April Ryan and Omarosa are sworn enemies. April is the only CNN WH 'correspondent' who reported it and she claims it came from "a high ranking source" and then Urban Radio picked it up. Typical gossip mill behavior here.
Lol...oh c'mon now, she's not going anywhere. She has stories to tell, contracts to sign, books to sell, interviews to give, lol. She's about to become a multi-millionaire. Ouch.
Not surprisingly, you failed to reference the Secret Service's follow up Tweet, which indirectly confirmed April Ryan's report. 1. If Omarosa was leaving amicably in January after a year on the job like she's claiming, why did they immediately deactivate her pass on Tuesday night? I'll tell you why: bitch got fired. 2. Notice that they reference "the escort" from the White House complex. They didn't say that she wasn't escorted off the premise. They were just denying that SS agents were the ones who removed Omarosa from the WH. That actually tacitly confirms that she was thrown out. It's been widely reported that Trump has his own goon squad providing parallel security with the SS, so it was probably Trump's private security who threw her out when she tried to breach the private residence. On topic: When will these idiots ever learn that it's a fruitless endeavour to burn bridges in Trump's service? It wasn't just April Ryan that Omarosa pissed off. She was out there talking about how Trump had a black enemies list and was actively trying to intimidate black media out of criticizing the White House. Can't wait to see her failed apology tour. She's never going to get any high-profile work again.
Millionaire my ass. Who the fuck is going to pay her, and for what? People didn't even know what she did in the Trump White House, and she openly got clowned on air on multiple mainstream media outlets when news of her departure broke.
He is 100% correct on one thing; us black liberals are happy at Olivia Nope's downfall. And, I proudly count myself as one of those happy, black liberals. At this point in time, it's no longer about a difference of political opinion. Or, just a simple you live your life as you see fit and I'll live mine. Now we're into policies that cost black people their lives and otherwise hinder the growth of blacks in very deliberate ways. So, when you get a Ben Carson or an Omarosa (Olivia Nope) out there actively pushing that agenda, knowing the damage it will inflict, then it does bring smiles to our faces when the very racist establishment machine they grind so hard for uses them, chews them up, spits them out like the empty husks they always were. See, that hotep thinking says we should be happy when a black person gets over regardless of the method. Even if that method hurts other black people because hoteps, like most con-servatives in general, are really only about the individual. And, that individual is usually themselves. Fuck the comunity. He got his. Well, by his thinking, we should be applauding the local drug dealer. After all, he's getting his money with zero handouts from the government. Don't know about anyone else, but that sounds wrong headed to me. As the old folks used to say; not all money is good money. And if someone is knowingly, actively working against us, when that person falls I will be there to laugh. And, hopefully, prevent him or her from rising up again. Omarosa is a traitor and should be treated as such. She wanted to side with Trump and Bannon and the rest of them, fine. That's her choice. I'm sure she'll always feel welcomed with them.
I'm sure Jews love to see Nazi collaborators fall on their asses. I'm sure Palestinians love to see Isreali sympathizers crash and burn. It's only when you get to Black folks that you see any form of sympathy for traitors.
The slave wench's services are no longer required by Mister Charlie. Anybody remember this gem? http://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-kno...umps-haters-will-be-forced-to-bow-down-to-him
I'm sympathetic to Omarosa. I never saw her say the ridiculous outlandish things that Stacy Dash, Raven Symone, or Sage Steele have said. So I never hated her & don't understand why she gets so much hate.
