we've made HUGE progress.

    I think IRs, particularly bmww IRs, are in that pre/early-2000s place right now.
    Better examples are s l o w l y starting to appear with (some) regularity (Midnight, Texas; The Good Place; the upcoming show Fam; more and more ads/commercials). Hopefully in another five years this will be a stale complaint.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2018
  12. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    I know this is the movie thread, but this got me thinking...
    This is also why shows like God Friended Me annoy me. It *seems* like there's a fated bmww couple that will pay off eventually, but we've all seen this stuff go wrong too many times in too many stupid ways (Supergirl anyone? 90210?). IMO society hasn't quite earned a bmww will they/won't they. We haven't seen them end up together enough yet.

    Just my opinion...
  13. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I saw Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. I really liked it.

    I wasn't mad that there was no Miles/Gwen romance in it. I really don't see how they would've fit it in.
    But I do see how hooking them up in the next movie makes sense. They laid just enough of a foundation IMO.
  14. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    Here's a new one I haven't seen posted here. We get a channel here called Ion (is that national?). They're running their own Christmas themed movies, and one of them stars the guy from Save the Last Dance (Sean Patrick Thomas).
    It's called Rent-an-Elf.

    It's your standard Hallmark- or Lifetime-style movie. It has a RIDICULOUS plot. Here's the synopsis:
    Type-A personality, Ava, owns “Rent-an-Elf,” a business in which she sets up memorable Christmas for busy families. This year, she's hired by the newly-single Liam and falls for him and his adorable son, Nathan. But, just as Ava thinks she’s found her match, Liam’s ex-wife returns, wanting to patch things up. Even though Ava decides to put Liam and Nathan's happiness above her own, she's still determined to give them the best Christmas ever, and maybe even hope for a Christmas miracle or two.

    Like I said, ridiculous plot. But it does have the rare love triangle with a black guy and two white women LOL. Anyway....


    Last edited: Dec 15, 2018
  15. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I get this channel. Looks interesting and yes very rare IR love triangle. Not a fan of love triangles regardless though, but I'll check it out.
  16. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    This love triangle isn't gonna make you a fan of love triangles lol. But it probably won't make you mad either.
  17. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

    They originally wanted the Miles/Gwen romance in it but they wanted the center of attention to be on Miles and his origin story which was a good call because as you said the movie was jammed packed enough without adding another element. But they will dive full on into their romance in Spiderverse 2 and I CAN'T WAIT.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2018
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  18. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    Have you got a link confirming that they wanted to add that romance to this first Spider-Verse movie? It's not that I don't believe you; I do. I just wanna read all about it. Thanks for the share.
  19. Elklodge

    Elklodge Well-Known Member

    The producers and writers confirm
    That the 1st film was going to have the romance but they cut it out to favor the sequel that will be a superhero rom-com between Miles and Gwen.
  20. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the link! The film didn't do quite as well as hoped this weekend, but it's off to a solid start. Here's hoping those plans don't change.

    I actually can't wait to see it again. I recommend watching in a Dolby theater if you can.

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