Why are this stereotype of white women being eazy sleazy puzzy being perpetuated still? From another thread Shagging someone you like is being easy? Having a sexual agenda of your own is being easy? Wanting to have sex is to be easy? Are WW easy when we have sex with a black man we like? (I thought "easy" was when you fucked anyone anywhere just because they asked. Girls ( and boys too) who do this have had their boundaries crossed and weakened and probably need help and should not in any way be slut shamed and called easy). Anyway, stereotyping is dangerous. Men thinking white women are easy can be dangerous for us.
I don't see that stereotype much here in the States but it may be because I'm not looking hard enough. But I have heard stories about men in other countries looking at white women and thinking that they're easy based off of what they see on American TV shows and movies.
I see it all the time. Perpetuated because it's the easiest (lol) card to play to degrade and insult a woman. Perpetuated against us by other women (even other white women) & men because jealousy and racism. Also (I think) because there's still a stereotype that black men will shag anything with a pulse lol. So any white woman who likes black men must be "easy".
Agreed! I've also heard... The WW that get with BM are those past their prime (i've heard that hating WM say this). And... those BM go for the supposedly easy WW because they can't pull a good BW. I've heard this several times from BW.
Totally. More and more all the time. Which causes a lot of WM & BW to feel threatened, turn nasty, and start throwing around the sameold tired unimaginative insults. It really bothers me too. It should bother everyone. My one and only foray into online dating was on a site for interracial relationships and for every one nice message I got from a guy I got probably ten really nasty hateful ones from white guys.
People are going to have their ridiculous opinions and garbage that they say. You can't control that. The only thing you can control is your reaction. Don't bother with such nonsense, it's a waste of energy. Just consider the source. The sooner you stop being concerned about what others may think, say, or do, the better you off you will be. It's really quite freeing. Sometimes an interesting thing comes out of that too. Sometimes when we just go about living our lives in happy relationships/families others will notice and realize that maybe there's something positive there. And then there's always that sometimes it's really fun to play with their minds....just because we can!
In general I think WW tend to be more friendly and approachable than non WW as far as BM are concerned. That doesn't mean I'm about to get laid, but WW do seem more open to the idea of being with a BM. Just speaking in general terms. Basically, anyone who you KNOW is attracted to you is 'easy', and that goes for men too.
Don't know where these men talking about, it's hard as hell to get these white women out here. You definitely gotta have your shit together before even stepping to them. I have a lot easier time talking to the sistahs. I'm no loser but the ww here like surfer guys lol.
Anything pleasant and nice equals "easy" to bitter, difficult black broads BM are supposed to go through hell for everything we do and get
Older white women are an untapped resource, if they've still got their looks I'd be down with one lol
Easy is often in reference to the ability to sleep with someone and how easy it is to approach someone. Neither aspects have to be seen as a negative. A woman who is interested in sleeping with a man (assuming the man is also interested), is actually a good thing. And, of course, a woman who is kind, pleasant, and approachable is also a desired woman by many. The only women that I have seen that try to turn this in to a bad thing are some ultra conservatives that get upset about anything from nudity to flirtatious banter (that doesn't involve them) and black women who aren't approachable. In the case of black women, I do find many a comment online, article, youtube video, or real life conversation elaborating on how "black men like white women because they are easy", as if being difficult is desired by any man. There is nothing wrong with easy. In many ways, I'm easy... like sunday morning... Fun Fact, this song is about breaking up with a bitter woman who is very difficult and bringing him down. So, he is leaving, because his personality differs from the cold woman. So, his personality is easy. The Sunday morning reference is in regards to how easy things used to be in the south on Sunday Mornings (because small southern towns quiet down after 11:30). So, either way you look at it, easy is a good thing, only bitter people have a problem with it.
At no point have I ever heard of a woman being called "easy" as a compliment. Whether she's called it by another woman or by a man. It's a derogatory and unpleasant thing to call someone.
I have no idea why you or the person who co-signed you insist on hitting “view ignored”, and replying to me. It’s seriously creepy at this point. I have personally heard and have used easy as a compliment. Sorry, your life sucks. Stay on ignore and stop talking to me. Both you and the one who co-signed you have been on ignore for months, so I can only assume you are both trolling. Take your trolling to someone else, please and thanks.
OK, can someone please explain this? co-signed... view ignored... I'm afraid I don't have even the slightest idea what you are talking about. In your post you seem to be saying that women should be pleased when men or other women say that they are "easy"? I'm not sure where you'd find actual women who would feel pleased about that. Misogynist conventions maybe, I'm not sure whether women go to those or not. As to the rest of it, well, thanks for turning the discussion into a personal attack on me and my quality of life (which is fine, by the way, thanks for asking). Perhaps thou dost protest too much?
You are on ignore. You can’t see my posts without clicking the option to see them. And you can’t reply to my messages without clicking the option to see them. You are on ignore. Stay on ignore and leave me be. And yes, easy can be a compliment. I have no interest in speaking to you at any point. I am more than aware that our views differ and have at no point contacted you. So, although I do not agree with your views, I respect your right to post them, but have no interest in reading them or having any kind of correspondence with you. This, I put you on ignore and you aren’t able to view my posts unless you click on the link at the bottom of the thread to see them. You have been on ignore since the white feminist thread which was back in the winter. So, stay on ignore and go away, please and thank you. The link is the “show ignored content” link. It is what you have to click to see what I post because you are on ignore. So, just stop clicking on it and find someone else to argue with, because I am not interested in it.
For someone who has these people on Ignore, you seem to be having a difficult time actually ignoring them. If you're not on their on Ignore lists, the "view ignored" option doesn't pop up. That only pops up for the folks who have someone on Ignore, which means you'd have to be the one hitting "view ignored" to read their posts. If you are truly intent on ignoring them, you wouldn't keep responding to them and their so-called "trolling". It would be a different story if they were attacking or harassing or stalking you, but that is not the case with either of them. Your posts addressing members you claim to have on your Ignore list come across as an attempt to create unnecessary drama, and if that's what your goal is, folks can only assume that you are trolling them. There's no need to make it a bigger deal than it is; you said your piece and put them on ignore, so the logical thing is to leave it at that and keep it moving. If someone crosses the line by attacking/harassing/stalking/etc. you, address it by simply reporting it, please and thank you.
Oh, the old ignore button made it so no one could see my content either. So, I wasn’t aware that they new page allowed them to see and bother me further. I can assume they thought the same. So, if they continue to message me in spite of me telling them to stop messaging me because they are on ignore and I do not wish to correspond with them, I will just report it. Thanks. I hit the view ignored because I was confused as to how these people could still bother me in spite of them being on ignore. This was something I wasn’t aware of. Now that I am aware, I will just inform the member on ignore to stop contacting me and if not, I will just report them, as it seems that some people only wish to argue. Thanks for the info on the site change. Also, as I did not know I can assure you that I had no interest in starting drama, and wish to avoid it by not corresponding with either parties. Which is why I used the ignore option in the first place (not knowing that it no longer worked the same).