BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. Eh, idk, maybe I’m just coming at it from the POV of a comic book fan because I KNOW they’re canon in various books. Also, the showrunner has teased the relationship between C&D a couple times.

    I can’t speak on all the other shows but I’m pretty confident in C&D. but that may just be me.
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  2. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

    80- 90%of those shows are the main characters
  3. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

    Ok, so what about the other 15 shows I listed.. LOL
  4. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    The Innocents and The Good Place are the two shows that I could think of right now that have BOTH the main white female character and the main black male character in a love story with the edge going to The Innocents. Out of all of them The Innocents is probably better than them all.

    Sidenote: You could add Sorry For Your Loss to this list even though the husband has passed away and the subject material is much different, but the season finale had a BIG revelation.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2018
  5. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

    BTW, What rule book are you reading from that says it has to be the main character? ..LOL
  6. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    I noticed this explosion a year or 2 ago when it got to point where I could just ignore some shows mentioned in this thread because there's too many options. Anyways, it's definitely an agenda, but it's an agenda I can live with.

    LOL. If we use that high a standard, shows like "Hart of Dixie" & "Timeless" don't count either.
  7. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

    I forgot about Timeless
  8. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    And we do have shows like that with The Good Place and The Innocents. And you could kind of add The Haunting Of Hill House to that as well because like Legacies it's an ensemble. So Nell is a main character.

    But those other two shows are the only ones where the main characters are an IR couple where the cast is not an ensemble. The stories are set around them. The shows don't work without them.

    And I don't think it's an agenda I just believe it is minds in that part of the entertainment industry FINALLY seeing that World been ready and that it is the racism in the INDUSTRY that act like these stories are not accepted. We have had movies featuring IR love stories between the main characters be successful at the box office. When Idris Elba was named Sexiest Man Alive The Mountain Between Us started trending as well. lol. You are going to get some pushback especially from black women, but because we also see IR with black women it makes their argument look like entitled hypocritical bullshit. And notice that a lot of the filmmakers and showrunners pushing for diversity are coming from the minds of women and non white men. And white men with a history of having diversity in their movies and TV shows.

    Don Cheadle said it; The more diversity we get behind the camera that's when you'll see things change. Folks within the industry are waking up and those that believe in diversity are getting a opportunity to create it.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2018
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    There is no rule I'm just saying that's when we see a real shift has happened. It makes a difference.
  10. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    I know what you are saying but I hope that the Duffer Brothers continue to exhibit the cultural literacy that they displayed in Stranger Things #2 when they purposely gave Lucas a love relationship and substantive storyline as opposed to the typical 1980's typecasting of minority token characters on the dramas that I grew up on during the Reagan 80s and even Clinton 90s. Let Lucas and Max shine and flourish as High school Frosh I say and let the haters hate as they did when they kissed at the Middle school snow ball!!! I truly hope that they don't get shortchanged ala Dixon and Ivy because they have an important message to convey in my experience . . . it doesn't have to fall off the tracks because one of them stepped on a crack lol. If we get some quality alone time btw the two of them in Lucas's bedroom or even the living room with his sister cockblocking and interrupting their first adolescently hormone charged make out session I will be very happy with their evolution because remember they will have been dating for about a year which in adolescence is an eternity.
  11. Elklodge

    Elklodge Well-Known Member

    This is a good point. One of the things I really appreciated about Season 2 was the subtle hint at the beginning of the season when they're all Ghostbusters and Lucas says that he should be one of the leaders, not just a sidekick to Mike. It really pushed that he had his own story and narrative to tell this season. While everyone was getting distracted by Max, Lucas actually got to know her and defended her and even stood up and kneed a bully 3 times his size who he knew could easily kick his ass. Lucas went from a character nobody really thought about to his own fully fleshed out persona who in many ways was a bigger influence on the plot than Mike was. So gotta hand it to the Duffers if they continue Max/Lucas in the next season as it would really stick it to the haters.
  12. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    Uh... These two shows don't count do they? I'm an episode or two behind, I admit. But aren't the main black men in each of these shows currently dating black women?

    Does it count as an interracial relationship if there's no actual relationship?
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2018
  13. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I would say they don't actually count because the shows seem to want build up to a relationship like what with what we see with Cloak and Dagger.
  14. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    I don't think I even see that. I've seen this play out too many times already.

