BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    I just got done watching the Series Finale of The CW's "The Originals" that aired this week...

    Marcel & Rebekah got back together towards the end of the episode and got engaged. Also Rebekah will be heading back to Mystic Falls to get the Cure for Vampirism so she can use it and be able to live her life as a human again as she's always desired.






  2. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    ^ I didn't click the spoiler tag, because I haven't seen the episode yet but I think I know why you are mentioning it in this thread. I'll let you know later if I'm right. lol.
  3. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

  4. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    The other day I witnessed a miracle. I saw, with my own two eyes, a conversation taking place on twitter between two young black women/girls in which both were throwing shade at the black actress who plays Evita because they felt she was trying to promote the idea of Tyrone pairing with her character. They were having none of that; they were Tandy-Tyrone "stans" and were ready to take on anyone who wanted anything but the Divine Pairing. Neither seemed to like the actress for some reason; although it was kinda implied she had been pulling stunts like this on social media before. One of them took a shot at her for, in her opinion, thirsting after Aubrey Joseph (the actor who plays Cloak) who was five years her junior. Sweet Jesus I never thought I'd see black chicks turn against the Home Team in this manner. WTF is going on?
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  5. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    ^^ I been seeing black women LOVE and stan these two throughout the season. Marvel performed a miracle and created a NEW Universe that I want to live on. lol.

    In reality I have seen this also with a IR romantic comedy movie called CandyJar, The show Midnight, Texas, The Mountain Between Us and The first season of Jessica Jones. Where black women absolutely LOVED the IR couple and were some of their biggest fans. And further proves why we should always separate them from the kind of black women that absolutely hate black men and white women together like the clan that keeps fucking with MBJ. One of the reasons I always say these black women.

    I believe the more positive, romantic Interracial pairings between black men and white women on TV and in movies the bigger that NEW Universe can become. if anyone needs to go their own way it's those that don't let Interracial bother us and celebrate it like any other kind of love. Let everyone else tear each other apart with their constant racial divide.
  6. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Wrong thread
  7. Reverie

    Reverie Well-Known Member

    Hm, now I got curious.
  8. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    Like darkcurry says, we can't put all black women into one group. Kinda like how we don't like it when people put all of us into one group. Thanks for the positive example.

    Also I can't hate on that actress (Noelle Renee Bercy) for trying to get her character hooked up with the main guy in the show. She's just looking for job security lol. Besides, I thinks she's kinda hot.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2018
  9. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    ^^ Evita as we learned will be playing a big role in this show so she is not going anywhere when they do break up if they haven't already if you seen the season finale and what her Auntie was telling her about the divine pairing.
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  10. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Well, this is why I often use the language "some black women" or "there are black women" or "a lot of black chicks", blah, blah, blah....but I try never to use the words "all black women."

    That being said I'm not going to be foolish to think there won't be " a bunch of black ladies" who WILL object to Tyrone/Tandy/Tyrandy going forward. You see a lot of those who will inevitably fall in line and take Evita's side simply haven't gotten around to watching the show. They probably look at previews and advertising and see that it is about this black dude and this blonde white chick and decided the show isn't for them. But curiosity or word-of-mouth may get them to check it out and many of those late arrivals will be Team Evita all the way. Just watch.

    My issue with Evita is that she is boring largely because she doesn't have personal flaws. Woke Hollywood can't give a black girlfriend such negative traits. Because of this she isn't all that interesting other than the reveal of her being able to block Tandy. She has no history with Tyrone, no shared key growth, no ties (like Billy's hoodie). She never existed in the comic books. And the actress playing her doesn't have that once-in-a-lifetime like chemistry as Aubrey and Olivia have. The sooner she is out of the picture the better as far as I'm concerned.

