BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    It's funny how people always take the part of the facts that benefit them and their narrative and ignore the ones that don't. But this is another example of Black Love being a joke in America for black men to support when they want freedom to date and marry outside their race and want to celebrate them dating interracially and the focal point of black love, but shame black men that do it and go with every stereotype they can think of to degrade black men dating outside their race and make black men backstory of black love.
    They learn from Masta well in how to treat black men. Like property.

    And you know what while I was remembering Margot Kidder and looking through old videos, pics and interviews about her I came across this Jet Magazine Cover with her and Richard Pryor.

    And it made me remember how The Black Media and The Black Community have been mainly supportive of both black men and black women dating outside their race in the past.

    Now through the years black people mainly black women decided they are against black men dating and marrying outside their race especially their arch nemesis white women.
  2. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I think that back then the black community generally supported any progress on the civil rights and social progress front as an improvement in rights for black people generally, including the ability to have an interracial relationship. Now, racism and narrow nationalism have reversed some of this progress.
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  3. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    LOL. We're literally in a long-running thread where this stuff is documented & discussed. Didn't @darkcurry recently make a weekly schedule in this thread of currently airing shows with IRRs to make this easier.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    The thread highlights more one offs than actual main characters involved with each other. What's the bm/ww equivalent of Jack and Kate from Lost or Ross and Rachel or Clark Kent and Louis Lane. Hell give me one that's like Olivia Pope and Fitz or Barry and Iris. It's virtually non existent.
  5. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    You speak truth. This is something I've also been commenting on ad nauseam for quite awhile. We have to do a better job at distinguishing the differences. For example, using Flash and Iris as a comparison, look at what went down with Kara and James on the Supergirl TV show. They broke that up real quick after season one and as of late they have paired James with Lena, Lex's sister. Pairing him with a popular white character like Lena is still not a perfect solution considering the backlash that gets too, but it is still more preferable to TPTB than pairing him with the beloved main heroine. In a recent episode James and Lena are dressing in the morning in her apartment after an obvious night of love making. Their discourse is interrupted by the arrival of a villain who trashes the place and tries to harm them. When Supergirl arrives later on, after hearing about what happened, the writers did something that I picked up on immediately because it has been done before. 1)Supergirl doesn't seem bothered or jealous that James is now with Lena, an intentional move by the writers to make perfectly clear that Kara has no interest in James and thus the first season should be forgotten. And 2)Kara only asks Lena is she is okay, she doesn't bother to ask James even though he too was assaulted. Writes NEVER like showing white women caring or thinking about the well-being/safety of a black male character unless it is a rare circumstance of that white woman being involved with a black male character. I recall how striking it was during the second or third season of "Dexter" when Dexter's sister became overwrought when a black guy she was becoming involved with was in danger after he was kidnapped by a bad guy. Her primary purpose became her desperate attempts to find him. I refer to it as "striking" because I had rarely if ever seen a white woman allowed to be so worried about the well-being of a black male. Of course the following season she falls for an older white male and her concern for the black dude evaporates quickly and she doesn't think much about betraying him.

    Perfect example of this is the new Star Wars. Rey had concern for Finn and vice versa in The Force Awakens. But in The Last Jedi while Finn still pines for Rey and worries about what is going on with her, Rey on the other hand doesn't give Finn much thought. That shit is intentional not just from a story point of view, but from the goal of relieving the audience from any discomfort over the possibility that Rey may have strong feelings for that black guy.
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  6. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    I just got done watching the series finale of "New Girl" that aired a couple nights ago.
    In the 1st episode Aly gave birth to the baby.

    In the 2nd episode, they showed a flashfoward scene in the future and Winston & Aly have 5 kids.
  7. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Blaxploitation era was the last time black men could routinely be paired with white women on screen or shown bedding white women without the black community considering it a betrayal to the cause. Also that era was the last time black guys were allowed to be completely and unapologetically sexual. White society, black women, the black gay community and the black heterosexual lap dogs of black women would all take issue with such sexuality, regardless of the race of the women they were sleeping with, today.

    Today if Purple Rain came out Woke Twitter would be screaming "black women erasure" and other bullshit.
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  8. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    I agree with you, but @darkcurry used Rufus & Jiya as a great IR on TV despite the fact that neither of them are the lead characters. So I was just going by his standard.

    Is Lena a chracter from the comics or did they create her for the "Supergirl" show? I agree with you I don't see that lasting longterm. I rather them just eventually bring back Channing Tatum's wife as Lucy Lane from Season 1.
  9. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    I believe Lena is TV based only. And I said nothing about whether she and James will last. They could stick, but that wasn't my point. The agenda was to get Kara away from James.