How corny and played out is "Bye Felicia" (and the FPOBA clip). Get some new material, especially as national hosts. Do you understand the S.S tweet? They used the correct term and left it legally ambiguous. Termination in the business world has two meanings: voluntary and involuntary. When you resign, it's officially called voluntary termination. If 'fired'/let go/released, it's involuntary termination. Sometimes Seperation is used. The SS stated neither. Run that by HR if you don't understand it. If you're laid off, let go, 'fired' or resign, of course your access to most sensitive areas of a building is removed. Being escorted from the West Wing after you resign would not be unusual and likely SOP. I can promise you, no company gives anyone leaving them free reign, (especially to security accessed areas), let alone the W.H. Are you crazy? Furthermore, the gossip drama that April ran with was that she was swearing, kicking, and screaming, this header is that she was dragged off the property. FOH with the bs over-dramatics, lol! Either they agreed to part, in a fired/quit arrangement, or she resigned because of various reasons yet to be explained. "Reasons" which, BTW, of course are spreading wildly coming from those who dislike her; from she left her shoes everywhere, to inviting unauthorized and unvetted reporters to trail her, to bringing her bridal party without permission to the WH for photos and took them through restricted areas, to she was in the President's ear feeding him all the toxic negative attitude the BC has for him and it would change his mood. So it can't be all of them. We don't know, but what we do know is April wasn't there and even the WH said: "Omarosa Manigault Newman resigned yesterday to pursue other opportunities. Her departure will not be effective until January 20, 2018. We wish her the best in future endeavors and are grateful for her service.” Frankly, l think it's more along the lines of she didn't get along with Gen Kelly because as she said, he was very militaristic when he took over.
She had 2 titles or a hybrid role as senior advisor to the President and the direct liason between the WH, which included the BC and Black Organizations. She is already a millionaire 3x over. What world do you live in to think that as long as she's been in the spotlight, she hasn't made cool hard cash. (Nene Leakes is worth 4x as much, fgs if you want to question the money they can make, lol!) You truly think no one will want to read her story as the ONLY AA female senior WH staff member to the POTUS earning the top salary of $180,000? Only 33 people made the same. She even worked for Al Gore during the Clinton Administration, so this isn't her first rodeo at the WH. She knows show business and politics is where the money and power is. Her resignation was "BREAKING NEWS!!" on all the liberal news outlets, FGS. Get real. If you don't think for one second every reporter didn't want to be in Michael Strahan's shoes the next day and her phone wasn't ringing off the hook. Robin Roberts is just jealous he scooped her with such low seniority, lol, don't tell me she would have declined interviewing Omarosa. Yeah, they feign disdain but they will read her story, believe that! Lol.
It wasn't what she said, per'se (though, there was that "bow down" comment. But, that was meant for everyone). The hate comes from her unflinching support of Trump and his agenda. There were other African American Republicans in the Trump white house. But, the were fired because they wouldn't go along with his bullshit. But. Olivia Nope was down for whatever as long as she was getting paid and a pinky' s worth of percieved status. Plus, there are stories of her actively doing things to make sure she was the sole AA working as one of Trump's advisors. But, those are just stories at this time. Could be true. Could be false. But, the main point is she was down for whatever as long as she got her's. I feel no sympathy for her. She gets what she gets and it's totally justified.
Real talk, were y'all bothered by all the BW in the media hypocritically throwing Omarosa under the bus last week. I'm tuned off/digusted by Robin Roberts & Angela Rye's comments on national TV. Also, I find it interesting that @andreboba always caped for Sage Steele (Who is an avid Trump supporter) whenever we disscussed her on this forum but is fine with throwing Omarosa under the bus.
I didn't know about why Sage Steele was being criticized, which I still think was kind of petty. Like I don't follow Sage Steele close enough to know about her support or lack thereof for Trump. Sage may have voted for Trump, but I have no evidence to conclude she's an avid Trump supporter. Omarosa actually campaigned for Trump and worked as one of his top advisor's int he Oval Office. Again, I don't know of too many conservatives nowadays who are vocal supporters of Trump, which is part of the reason IMO Omarosa is getting so much heat from the Left. Even Omarosa now is trying to get her Black card renewed since being fired, openly expressing her disappointment in Trump's response to Charlottesville and her 'hinting' she witnessed several incidents inside the WH she found upsetting. I'm neutral on Steele because in her day to day she's not political. Omarosa?? I didn't like her anyway and thought she was fake before Trump ever decided to run for POTUS. That's why Omarosa is getting clowned by other BW in network and cable media, because they already believed she was a opportunist and a phony from jump. Notice Condoleeza Rice never catches much flak from the Black Left because despite her political leanings, she seems more principled and likeable.