    A small part of me worries about Evita causing the writers to sabotage their own plans. A black male isn't allowed a clean break from any black women he attaches himself to emotionally or romantically if the other option is a non-black woman. And often times fans of all races start cherishing a dull relationship between the black guy and the black woman as if they are blind to his having more interesting chemistry with the non-black lady. The Luke cage, Jessica, Claire thing is a perfect example. Th fact that people actually care/cared for Luke's snorefest hookup with Claire astounds me. Then there are even worse bullshit situations like what is going on on "Power" with Tasha dictating the terms of how Ghost and Angela may move forward with their relationships, telling them both individually that they love one another even though that should be for Ghost and Angela to discover for themselves. Instead we have Tasha being put into scenes like an audience stand-in, an audience surrogate berating Ghost and Angela and their past together. It seems to ruin whatever may come next between Ghost and Angela.

    I don't want anything getting in the way of Tyrone and Tandy. And while the odds may be against that happening the odds nonetheless increased as soon as they gave Tyrone a black girlfriend. All it takes is one scene in which black women (or black folks in general) interpret that Evita has been disrespected as a possible romantic option for Tyrone. If that happens expect a bump in the amount of folks who will go on a campaign to champion Evita and claim that any consideration of Tyrone ending up with Tandy as being "problematic". Following that they will throw Tyrone under a bus too if they think its clear that he and Tandy are to be paired and the next thing they will do is demand more time for Evita and for her getting a love interest of her own, as if the show is equally about her. Soon afterwords their suckups in the media, blogs, etc, will agree with every word and start extolling the virtues of Evita as well as write some bullshit about Hollywood not valuing black women as love interests. This sis why I wish Tyrone's non-Tandy girlfriend would have been white too or at least not black. but I guess by going down that voodoo storyline TPTB had no choice on that front. seriously though what does Tyrone and Evita share in common other than both being black?
  11. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    ^ I agree I can smell them coming into season 2, but this pairing has already such a strong fan base that consist of men and women of ALL races. They already have those sappy but adorable shipping videos with the romantic music playing on youtube. They have loads of twitter fan pages even in Brazil that loves the divine pairing. When the @cloakanddagger twitter page mentions him and Evita they get mostly backlash and resistance with comments by both black and white women not having it. I don't even know why The folks that run the @CloakandDagger twitter page even be bringing that up when they know what most of the responses are going to be. But maybe they are leading them into a trap, because even when they do come they WILL be met a strong fan base CONSISTING of black women including the director of that outstanding first episode Gina Prince-Bythewood who WANTS Tyrone and Tandy to get together and she wants to write it and being as though she is the Director of Love and Basketball I think that will be a GREAT choice to direct that episode where Tyrone and Tandy make a love connection. So now you would have even the black female director on our side. They will be outnumbered, out-powered and really outsmarted because their argument against black men and white women being together is stupid and just goes by stereotypes.

    And plus with the arrival of The Innocents another Interracial Romantic Sci-Fi show about an Interracial couple with powers, if this show does well on Netflix and get a season 2 that will be two successful shows like this that will more than likely create a trend and a audience that they will no longer be able to stop and we will finally have strong and large group of supporters for IR and those that TRULY believe in diversity and not be hypocritical about if it ain't about them.

    Don't forget there is another loved IR couple on the sci fi horror show Midnight, Texas. Lem and Olivia. Maybe it takes these super power IR couples to develop a strong fan base for it. lol.
  12. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    New trailer dropped today for Netflix's "The Innocents":

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  13. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Damn, you and @SilverSmith beat me to it. I knew I shouldn't had waited. lol.

    Now we understand her powers so that is a pretty cool take on shapeshifitng. This got more interesting and gaining a lot of attention this trailer is already at 17K on youtube in just 3 hours.
    That actress is gorgeous!
  14. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I would love to see that flick.
  15. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

  16. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    Not nearly as hot as the surprise new IR on ABC's Bachelor in Paradise ~ Kenny & Crystal
    (Former Miss Teen Montana)!!!!
  17. daemonova

    daemonova Well-Known Member

    marlee matlin from children of a lesser god, that was 30 years ago WOW!!!
  18. daemonova

    daemonova Well-Known Member

    that isn't the best interracial from the show, sir, this is :p
  19. Legion

    Legion New Member

    And what's that? o_O
  20. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    Another very attractive IR couple evolved tonight on Bachelor in Paradise on ABC . . . could the brothas finally get some victories on this long- running franchise?? I believe that Racheal's historic season has laid the groundwork for the IR eruption via her rejects lol

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