    Also at this point what does it matter regarding the comic books. There is no black Iris and yet we have one on the Flash show. Lucy Lane did date a black guy but Supergirl was/has been dating a black guy in the comics too. But on the show? Can't have that.
  10. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Rufus though is the type of black guy that white men and black women aren't threatened by when seeing paired with a white chick. He is an average looking dude, not a guy with "leading man" looks like his white male counterpart. He is the comic relief of the show, the guy you can laugh at and therefore in the back of your mind not see as a truly sexual and romantic human being. He is a supporting character. White guys can look at that and think "we're still the alpha males on the show." Black women can look at it and go "he's not fiiiiiiine or anything, you white ladies can have that." Doubt white gals will create a lot of fanfiction online for the character either.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Spot on fam. If they even attempted to make Rey and Finn a thing it would seem wildly forced and nothing to root for. She'll either self sacrifice or end up with a white dude
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Again totally on point. Braxton on the Jamie Foxx show ended up with a white chick (both went to Cornell both had entry level jobs in their 30s weird), same goes for Carlton and Urkel in real life not a motherfuckin peep but let it be Michael B Jordan and someone has got to answer for it. Suddenly the shaming comes out and black men don't love their mothers. Interesting not one single time have I heard that bw have daddy issues when they date out, same thing with white men and their mothers. Not an accident.
  13. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Good point, but they are still a lovable couple inspiring the hashtag #Riya online. We know women are different from us, they'll choose love over looks anytime. lol. A lot of women love their love story and it is not only a successful one, but the showrunners did make it a focal point in their Season Finale.
  14. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    We have to come to the realization that it will be a TOTAL rarity to have the main white female or black male characters involved in substantial IR relationship. Black women would tear it apart from the outside and white men will tear it apart from the inside. They will keep it at a bare minimum. That is why when it does happen, it is actually shocking and you have to check who the showrunners are. Until more and more bolder black male and white female producers and filmmakers get a chance and the front office of the entertainment industry is more diverse what you see is the limit of what you'll get regarding substantial successful IR relationships between the main black male and white female characters. So those that are going for it it is good to support them, even if the show isn't all that great keep it on in the house on at least one of the TVs. lol. To help with the ratings, because you know they are searching for an excuse to not do it at all!

    As far as supergirl go. First of all yes, Lena Luthor is from the comics

    And @JamalSpunky you and I are not the only ones that would rather see him with Lucy Laine. Others were saying that as well last season. But their excuse as to why all of a sudden Kara and James are pretending like they never dated and she never had strong feelings for him is because of the backlash it got from people. But it was backlash they manufactured because of the way they wrote Kara and James' relationship. Mehchad Brooks and Melissa Benoist are seasoned actors so with the script they can make a relationship work on screen. The writers lazily gave them bad chemistry together that rubbed viewers the wrong way. The actors to their credit did their best, because there were moments where their relationship looked believable.

    But now it looks like they might turn James against Kara if they are turning Lena Luthor now into the main villain. For those that seen the last episode what do you guys think about that?
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  15. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    James is loyal AF to Superman & Supergirl/Kara. If Lena goes the down the villian route, James will throw her in the bushes.
  16. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I've never understood the whole idea of looking-for-a-woman-like-your-mother shtick. I love my mother dearly (even though she can be trying, lol), but I don't want any mother imagery in my selection of a sexual partner. I'm not Oedipal, lol.
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  17. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    Teen drama co-starring Taye Diggs (IR marriage)
  18. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Nah. I've been following the casting of this show closely for a bit. Fuck the IR married couple. On a youth -centrric show like this such a relationship won't have any heat. What matters are the hookups of the teens. And the main dude's choices looks to be limited to two generic lightskin black girls. Here we have a fish out of water story with this kid going from the hood to Beverly Hills, and they cast the same type of love interests for him that they would even if he had stayed in the hood. Let's be real. If the story had been about a black female student going from the inner city to a rich suburban school do you think TBTB would be hooking her up with black guys? When FOX did that show about the black female baseball player it's showrunners made one of her love interests white? But no white girls in an apparently almost all white school are available for our black lead? Come on, gentlemen. Be aware how they are putting us in a box.
    Last edited: May 17, 2018
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  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well like most cases women conflate us with them. They usually tend to try to find someone like their father if he were around. Men don't seek protection from our mates we only require they carry offspring and take care of them.
    I think the big problem for many of them is they wish they were as detached as they think we are.
  20. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    I'm surprised to see Taye Diggs is still willing to be in a prominent IR onscreen having heard about what he talked about in his interview with Van from TMZ earlier this year.
    Last edited: May 17, 2018
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