    Call me cynical, but I'm not even sold that Cloak and Dagger will end up together. At most they may get a hookup or two that's less hot than Luke Cage and Jessica Jones, who also aren't ending up together.
  15. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Well the showrunner of Cloak and Dagger already said that they were and the director of that first episode said when asked if she will direct another episode said she will when Tyrone and Tandy get together. I post links in their thread we have here. So if they don't get together it is on record that the showrunner just lied. And the fanbase of this (future) couple is big and diverse(it includes even black women.) and are strong and they WILL be angry! So I think it is safe that Tandy & Tyrone will get together.
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  16. Elklodge

    Elklodge Well-Known Member

    Nothing saying Luke and Jessica won't end up together ultimately either. In "The Defenders" they tease their connection quite a bit and Luke is single again and Jessica's volatility will make her single again soon. Luke and Iron First aren't even a team yet, Jessica and Luke don't get married until after Heroes for Hire start
  17. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Bruh, both "God Friended Me" & "New Amsterdam" are currently in the 1st half of their 1st seasons & they've obviously building those relationships up, starting from the beginning/series premieres, to be end game.

    Name examples of shows where they built-up a budding IR involving BM character in the 1st season & they end up never getting together. The only shows I can I think of that are examples of this are short-lived shows that obviously got cancelled too early.
  18. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    You've got a point. Like I said, I'm cynical. I haven't seen exactly the situation you describe all that many times. But I've seen potential bmww relationships fall apart and go nowhere plenty of times. I'm forgetting lots of examples, but here are a few:
    Luke Cage/Jessica Jones (I think the show runners have moved past this idea. The Marvel/Netflix shows are ending anyway because of the Disney streaming service.)

    Also I haven't been keeping up with Dynasty. Anyone know if the love triangle has blown up the otherwise-perfectly-fine relationship yet? Lol
  19. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    You do realize that "Luke Cage" is cancelled & fans are excepting that "Jessica Jones" won't last past it's next season, right?

    On Dynasty, Fallon & Culhane are still engaged. But Fallon is falling for the rich white dude that she had pretend to be involved with. So you currently got a Triangle there.

    As far those other shows you listed:

    "90210"; Dixon ended up together with every girl that they built-up a relationship with him. None of them ended up being end game, but you can't say nothing happened between them.

    "Parenthood"; Michael B. Jordan is only a recurring character for 2 seasons for a total of 16 episodes. I don't what you expected when he wasn't even part of the regular cast. Not to mention that MBJ's character is an older character in his 20's, while the chick is a underage teen in High School. I never thought that relationship would last long-term.

    I've only ever seen the series premiere of "Weeds", so I can't speak on it.
  20. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    That bitch of a showrunner was the one who put an end to it because she didn't think much of it in the first place. On one of the DVD commentary tracks she remarks how she was surprised how much the audience liked the pairing of Nancy and Conrad but she herself didn't care for the idea of the couple. She however loved the idea of jettisoning the show's black characters to bring in Latino characters, one of whom would become Nancy's lover/husband for awhile/ This is the same lady who went on to make the one landmark TV show about the prison system and made it all about female prisoners (Orange is the new Black) even though black men have historically been the one who suffered because of that system. I will despite that cunt forever.

    The initial relationship with Silver fell apart (although one can argue the ending suggested a reuniting) but this show gave us so many pairings of white chicks with black guys I really don't see why you keep harping on complaining about this show. I believe every leading white female character hooked up with a black dude at one point during its run.

    The producer of this series took Michael B Jordan away in order to put him in another TV series, "Friday Night Lights". No agenda there.

    The Jessica Jones showrunner was completely all for it which is why she had a major storyline of Jessica and Luke during season one. However Luke Cage was going to get his own show and that meant she could no longer determine the outcome of Luke and Jessica's relationship or Luke in general. Luke was to become the property of the black male showrunner of his own show. And if anything it was that black male showrunner who didn't appear interested in the Luke and jessica relationship. Just look how Jessica is only referred to as a rebound (and not even by name) by Pops during the one time she is referred to in the first season of Luke Cage. Cheo, the black showrunner, was more interested in Luke's relationship with Iron Fist than he was in his with Jessica. Maybe this is because Cheo was a fan of the Luke Cage character before Jessica Jones was introduced. Maybe it was because he is a black simp who doesn't want to offend his black queens, which is why black women were the only women to get any relevant roles on that show. Maybe both. Anyway I'm hoping with the cancellation of Luke Cage maybe the character itself is freed up to make a cameo on Jessica Jones again.

    But seriously though while the point you were trying to make is a solid one, you should have used better examples such as Grey's Anatomy, Supergirl and Power.

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