Random Political comments...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Bliss, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Apr 23, 2018
  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    What's amazing is that he got no grief for wanting to lower the Corporate tax, but Trump did from the Left...go figure!

    "People call me a socialist sometimes, but you've got to meet real socialists, you'll have a real sense of what a socialist is ...
    I'm talking about lowering the corporate tax rate, my health care reform is based on the private marketplace, the stock market is doing pretty good the last time I checked and it is true that I am concerned about growing inequality in the system, but nobody questions the efficacy of a market economy in terms of producing wealth and innovation and keeping us competitive."

    - Obama
  3. K

    K Well-Known Member


    Obama did not attend Nancy Reagan's funeral. He also did not attend Betty Ford's funeral.
    George W. Bush did not attend Lady Bird Johnson's.
    Clinton was at the graveside for Jackie Kennedy Onassis, but not at the mass. He also did not attend Pat Nixon's funeral.
    Reagan did not attend for Bess Truman.

    "In addition to Clinton’s presence at burial for Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, firstladies.org reports that President Zachary Taylor attended Dolley Madison’s funeral in 1849, and President Theodore Roosevelt attended the funeral of Julia Grant in 1902 and Ida McKinleyin 1907. Also, President John F. Kennedy attended Eleanor Roosevelt’s funeral in 1962." (https://www.factcheck.org/2016/03/obamas-funeral-attendance/)

    It is true there was a big uproar about Obama not attending. Michelle Obama did attend. The sitting president not attending funerals of former first ladies and the current first lady attending seems to be more typical, as there have only been 5 sitting presidents who attended the funeral or burial.
  4. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Oh OK. Thanks for the correction. I guess I'll have to give 'ol Bone Spurs a pass:).
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    'Democrats: “We need more gun control now!”:mad:

    Also Democrats: “Free Meek Mill!! It was only a gun charge!”:confused:
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dear Lord ya lie sa till (that's how outrageous you are you have me channelling my Jamaican grandmother)

    Meek Mills is in perpetual probation for gun charge from a decade ago where he didn't injure anyone. Wanting gun control so your conservative brethren don't shoot up schools and concerts ain't asking for too much.
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  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Lmao..l wanna hear it! :p
    (ps: I didn't lie about shit.)

    If you don't think black privilege is working here..lol. Seriously. Don't tell me about probation violations, my friend who did his time for a felony was caught with a firearm by cops while on probation ONLY one time (not 4x like Meek). Back to the slammer he was sent for 2 years. He only carried for self defense because the streets of Philly aint no joke for a BM. ( or any person). Courts said too bad.

    So the Waffle House killer...all the laws and FBI didn't stop him. Tell me how the laws worked?

    End of the day, protect yourself my dear. The FBI sure won't. (Gave guns back to daddy with a 'promise' snh.)

    BTW, did you turn your gun in 'for the cause'? Do tell, and no lie sa till..the Lord is watching!
  8. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    LOL, I feel embarrassed to defend @Bliss on this forum, if she's gonna be using terms like "Black Privilege".

    Are you sure Meek Mill getting off has to do with this so called "Black Privilege" Or does it have to do with Meek Mill being a celebrity? A regular BM wouldn't have been able to do what Meek did.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I don't own an AR15 so there's nothing to give in.
    Meek Mills has celebrity rich guy privilege no such thing has black privilege in a social context try again
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    An AR is a rifle
    Wait until they come for your shotgun.
    Then your Glock.

    Only revolvers will be allowed.
    At $200 a bullet.

    Oh you know what l meant. Black celebrity privilege. (A crappy one at that). My good friend who did time is Black, l thought l explained already that he got no such exemption.
    Owners of football and BB teams would never fly out to visit him.

