Trump says that all Haitians with US visas have AIDS and that Nigerians live in mud huts.

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Frederick, Dec 23, 2017.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Exactly, Beatman.
    Not a peep here about the slave auction last month in Libya.... Nary a word from those who v.signal the "stay woke" finger.

    A Black African Man sold for $400 in Nov, 2017. (SMDH)

    The grainy undercover video appears to show smugglers selling off a dozen men outside of the capital city Tripoli.
    “Does anybody need a digger? This is a digger, a big strong man, he’ll dig,” said an auctioneer, according to CNN. “What am I bid, what am I bid?”

    Woman who shot the video/
    + Libyan Embassy beseiged by outraged Africans over the tape.


    The IOM said in April that it had documented reports of “slave markets” along the migrant routes in North Africa “tormenting hundreds of young African men bound for Libya.”
    Hundreds of African refugees are being bought and sold in "slave markets" across Libya every week, a human trafficker has told Al Jazeera...

    The men - most of them from Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon, Zambia, Senegal, Gambia and Sudan - are smuggled into Libya by a network of criminal gangs on the promise of reaching Europe's shores.

    “There they become commodities to be bought, sold and discarded when they have no more value,”
    Doyle said in the April statement.

    **** Libya is largely considered a failed state. Since Muammar Gaddafi, who ran the country for four decades, was ousted in 2011, the country has descended into civil war. A transitional government failed to implement rule of law in the country, which has splintered into several factions of militias, tribes, and gangs. In lawless Libya, many see the slave trade and smuggling as a lucrative industry.
    Shithole place indeed.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2018
  2. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    Look, I'm not fond of Latin American illegal immigrants, but this is a laughable way to twist what Trump said.

    It's the coyotes and criminal gangs raping the migrants. Trump attacked the migrants not the gangs.

    Also, the idea that US is "a dumping ground" for the world's problems and that it's never the other way around is laughable. US administrations, Republican and Democratic, have fucked shit up in Latin American and the Caribbean for more than 100 years.

    If you didn't have the US overthrowing governments who opposed the interests of US corporations, funding right-wing death squads to crush communists, propping up murderous dictators like they did with Papa Doc in Haiti, empowering criminal gangs with the idiotic war on drugs and taking away the livelihood of peasants with NAFTA, a lot of those people would have stayed where they were.

    Acting like an imperial power and constantly hindering the ability of developing countries to govern themselves has consequences. Trump has doubled down on this horseshit because he picked a cabinet full of fucking warmongers and globalists who are continuing to meddle in other countries affairs.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2018
  3. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    LOL. WHy are Beat-man and Bliss trying to change the subject??

    Trump could be on the right side of dozens of issues. It doesn't change the fact that the man is a racist, as proven by his own statements.
  4. Beat-man

    Beat-man Active Member

    it is fake outrage. y'all defend anti-black racist immigrants. silent on the ethnic cleansing in the LA area by hispanic gangs targtting blacks

    silent on the arab enslavement of blacks in Libya, while thier arab buddies setting up shop in black areas. etc
  5. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    Man, you need to check my posting history before you start making generalizations.
  6. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Trump would appreciate your attempt to deflect. It's the same as when police are accused of wrongdoing to a black person, and while being criticized... A "police supporter" totally ingnores the cop's part and instead start spewing the "what about black-on-black crime?" smokescreen. As if they really cared. Or Trump himself when cornered with a tough question... He starts trying to deflect by bringing up HRC.
  7. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    You got Fredrick all wrong.

    He don't give a rat's ass about any of them.
  8. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    You're arguing like a bigot. Like WASPs you to say in the 1940s and '50s that ALL Italians were representative of organized crime.

    A tiny percentage of Arabs are involved in the slave trade. Can't smear all Muslims because of it.

    Latino gang violence against Blacks isn't close to what REAL ethnic cleansing means. Tens of thousands of Blacks are being wiped out by Latino gangs???lol

    And still, gang activity reflects only a small percentage of all Latin American immigrants.

    Your points don't make sense.

    BTW, what is the average American supposed to do about slavery in Libya?? Or are you advocating we send our military there to end it??
  9. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    Capers gonna cape.
  10. Beat-man

    Beat-man Active Member

    arguing like a bigot! you sond like a liberal that like to cry bigot at somebody you disagree with. the immigrant groups you support DO NOT LIKE BLACK AMERICANS this is why black americans are not taken seriously in the U.S yu blindly support groups that don't support you to the poitn that the democratic party and your liberals no longer need the support of blacks. California and other places are now sanctuary tates becaue of these groups you support rise up and lobby state and federal politicians. latinos are not the biggest minorities in the U.S and the democrats NOW DEPEND ON THEM FOR VOTES.

    and i am not calling for the U.S to send troops to libya African nations should be the ones sending their armies to Libya to liberate the enslaved blacks instead of bitching at Trump for shithole quotes.

    hispanic immigrants are now bold enought to attack black americans and commit hate crimes against them.

    keep on sticking up for groups who hate black americans

    Racism in the arab world is a problem

    google for more
  11. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    So let me get this straight, two wannabe Internet Activists are saying ignore/excuse the delusional white racist fuck with access to nukes because the mexicans and arabs are somehow a bigger racist threat???
  12. Beat-man

    Beat-man Active Member

    nobody is excusing anything. and i don't believe anything the U.S CIA Mockingbird linked media said. they are proven liars and busted for making fake news repeatidly
  13. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

  14. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Can you speak (and spell) normal Americanized English please? Nothing you're posting is making a goddamn lick of sense.
  15. Beat-man

    Beat-man Active Member

    I do not believe any news from the American news media. they are proven liars and inventors of fake news.
  16. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    So you believe whatever bullshit propaganda and rhetoric that white nationalists/neo-confederates/alt righters disseminate across the internet because you're a patriotic AmeriKKKan. Got it. Thanks.
  17. Beat-man

    Beat-man Active Member

    i am not American. I am in Canada

    i get my news from overseas sources like al jazeera, euronews, abc australia, etc

    the U.S media is linked to the CIA
  18. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Mother Fucker!!! How & why are you trying to tell other individuals who actually live in AmeriKKKa how we should feel about the human shit stain that is our president & the various fuckery that goes down in our country?????? WTF?????
  19. Beat-man

    Beat-man Active Member

    America for the past 60 years has intervene in other countries Affairs. what is good for the goose is good for the gander
  20. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    You're not intervening. You're just showing support for/enabling the fuckery of a white racists. Troll like a mother fucker and then some. SMDH.

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