You're joking right? She was called every 'bed-wench' and c**n name in the books.. Read if you forgot- Condi Rice Attacked by Liberals Because She’s Black (and Conservative) Wednesday Nov 24, 2004 Dr. Condoleezza Rice, President Bush’s national security adviser and now his secretary of state nominee, has been the subject of nasty, demeaning and disrespectful cartoons and commentary. Some of the worst has come from people like Julian Bond, chairman of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, who said on TV’s “America’s Black Forum” that he agreed with “The Boondocks” cartoonist Aaron McGruder’s characterization of Dr. Rice as “a murderer.” A lead article in Black Commentator said, “Condoleezza Rice is the purest expression of the race traitor. No polite description is possible.” Those kinds of attacks by blacks have emboldened guilt-ridden white liberals to join in as seen by the recent cartoons of Pat Oliphant and Garry Trudeau (“Doonesbury”). First, let’s look at a few of Dr. Rice’s credentials. She holds a doctorate from the University of Denver. While senior fellow at the prestigious Hoover Institution, she taught courses in Stanford University’s political science department. Later, she served as the university’s provost. Dr. Rice is a recognized expert in Soviet and Eastern European countries, and she’s fluent in Russian. She landed her job as national security adviser not because President Bush was trying to pay off a black constituency and not because Bush had an affirmative-action policy; her qualifications got her the job. If Dr. Rice is confirmed by the Senate, she will hold the most important Cabinet office not only because she’ll direct the president’s foreign policy but because she’ll be third in the line of succession should the president and vice president become incapacitated — the first two are the speaker of the House of Representatives and president pro tempore of the Senate. Being 68, I lived at a time when the idea of a black Cabinet official was little more than a pipe dream. Robert C. Weaver’s 1966 appointment to the Department of Housing and Urban Development made him the first black Cabinet officer. Since that time, there have been other blacks appointed to high office. None has encountered the vicious attacks visited on Dr. Rice and Gen. Colin Powell, and what’s worse, the most vicious attacks have come from their fellow blacks. To make sure I was correct in my recollection of blacks in earlier periods, I called my 81-year-old friend Chuck Stone, former writer for the Philadelphia Daily News and now professor at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. I asked him whether he recalled instances of today’s demeaning, insulting attacks. He said no, and we recalled how black people came to the defense of people like Representatives Robert Nix and Adam Clayton Powell, for whom Stone served as chief administrative assistant. Professor Stone also reminded me that the differences between Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois didn’t produce today’s virulence. To put yesteryear in perspective, in 1941, Joe Louis knocked out Billy Conn. If you weren’t around then, you cannot imagine the uplift and pride that it gave black people. In the scheme of things, Joe Louis’ feat doesn’t begin to compare to the achievements of Dr. Rice and Gen. Powell. Black people have become Democrats first and whatever else afterward. The Democratic leadership, along with its leftist allies in Hollywood, on college campuses, in labor unions, in the education establishment and in the media, detests President Bush. Too many black people are dependent on the Democrats for handouts and racial preferences. Black politicians depend on the Bush haters for financial resources enabling them to gain office. Black civil rights organizations are beholden to liberal foundations. The bottom line of all of this is that he who pays the piper calls the tune and black people dance along. The attacks on Dr. Rice and Gen. Powell are the results of one-think where all blacks are to think alike. Any who stray are race traitors. A monopoly on ideas serves no one well and explains why solutions to problems for a large segment of the black community will remain elusive. http://humanevents.com/2004/11/24/c...liberals-because-shes-black-and-conservative/