    Seriously Coli, they kicked the Villanova BB team who just won the NCAA Title and who were supposed to ring the Bell (a huge honor) to the curb, so Meek could ring it. He was flown by helicopter and treated like royalty. That's some Black Rapper privilege. Coach Jay Wright is hugely popular right now having delivered two titles in 3 years. He's white.
    Again, not talking about your average Joe..it was a case of two celebs, one who was denied after being asked to come there! Smh.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You know they've banned assault rifles before right? And guess what didn't happen? They didn't come for any other guns and mass shooting went down tremendously
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Dude..an assault rifle is a machine gun. Civilians haven't owned them since the 30's.
    They're actually coming after your semi-auto's. Understand, your 'ArmaLite rifle' (AR) is just a name. Your Glock is a semi-auto, too, and like the AR, is just a name.
    Bottom-line, your semi-auto 9mm pistol is not safe now. Kiss it goodbye.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Bliss you're spreading falsehoods. They banned AR15s and they didn't touch anything else. What's the logic behind taking your guns?
  14. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member


    The NRA is playing gun owners for suckers and chumps.

    We had an assault weapons ban in 1994 and no other firearms were targeted.

    BTW semiautomatic weapons that use the same platform as automatic weapons, or can be modified to fire automatically, are considered assault weapons.

    If the NRA had their way, owning shoulder mounted, anti-aircraft missiles would be legal.
  15. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Again, The "Assault Rifle ban banned semi-automatic rifles, not "assault rifles". That's an important distinction, one which the liberal MSM always ignore.

    Additionally, "Mass shootings" didnt "go down tremendously". You are actually spreading falsehoods, since there is no conclusive evidence to support your claim. Why? Because S-Auto R's were used in only 2- 8 percent of gun crimes overall when the ban was implemented.
    Furthermore, legal loopholes allowed ownets to still purchase semi-auto rifles, just by a few tweeks to them by the gun manufacturers.

    Here though, are your actual facts:
    "Compared with pistols, assault rifles are used rarely in shootings. According to F.B.I. statistics, 374 people were murdered with any kind of rifle in 2016; 7,105 were killed by a handgun".

    Now, you can play dumb by playing semantics, but based on the mass killings of citizens, semi-auto rifles are the least firearm you'd want banned, if you really "cared" about gun violence.
  16. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Most gun deaths are self inflicted. Most mass shootings involve a semiautomatic weapon.

    TDK is right, we didn't have nearly the same level of mass shootings in the mid to late 1990s that we have now, and that's because the Assault weapons ban was in place.
  17. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Oh hi, AB.
    Suckers, huh?
    Diane Feinstein has promised that her new version of the assault weapons ban would still "exempt over 900 specific weapons.
    (Read it and weep, TDK.)

    That 'ban' in '94 was a joke by ban standards.
    No way the Democrats make that mistake again. This time, they're coming for your guns. (@TDK*)
    *Sorry AB, can't direct that last bit at you cause we know you're too wimpy to touch one :p).
  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    He's not right. It's speculative at best. There is no Govt tracking of AR15's.
    Additionally, every semi-auto rifle prior to the ban was exempt.
    Then there were the many exceptions to the ban, from bayonet accommodations to the type of grips - it was plain farcical.

    Believe me, a real ban is what is coming next if the Dems have their way. I just hope it includes the firearms their own security detail carry. No exceptions.
  19. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    How long are conservatives going to believe in this fiction that the government is coming for ALL their guns??
    You do realize many self-proclaimed Libs OWN guns???

    The 1994 ban took MAC 10s and TEC-9s off the streets. You weren't seeing those crazy drive bys like in the 1980s where 10-12 people got shot because they were in the way of a gang hit.

    When gun manufacturers can be sued for the damage these weapons cause, you're going to wish there was a gun ban because retailers will refuse to sell them, like Dick's Sports and some Walmarts.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2018
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    They have a completely over inflated sense of self, if the government does come for their guns there is not a damn thing they can do about it. Aside from drones they have thousands of well trained people who will be on them so quick fighting back will only be a fantasy. This idea was viable 150 years ago the minute they could use airborne weapons it was a damn wrap.

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